
Can sleeping more lose weight and maintain health? Wrong! Studies have found that too much sleep may hurt the body more than staying up late


When working, because of staying up late and working overtime, there is always a feeling of lack of sleep, sleepiness and fatigue, and on the weekend, many people will have "retaliatory" sleep. From 10 p.m. the previous day, sleep until eleven or twelve o'clock the next day. Do they think that sleeping more will make up for the lack of sleep that the body has previously lost, is this feasible?

After staying up late, can sleeping more make up for it?

For the human body, the secretion of hormones and organ metabolism in the human body will be affected during the process of staying up late. After staying up late, the tiredness of the body will continue to strengthen. In this case, sleeping more, although it can alleviate a certain feeling of fatigue and discomfort, it cannot solve the fact that the body lacks sleep.

After staying up late and working overtime and all night, the correct adjustment method is to ensure a normal sleep rhythm. Thinking that by sleeping more than one or two days a week, you can make up for the damage caused by staying up late, it is not okay. Not only that, but it can also lead to people's slower and slower reactions, and it is more difficult to get quality sleep quality.

Can sleeping more lose weight and maintain health? Wrong! Studies have found that too much sleep may hurt the body more than staying up late

Sleeping more than staying up late may be more likely to hurt the body

Not only that, according to the results of the study, if you often have the problem of sleeping too long, it may hurt your body more than staying up late.

A joint study by the American Cancer Society and the University of California found that the best sleep time for the human body should be about 6-8 hours, and people who sleep more than 8 hours, as well as those who sleep less than 4 hours, will have an increased risk of death.

Brain magazine has also conducted some research on sleep time and brain cognition in the elderly. The findings show that the link between sleep time and people's brain's cognitive function is "U-shaped." People who sleep between 5.5 hours and 7.5 hours have relatively good cognitive function. People who slept more than 7.5 hours were at higher risk of developing Alzheimer's.

For the human body, in the process of sleep, it can allow the body to get a certain rest and slow down the pace of life. When entering a deep sleep, it can also help the body metabolize excess toxins and waste products, and discharge these garbage in time. However, under a long period of sleep, the garbage that should have been metabolized and discharged will be deposited in the body again, and it is more likely to have problems such as obesity.

Can sleeping more lose weight and maintain health? Wrong! Studies have found that too much sleep may hurt the body more than staying up late

And people's sleep has a certain regularity. Being able to ensure adequate sleep within a certain sleep rhythm is more beneficial to the body's rest. The long sleep time will only make people sleep more and more sleepy, easier to disturb normal metabolism, the more sleepy the more sleepy, the full body has no strength.

When sleeping too long, people often miss breakfast throughout the day. Long-term sleep habits are poor, sleep for too long, people who do not eat breakfast will also be more likely to have stomach diseases, which will also have a bad impact on the digestive system.

So, sleeping long is not a good thing. Not only can not help people lose weight, health, but also may bring some additional burden to health, damage to health.

Can sleeping more lose weight and maintain health? Wrong! Studies have found that too much sleep may hurt the body more than staying up late

In addition to sleeping too long, there are 4 common bad sleep habits, corrected in time

After running and exercising, fall asleep upside down

Many people who are busy during the day can only exercise at night. But a lot of physical exercise before going to bed is likely to make the nerves in the human body highly excited and the muscles tense. In the process of strenuous exercise, the lactic acid in the human body will also rise, if you are tired after exercise and fall asleep, it is easy to have muscle soreness the next day, which may also have a direct impact on sleep quality.

Sleep blindfolded by yourself and feel more secure?

Some people like to cover their heads with a quilt when they sleep, in such a way that they feel safe. But such a habit can easily make people unable to wait for enough oxygen supply during sleep, and they are more likely to have poor sleep quality and feel dizzy and bloated after waking up. When sleeping, it is best to expose your mouth and nose to the outside of the quilt to facilitate the acquisition of fresher oxygen in your sleep.

Can sleeping more lose weight and maintain health? Wrong! Studies have found that too much sleep may hurt the body more than staying up late

Sleep with a small night light on to facilitate the night

For the human body, the eyes are stimulated by light, which will inhibit the secretion of melatonin in the body, which may affect people to enter a state of sleep. The secretion of melatonin plays an important role in inhibiting sympathetic excitement, stabilizing blood pressure and heartbeat, and the habit of sleeping with the light on will also disturb the secretion of this hormone, which indirectly affects sleep.

Play with your phone before bedtime and relax

The advent of entertainment equipment has made people's nights more colorful, but it has also affected people's sleep. Playing with mobile phones before bedtime is likely to make people's spirits more concentrated, thereby stimulating nervous excitement, taking longer to enter sleep, and sleep quality will be more susceptible to being affected.

Can sleeping more lose weight and maintain health? Wrong! Studies have found that too much sleep may hurt the body more than staying up late

Sleeping is a very important activity in people's lives, but many people do not know enough about this activity. Many people still have the wrong sleep habits, which can put their health at risk. Many people think that sleeping more can be healthy and lose weight, in fact, sleeping too long will only make health face threats, and it is easier to hurt than staying up late.

In addition, there are 4 very common sleep habits, if you also have them, perhaps you should correct such bad habits in time to protect your health.


1, do not be deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"! Sleeping too much hurts than staying up late? It's time to know the truth· Beiqing Network 2021-03-21

2, after studying 1 million people, it was concluded that sleeping more harm is greater than staying up late! How many hours should you sleep?·Health Times·2018-09-03

3, sleep time more than this number, in fact, than staying up late hurt the body · Life Times · 2017-08-02

4. Can you sleep more and lose weight? Scientists discover ultra-simple diet · Science Network · 2022-02-19