
Why is the rumor that "Wang Hao wants to leave the national table tennis team" so marketable?

Yesterday, there was a ping-pong news, which was very eye-catching - "Wang Hao specially sent a long article on Weibo to refute the rumors, saying that he would not leave the national team and would accompany Fan Zhendong to the goal of the Paris Olympic Games."

Why is the rumor that "Wang Hao wants to leave the national table tennis team" so marketable?

The Buddha-figure's personal rebuttal of the rumors finally drew a definite end to the "rumors of Wang Hao's departure" that had been noisy and noisy for a long time.

I didn't want to show up in hindsight and say that "at the beginning, I saw through it at a glance and knew that this matter was a rumor" to prove how rational I was. Liu Xiaoqing once said a famous saying, "It is difficult to be a person, it is difficult to be a woman, and it is even more difficult to be a famous woman", which has expressed the voice of many public figures.

It is normal to be famous and stared at by countless pairs of eyes with different minds, and there are one or two rumors.

Why is the rumor that "Wang Hao wants to leave the national table tennis team" so marketable?

What is abnormal is that as Wang Hao, who has been retired for many years and does not hold a major leadership position in the national team, the fake news of "leaving the national table tennis team" has such a high degree of attention? Even serious to the point that "[Wang Hao's] relatives and friends around him and leaders and colleagues who care about him have come to inquire (Wang Hao)"?

This is quite interesting and worth talking about.

1. There is truth, false can appear "true"

In the era of self-media, there are many rumors, but there are not many rumors that can achieve viral spread.

Rumors, in essence, must be "false". But in order for the vast majority of the melon-eating masses to think that "there is a real thing", it must contain a "true" component.

For example, in the rumor of "Wang Hao leaving the team", Wang Hao, as the head coach of Fan Zhendong, has not played abroad with the team since the Houston World Table Tennis Championships to the Singapore Grand Slam, and has not appeared in the xiao fat game, which is the "true" component.

Why is the rumor that "Wang Hao wants to leave the national table tennis team" so marketable?

Whether the rumor-mongers were intentional or unintentional, he did not tell the public the truth: the real reason why Wang Hao did not accompany Xiao Fat to the battle was the problem of personal visa procedures.

Instead, it is only to seize the superficial fact that "as Fan Zhendong's head coach, in the game of Xiao Fat, Wang Hao has not appeared", and use this "truth" to create momentum for the "departure rumors" behind.

This is the "cleverness" of the rumor-mongers, and it is also the root of the rumors that can be "widely publicized".

2. Only when there is a cause, there is an effect

There is no love for no reason, no hate for no reason, there is a cause and an effect.

Rumors such as "Liu Guoliang, chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association, is about to join the Japanese team and become the new head coach of the Japanese team" certainly have no market.


Because this is a serious violation of Liu Guoliang's consistent personnel design, it is not in line with it, the credibility is too low, and there is naturally no market.

However, why does the rumor that "Wang Hao wants to leave the national table tennis team" not have such immunity?

Why is the rumor that "Wang Hao wants to leave the national table tennis team" so marketable?

Playing iron also needs to be hard, the root of many problems, not far away, on its own (the following words, may be more direct, especially easy to offend Hao fans, please be mentally prepared, read carefully, haha. )

Because, in the hearts of many fans, they believe that "arranging Wang Hao as Fan Zhendong's head coach is not appropriate in itself."

This emotion usually does not show the mountain dew, once the little fat loses, it is immediately like "a flash flood, rushing forward, a shot and can not be collected."

"How can a millennium old man cultivate a champion"?

"Wang Hao passed on the characteristics of the key game crash to Xiao Fat without reservation"!

"Xiao Fat is playing more and more like Wang Hao, blindly fighting for strength, there is no aura at all"!

"Wang Hao just dipped the light of the Bayi team and distributed the little fat who was also the bayi team to him!"!

And so on, and so on, and so on.

In a word, in the eyes of many fans, Wang Hao's three missed Olympic singles champions is a black history that will never go away, and Wang Hao "can't do it".

If you can't do it yourself, how can you teach a "good" disciple?

3. Fan Zhendong, is a "special one"

On the contrary, Fan Zhendong is a special "special one" in today's national table tennis.

It can be seen that Fan Zhendong is the first "successor" behind the "Double Circle Grand Slam" dragon team, and the leader of the future Chinese men's table tennis.

We do not want, nor allow, any "artificial impropriety" in his path of growth.

Why is the rumor that "Wang Hao wants to leave the national table tennis team" so marketable?

With such extremely strict standards, many people are "uneasy about the left look and dissatisfied with the right look" for The little fat head coach Wang Hao, and have long had the careful thinking of "making him get off the horse".

Thus, rumors "came into being"!

4. If you want to wear a crown, you will bear its weight

Looking back at Wang Hao's Weibo reply, he was sincere and full of affection, "I would like to put a red heart out for everyone to see."

In fact, I think it is not necessary.

"If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight", and the pressure of public opinion itself is an important part of sports.

Whether it is an athlete who fights on the field or a coach who shares honor and disgrace outside the baffle, facing pressure, bearing pressure, and turning pressure into motivation is a hurdle that must be crossed on the road to growth.

The ancients said: "Tarzan collapses in front of the front and the color does not change, and the elk is happy on the left and does not look at the moment."

Why is the rumor that "Wang Hao wants to leave the national table tennis team" so marketable?

Since "(Wang Hao) and Xiao Fat still have higher dreams to achieve together, and will do our best for the honor of the motherland and the higher Olympic dream", to withstand some unexpected "criticism", multi-faceted and all-round exercise of strong psychological qualities, I see it as just "a wave in the sea", not worth mentioning!

5. Life is a process of constantly punching the face

In fact, not only "Wang Hao", each of us has more or less encountered the "Wang Hao-style" distress, being questioned for no reason, and being picky.

Life is a process of constantly punching your face.

Or stand on their own feet and build the face of the rumor-teller with victory; or give up on themselves and let the rumor-monger ride on his neck and punch himself in the face.

Why is the rumor that "Wang Hao wants to leave the national table tennis team" so marketable?

After talking so much, I finally want to say to Wang Hao and Xiao Fat: "Practice your skills externally and train your heart internally, hoping that in the front and pressure will be in the back, let the rumors come more violently!" Every heartfelt question will be transformed into an incomparably loud slap to the doubter in paris! Although the road ahead is too miserable, I bless you in my smile, although it is raining in the wind, I am waiting for the news of your triumph in the wind and rain"!

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*Duck invites you to enjoy the wonderful ping pong anecdotes

Why is the rumor that "Wang Hao wants to leave the national table tennis team" so marketable?

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