
"Stop classes and don't stop learning, parents don't panic" The first online psychological public welfare class in Tianxin District was attended by 18,000 people

"Stop classes and don't stop learning, parents don't panic" The first online psychological public welfare class in Tianxin District was attended by 18,000 people

"Stop classes and don't stop learning, parents don't panic" The first online psychological public welfare class in Tianxin District was attended by 18,000 people

(Lecturer by psychologist Mr. Tai Qi)

Hunan Daily, New Hunan Client, April 2 (Reporter Zhang Fufang Correspondent Yuan Qian) Recently, due to the prevention and control of the epidemic, some schools have been suspended, some parents have temporarily suspended work, and the non-normal study and life during the special period may make students and some parents feel uncomfortable. In order to help students and parents adjust their mentality and reshape their balance, under the guidance of the Publicity Department of the Tianxin District Party Committee of Changsha City and the Education Bureau of Tianxin District, the Tianxin District Art and Sports Center and the Tianxin District Mental Health Counseling Center for Minors joined hands with the Anti-Frustration Cultivation Innovation and Research Center to create an online public welfare lecture on April 1, "Stop School, Parents Don't Panic", bringing psychological counseling suggestions for special periods.

This lecture is conducted in the form of online live broadcast, led by psychologist Mr. Tai Qi. Teacher Taiqi told the story from the three aspects of "in special periods, parents should pay attention to what aspects of their children's problems", "how to deal with changes in children's emotions and behavior", "how parents should adjust their psychological state", and provided many "small tricks" for parent-child education, and also made meticulous and accurate explanations and answers to the confusion raised by parents.

"Stop classes and don't stop learning, parents don't panic" The first online psychological public welfare class in Tianxin District was attended by 18,000 people

(Parents watch)

Relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, in-depth and simple storytelling, real and vivid cases, many forms of interaction... Teacher Tai Qi presented a wonderful psychological lecture, like a "timely rain", which alleviated the psychological pressure and bad emotions of parents during the epidemic and helped parents master efficient parent-child communication methods. The live online lecture received a warm response, benefiting parents of primary and secondary schools in Tianxin District, with a total participation of more than 18,000 people.

It is understood that the Tianxin District Minors Mental Health Counseling Center will open the tianxin parents online learning class on time every Saturday at 8 p.m.

Family Education Tips:

1. "Tips" for Stabilizing Emotions

● Boiled water - meditation and mindfulness

Get up every day, pour a cup of hot water that is not hot, feel the temperature with a cup in your hand, drink water slowly to concentrate, and use a glass of water to meditate.

Boiled water helps the brain wake up and is more effective than functional drinks!

●Small stone - mood stabilization (palm breathing method)

Hold a small stone (or other prop), gaze at the prop and take a deep breath, adjust your mood and stabilize your mood.

Put the palm of your hand in front of you, inhale and feel the palm slightly cool, exhale to feel the warmth of the palm, and calm the emotion between breaths.

● Short-term goals - build confidence

Work with your child to develop a "short-term goal" that can be accomplished in 2 weeks. Short-term goal content is only 1 thing.

For example, getting up early, such as running, such as reading, in 2 weeks to complete the goal, gain confidence "You can do things well!" ”

● One sentence to bring the relationship closer

Children have emotional changes, parents can use an action, a sentence to help children find the cause, stabilize the mood. Approach the child, slow down the speed of speech \ tone of voice softer \ tone of voice lower \ expression harmony, tell him: "Child, I love you, more willing to help you."

Companionship does not necessarily require more talking, allowing children to have emotional changes, parents give children a positive attitude, so that children feel your strength.

2. Stable parental status is the core of family happiness

● Create a space and time that is not disturbed. Even if it is simply "sitting alone in the car for a few minutes", parents should pay attention to their inner needs to ensure that their emotions are stable and healthy.

● Allow yourself to do it for the time being. No one can do everything, and parents are not superhuman. Don't let yourself be too anxious, and allow yourself to have "things you can't do."

● Maintain alliances between husband and wife. Be an ally with the other half, encourage each other, establish a kind image in the minds of children, and bring happiness to children.