
Entering April, the time comes to run, the 4 genera are prosperous, the career is smooth, and the life is icing on the cake

Genus Phase Chicken

People who belong to the chicken, enthusiastic like fire, born to be a master of communication, have a weakness to make money, very easy to believe in a person, the mentality is very optimistic, doing things is very positive, what heart will never be shown on the face, can get the favor of heaven, do anything will be rewarded. Starting in April 2022, the zodiac chicken their fortune soared, the fortune entered the overtaking lane, the banknotes were like rain, the refueling efforts to harvest a lot, this zodiac sign in the career will have a huge harvest, make money like flowing water, at the latest at the end of the year will have achievements, fortune is soaring, is a career success, will be a career success, perhaps the luck to guide the peach blossoms, individual friends peach blossom rolling, for people who want to get rid of the single, should seize any opportunity to express love.

Entering April, the time comes to run, the 4 genera are prosperous, the career is smooth, and the life is icing on the cake

Genus Phase Snake

Friends who belong to the snake have a great sense of justice and are also friendly. He likes to put many ideas into practice. He is a very intelligent person, intelligent and hospitable, sincere and generous, with a strong sense of responsibility, and attaches great importance to family and feelings. In the next 1 month, Cai Tingguan accidentally encountered the evil stars of "FeiLian" and "Nian Po", so that more people encountered the overall fortune. Blessed are the lucky stars of "Hi" and "Golden Dragonfly". As soon as the opportunity arrives, good luck will pick up early, and there will be many lucky events. Good luck will come from the front foot, and luck will rise sharply on the back foot. Life is quite enjoyable, good luck is always accompanied, and income is at an all-time high!

Entering April, the time comes to run, the 4 genera are prosperous, the career is smooth, and the life is icing on the cake

It is a phase monkey

Friends of the monkey belong to the five elements of the gold, of which the 56-year-old monkey people survived to April Yang Qi convergence, the five elements of the earth to help form a local gold bureau, to be lucky to come, the front foot good luck leaning, the back foot fortune explosion, not only the opportunity to change the situation of the small people around the early days, while the business will flourish. On the other hand, the friends of the zodiac monkey, in the next 7 days, the life official unfortunately encountered the "through the rope" and "violent defeat" fierce star, resulting in a bad health fortune, to be careful of the problem of joint pain, in addition, for a small number of friends, easy to drowsiness, poor mental state, liver fire is too much, need to eat some cool food.

Entering April, the time comes to run, the 4 genera are prosperous, the career is smooth, and the life is icing on the cake

Genus Phase Sheep

The people who belong to the sheep are born to be the five elements of the earth to help each other, they treat people kindly, they are very silent in the circle or occasion they do not like, into April, the 67, 03 years of the sheep people yin and yang sympathy, the five elements of fire converge to form a fire and soil financial situation, the opportunity arrives, the treasury is more and more abundant, life is moving to a new level. In addition, friends who belong to the sheep, the next courtship to love, meet people who are related, at the same time, pay attention to, in terms of diet to be lighter and healthier, I believe that I can withstand loneliness, in order to see the prosperity, through continuous progress, the near future, will live a smooth life.

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