
Fan Zhendong lost the game and the evil consequences broke out! lost 4 crowns in 58 days with a painful expression, and saw Wang Hao's anxious eyes for the first time

author:Little Gray Gray Health Record

Fan Zhendong: The ultimate test before the Olympics

On the court of the 2024 Macau Table Tennis World Cup, Chinese national player Fan Zhendong suffered an unexpected defeat. This young player, who once had high hopes, lost to teammate Lin Gaoyuan 2:4 in the quarterfinals and was eliminated early. This result undoubtedly casts a shadow over the upcoming Paris Olympics.

The sluggish form raises questions

For Fan Zhendong, who has been sitting firmly in the world for a long time, this defeat is undoubtedly a heavy blow. In the game, his forehand attack was no longer sharp, and his backhand defense also seemed inadequate. This sluggish state has made the outside world question his performance.

Fan Zhendong lost the game and the evil consequences broke out! lost 4 crowns in 58 days with a painful expression, and saw Wang Hao's anxious eyes for the first time

After the game, Fan Zhendong chose to remain silent and did not publicly respond to the fans' questions. This silence may be self-reflective, or perhaps he is accumulating strength to prepare for the next rise. But one thing is for sure, and that is that he is facing unprecedented competitive pressure and challenges.

The last chance before the Olympics

In the next few matches, Fan Zhendong will face the ultimate test of finding his form. He signed up for the Saudi Arabia Grand Slam and WTT Chongqing, both of which were undoubtedly crucial battles for him to regain his confidence and touch.

Fan Zhendong lost the game and the evil consequences broke out! lost 4 crowns in 58 days with a painful expression, and saw Wang Hao's anxious eyes for the first time

He needs to show his quality in these games and prove to the outside world that he is still the all-powerful Fan Zhendong. Time is of the essence and every game counts. Fan Zhendong must seize every opportunity to fight and adjust and improve his state through competition.

Tremendous pressure from inside and outside

In this process, Fan Zhendong also has to face competitive pressure from strong opponents such as Ma Long and Lin Gaoyuan. Although Malone is getting older, his competitive form is still quite good. His experience and skills are what Fan Zhendong needs to be wary of.

Fan Zhendong lost the game and the evil consequences broke out! lost 4 crowns in 58 days with a painful expression, and saw Wang Hao's anxious eyes for the first time

Lin Gaoyuan's recent upward momentum is also very obvious, and his defeat of Fan Zhendong at the Macau World Cup will undoubtedly give him a lot of confidence. In addition, there are other young players such as Liang Jingkun and others, who also have a strong desire to win and impact.

In this context, Fan Zhendong has to force himself. He needs to get back to his fearless and courageous self on the field. Only in this way can he shine brightly on the stage of the Olympic Games.

Fan Zhendong lost the game and the evil consequences broke out! lost 4 crowns in 58 days with a painful expression, and saw Wang Hao's anxious eyes for the first time

The coaching staff will give it their all

In the face of Fan Zhendong's declining form, the coaching staff is also going all out to find a solution. Recently, it has been rumored that Fan Zhendong's head coach Wang Hao may personally grasp Xiaozao and supervise his training throughout the process.

From a technical and tactical point of view, Fan Zhendong's backhand attack and defensive counterattack have shown a clear downward trend. In the past, these two links have been his forte, but now they have become his weakness.

In order to regain his peak form, Fan Zhendong needs to strengthen these two aspects of training in training to rebuild his strengths. He also needs to be mentally prepared and have the determination and confidence to win.

Fan Zhendong lost the game and the evil consequences broke out! lost 4 crowns in 58 days with a painful expression, and saw Wang Hao's anxious eyes for the first time

Fans are looking forward to Fan Zhendong returning to the king's demeanor

For Chinese fans, Fan Zhendong has always been a hero in their minds. They are looking forward to the youngster being able to regain his royal style on the Olympic stage and bring glory to his country.

Although the current situation seems to be difficult, I believe that as long as Fan Zhendong can maintain his focus and determination, he will be able to regain his form. He needs to prove himself with practical actions and respond to doubts with the results of the competition.

The Olympic stage is just around the corner, and it will be the most important test of Fan Zhendong's career. As a new generation leader of Chinese table tennis, he shoulders heavy expectations and trust. We expect him to continue to show his tenacious spirit and write his own legend in Paris."

Fan Zhendong lost the game and the evil consequences broke out! lost 4 crowns in 58 days with a painful expression, and saw Wang Hao's anxious eyes for the first time

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