
An excellent way to maintain health, not exercise + sleep, pay attention to these 5 "appropriate" can be

author:Dr. Liqin Department Chat

Introduction: Now many people's physical condition is getting worse and worse, so more and more people have the concept of health. Health is not the endorsement of middle-aged and elderly people now, and many young people who have just entered the work for a long time have gradually begun to maintain health under the pressure of life and work.

But health is not just lip service, it is to pay action, how the results of health care, we will have a direct feedback ourselves.

An excellent way to maintain health, not exercise + sleep, pay attention to these 5 "appropriate" can be
Many people go back to find a lot of information about health, understand a lot of health methods, many people think that health is to go to bed early and get up early + exercise, this sentence is actually not completely correct. Strengthening our own physique is indeed a way to maintain health, but this method only helps us develop good living habits, only lays a foundation for our health, but does not really start to maintain health.

In fact, health is very simple, pay attention to 5 "appropriate" can be

  • The first appropriate: eat supplements appropriately

Many elements in our body, if we rely on our own diet to consume too little, and some foods in our ordinary life may not be able to buy, so we need to buy some supplements to increase the nutrition of our body, but supplements are not the more we eat, the better.

An excellent way to maintain health, not exercise + sleep, pay attention to these 5 "appropriate" can be

Many small workshop supplements have little tonic effect on the body and may also cause a burden on the body. And the sugar content in the supplement is relatively large, so it must be eaten properly.

  • The second appropriate: proper control of one's emotions

Many times we can't control our emotions, and encountering something in life or work does make people angry. Maintaining anger for a long time will cause stress to the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system, and may cause depression over time. Therefore, be sure to control your emotions and learn to distract yourself.

An excellent way to maintain health, not exercise + sleep, pay attention to these 5 "appropriate" can be
  • The third appropriate: a proper diet

Everyone has heard a saying called illness from the mouth, and this sentence is very correct. Many problems in the body are caused by our unhealthy eating habits. When everyone goes out to eat, many merchants will put a lot of oil and flavoring in order to enhance the taste, and eating this food for a long time may cause many problems, such as three highs, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and so on.

Therefore, if you want to maintain health, you must learn to eat appropriately. The usual dinner cannot be avoided, so it is changed from daily life. You can eat more light, less oil, less salt food, more vitamins and protein, reduce the burden on the stomach, but also supplement their own nutrients.

An excellent way to maintain health, not exercise + sleep, pay attention to these 5 "appropriate" can be
  • The fourth appropriate: play the phone appropriately

As one of the main entertainment methods now, almost everyone of us can't do without mobile phones, and here it is not to say that we have to put down mobile phones completely, mobile phones also account for a large part of our work. After playing with the mobile phone for a long time, get up and move your muscles and bones, let the spine and eyes rest for a while, so as not to cause blood failure and compress nerves.

  • The fifth appropriate: a proper medical examination

Many diseases are well cured at the beginning of discovery, so those who have the conditions must be regularly examined, timely detection of problems, early detection and early treatment.

An excellent way to maintain health, not exercise + sleep, pay attention to these 5 "appropriate" can be


In summary, there are many ways to maintain health, the focus is on the way, do not maintain health while ruining the body, health is a very long process, must develop good habits, do not put the cart before the horse.