
On World Autism Day, students of Zhejiang Shang University Hangzhou Commercial College wrote more than 800 letters to care for autistic children

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Reporter Zheng Lin Correspondent Xu Huixin Zhang Yan Zhu Qinqin

On World Autism Day, students of Zhejiang Shang University Hangzhou Commercial College wrote more than 800 letters to care for autistic children

2 April is the 15th World Autism Day. A few days ago, the "Tianyi Volunteer Team" of Zhejiang Shang University Hangzhou Commercial College launched a "'language' love peer, light up the 'star' lamp" - the theme activity of World Autism Day, which invited students in the school to write down their encouragement for autistic children through the form of letters, and express their blessings to them in this form of heart-walking. As soon as the activity was launched, it attracted the participation of more than 1,000 students from all over the school. According to the reporter's understanding, the event has two forms of online and offline, and a total of more than 800 letters were received, each of which is full of students' love for autistic children.

"Be sure to stand in the world you love and sparkle", "The stars are the beacons that illuminate the distance, and one day you can also illuminate yourself", "You shine brightly and decorate the world"... The slight spring breeze has stirred our enthusiasm; letters have pinned our wishes, which are the expectations and blessings of the students of Hangzhou Business School of Zhejiang Gongshang University for the "stars" in the theme activities of World Autism Day.

On World Autism Day, students of Zhejiang Shang University Hangzhou Commercial College wrote more than 800 letters to care for autistic children

"World Autism Day is a reminder to the society that mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual care between autistic people and ordinary people should be realized, and we have carried out this activity to let college students pay attention to and correctly understand such special groups, and call on everyone to join the ranks of helping autistic children, so that they can truly feel love and warmth." Teacher Zhang, the person in charge of the activity, said.

"I want to write to them, I want to fold more stars for them..." The students were enthusiastic, writing down the message to the "stars" one by one, folding and pulling out the shape of the stars. Each classmate folded a small star at the same time as writing the letter, "I hope that a letter I sent can open a small window for them, although it is only a simple concern, I still hope that they can also realize their own little dreams, and also hope that each star will no longer shine alone." Wang Sunlin, a sophomore from the School of Management, sighed.

On World Autism Day, students of Zhejiang Shang University Hangzhou Commercial College wrote more than 800 letters to care for autistic children

A rose-encrusted bear with warm companionship

"Can I give it to an autistic child?" It is reported that during the event, a student From the School of Economics and Law, Chen, not only wrote down his expectations for autistic children, but also sent a rose-inlaid bear. "I think it makes more sense for this bear to put in the children, roses and bears have the meaning of love and warmth, when they see this bear, they can think that we have been caring and accompanying them." 」 In addition, the volunteers also received many small gifts such as star bottles and handmade flowers.

The reporter randomly interviewed several participating college students, one of whom was a 21-level accounting student, Ye, said: "Before, my understanding of autistic children was only in their unwillingness to communicate with others and their solitary personality. Through my constant contact with them in previous volunteer activities, I found that although the lives of these children are full of twists and turns, they should not be isolated by love, and I hope to show a better future with the help of our college students and society, and I will do my best to help them more. ”

The volunteers expressed the hope that through this Spring Letters activity, we can give love and encouragement to the "children of the stars", and we will continue to "practice micro love and cast great love". At the same time, it also allows more people to work together to understand autistic children, care for autistic children, and better accept, support and help autistic groups. In addition, after the event, the volunteers also sent all the letters written by the students to the autistic group in Tonglu County, Hangzhou, so that they could feel the full love from the college students on this special day.

"College students should do their best to help others, care and care for others in the way they can, and actively participate in public welfare undertakings, our school has always encouraged students in this way, and we will continue to attach importance to such activities in the future, focus on cultivating students' volunteer spirit, and cultivate more outstanding talents for the society," said Di Ruibo, deputy secretary of the party committee of the school.

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