
Where are the proto-god frogs? The most easily obtained detailed explanation of the frog's location

Frog as one of the commonly used materials in the original god game, in the 2.6 spots in the player to do special rock essential oil also need to catch frogs, many players are not clear in which places are easier to catch frogs, next Xiaobian on the spot everyone to share in 2022 the easiest to obtain frogs in a few places, let's understand it together!

Where are the proto-god frogs? The most easily obtained detailed explanation of the frog's location

One: the town of Clear Springs in Mond

The frog's habitat in the game is the same as life, so it often survives near the water, and the town of Mond's Qingquan can be said to be a very good habitat, and players can also find a lot of frogs near the town of Qingquan.

Where are the proto-god frogs? The most easily obtained detailed explanation of the frog's location

Two: Liyue Qingxupu

The Rizuki Qingxupu is one of the places to get long on a trip, but the route is also relatively long, and the player needs to collect along the river in the picture.

Where are the proto-god frogs? The most easily obtained detailed explanation of the frog's location

Three: The coast on the south side of The Village

Players only need to walk along the beach for a lap, and the distribution is quite dense.

After running these three places, I tried it for about 15 minutes and collected 34 frogs, which was quite good overall.

The above is the relevant analysis of where the original god frog is more.

If you still have a good place to recommend, welcome to leave a comment below!

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