
Returning forests to farming: Cutting down fruit trees is not the original meaning of the policy

author:Original agricultural classics

#三农高质量创作大赛第四季 #

  • Spring means sowing, meaning hope, and beauty. Since entering the spring ploughing production, the whole country has gradually opened the curtain on the spring ploughing production in 2022 from the south to the north. At the same time, however, many localities are also digging up peasants' fruit trees and vegetable gardens, under the banner of "returning forests to farmland," undermining peasants' enthusiasm for production and undermining peasants' interests. It is necessary to seek truth from facts and take a step-by-step approach to returning forests to farming, and a one-size-fits-all approach is not the original meaning of the policy, but will also have an impact on the supply of agricultural products.

1. Returning forests to farming is not about tearing down the fruits, economic trees, vegetables, etc. planted by farmers

  • The mainland is a populous country, and according to the data from the "China Statistical Yearbook 2021" published by the China Statistics Publishing House in September 2021, the population of the mainland has reached 1.412 billion people in 2020. The larger the population, the greater the demand for food consumption. Not only that, with the development of social economy, feed grain, industrial grain and seed grain have brought a great impact on national food security. Affected by the unstable international situation, especially since the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Ukraine, known as the "granary of Europe", announced the suspension of grain exports. Therefore, firmly holding the rice bowl in our own hands is a basic principle that the country must adhere to to ensure food security. To this end, the state has put forward the food security policy of "absolute security of rations and basic self-sufficiency in cereals".
  • According to the data of the third national agricultural census, the amount of cultivated land on the mainland is more than 1.9 billion mu, which is close to the red line of 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land. In this context, article 6 of the second part of the 2022 Central Document "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Key Work of Rural Revitalization in 2022", "Strengthening the Basic Support of Modern Agriculture", proposes to implement the hard measures for the protection of cultivated land with "long teeth".
 (6) Implement hard measures for the protection of cultivated land with "long teeth". Implement the same responsibility of the party and government for farmland protection, and strictly abide by the red line of 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land. In accordance with the order of cultivated land and permanent basic farmland, ecological protection redlines, and urban development boundaries, the overall planning and implementation of the three lines of control, the amount of cultivated land and the permanent basic farmland protection target tasks are decomposed and issued step by step, and the central and local governments sign a letter of responsibility for farmland protection targets, and implement strict assessment, one-vote veto, and lifelong accountability as rigid indicators. Classify and clarify the use of cultivated land, strictly implement the priority of cultivated land utilization, cultivated land is mainly used for grain and cotton, oil, sugar, vegetables and other agricultural products and forage feed production, permanent basic farmland is focused on grain production, and high-standard farmland is in principle all used for grain production. Guide the new development of the forest and fruit industry uphill, encourage the use of the "four wilderness" resources, and do not compete with grain for land. Implement and improve the policy of balancing the occupation and compensation of cultivated land, establish a supervision mechanism for the whole process of project establishment, implementation, acceptance, and management and protection of supplementary cultivated land, ensure that cultivated land that can be used stably for a long time, and realize that the production capacity of supplementary cultivated land is comparable to that of the cultivated land occupied. Improve the national overall management method of supplementary arable land across provinces. Strengthen the supervision of law enforcement of cultivated land, and strictly investigate and deal with illegal occupation of cultivated land for non-agricultural construction. Strengthen the control of the use of cultivated land, and strictly control the conversion of cultivated land to other agricultural land. Consolidate and improve the level of safe utilization of polluted arable land. Carry out pilot projects for the construction of houses in rural areas in a sound and orderly manner. Consolidate the results of the special clean-up and rectification of the "big shed" problem. Implement a system for reviewing and reviewing rural land for industrial and commercial capital flows and risk prevention. 
  • Looking at the full text of the policy, although it proposes hard measures for the protection of cultivated land that can implement "long teeth", it does not say that all of them should be returned to forests and returned to farming, nor does it say that cash crops such as fruits and vegetables, tea and vegetables planted by farmers should be eradicated and restored to grow food. These extreme practices run counter to the original meaning of Document No. 1 and harm the interests of the peasants and should be corrected.

2. Returning forests to farmland is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and it is necessary to persist in seeking truth from facts

  • Seeking truth from facts is the basic policy that we should follow to understand and transform the world. For violations of national policies, violations of the basic national policy on the protection of cultivated land, and indiscriminate occupation of cultivated land to build houses and engage in greenhouse facilities without fulfilling the relevant procedures, because it violates the basic requirements and policies of "permanent basic farmland can only grow crops, high-standard permanent basic farmland can only grow grain, and agricultural land can only be used for agriculture", it is necessary to resume farming. However, in response to the state's call to return forests to farmland in previous years, or to plant fruits and economic trees by adjusting the agricultural industrial structure without destroying the cultivated layer, this does not violate the national policy, and it should not be "pushed to the point of repeating" in a one-size-fits-all manner.
  • For the withdrawal of some economic trees, even if you want to withdraw, you can not use the extreme way of using the excavator to push back and start again, you can set an exit schedule on the basis of respecting the wishes of farmers, and the pushing down of fruits and vegetables in the harvest period not only damages the interests of farmers, but also is a risk for the supply security of agricultural products.

All in all, we must not apply a one-size-fits-all approach to returning forests to farmland; we must persist in seeking truth from facts; and the changes in cultivated land must not only preserve grain, but also ensure diversity, as well as quality and safety. Now tear down fruits and vegetables to ensure food security, but what about the security of fruit supply?

Returning forests to farming: Cutting down fruit trees is not the original meaning of the policy

High-standard permanent basic farmland can only grow grain

Returning forests to farming: Cutting down fruit trees is not the original meaning of the policy

Cultivating sloping land and growing economic trees does not violate the national farmland protection policy

Returning forests to farming: Cutting down fruit trees is not the original meaning of the policy

Food security is a basic issue that the continent, as a populous country, must consider