
Xinhua Viewpoint | why do the "traffic beggars" who sell vulgar costumes and dress up are constantly prohibited?

The relevant person in charge of the State Internet Information Office recently introduced that in the 2022 "Qinglang" series of special actions, it will focus on cleaning up live broadcasts and short videos that violate various laws and regulations such as "color, ugly, strange, fake, vulgar, and gambling".

Xinhua Viewpoint | why do the "traffic beggars" who sell vulgar costumes and dress up are constantly prohibited?

The "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporter's investigation found that some anchors on the online live broadcast platform used vulgar and vulgar live broadcast content to attract attention and became "traffic beggars". After some accounts are blocked, the anchor re-registers the account and continues to broadcast live in bad customs; some anchors use multiple accounts at the same time in order to avoid the ban.

Selling vulgar and ugly traffic is a variety of means of profit realization

The reporter's investigation found that many live broadcast content violated public order and good customs. Some anchors are dressed in revealing clothes and sultry movements when they live broadcast, and even write provocative words above their chests; some make outrageous actions such as yelling and cursing, spanking, and drenching their heads with foot-washing water in public; some use filthy and vulgar dialects to ridicule each other when they conduct video microphones on live broadcast platforms; some anchors try to dance on the ballast next to the railway tracks in order to attract attention.

Some network anchors even seriously harass the normal lives of others during live broadcasting. At the beginning of 2021, "Ramen Brother" Cheng Yunfu became popular because "the price of ramen noodles for 3 yuan a bowl will not increase for 15 years". In order to rub hot spots, various "Internet celebrities" immediately poured into his hometown to watch the live broadcast. A video blogger who drove 6 hours to Cheng Yunfu's hometown to do live broadcasts said bluntly in an interview that he knew that this kind of behavior disturbed the normal life of Cheng Yunfu, but in the era of traffic, this practice is not a big deal.

According to a number of industry insiders, some network anchors earn traffic with vulgar and vulgar content and get tips and points.

Reporters watched a live broadcast in mid-February. In Anshun, Guizhou, the outdoor temperature is 0 ° C, a network anchor holding a basin of cold water, lifted over the head and poured down, issuing a harsh scream. It's him receiving the punishment – a few minutes ago, he just lost a PK (challenge).

The data in the live broadcast room shows that the anchor got 2381 votes in the PK, and the opponent received 33167 votes. According to industry insiders, when connecting PK in the live broadcast room, the income is calculated by the number of votes, and after the platform is drawn into 50%, the income of both sides of the game is about 115 yuan and 1650 yuan, respectively.

"When playing PK, if you want to have a higher number of votes and don't have a very prominent talent, you can only punish the PK that is more ruthless." A web anchor said.

According to the staff of a media company in Shanghai, some such anchors will also monetize by receiving advertisements and participating in commercial activities, "as long as there is traffic and fans, the price is often expensive." A network anchor who became popular by "earthy taste" once said that to invite him to participate in the event, he needed to arrange accommodation in a five-star hotel, and the appearance fee must be more than 350,000 yuan.

Behind the repeated prohibitions: the account is blocked and re-registered, and multiple accounts are used at the same time

According to statistics, by the end of 2020, the cumulative number of anchor accounts in the entire industry of mainland webcasting exceeded 130 million, and the average daily peak of new anchors was 43,000. The reporter's investigation found that many network anchors earn traffic with vulgar and vulgar videos, and relevant platforms continue to punish them.

Xinhua Viewpoint | why do the "traffic beggars" who sell vulgar costumes and dress up are constantly prohibited?

In September 2021, the Douyin Security Center permanently banned 17,487 accounts with vulgar content, malicious eyeballs, etc., and removed 133495 related content. From October 15, 2021 to December 30, 2021, Douyin Live punished more than 1,200 network anchors for violations such as instigating incitement, insulting provocation, and vulgar PK games. From January 1 to February 10 this year, Douyin Live punished 781 live broadcast rooms with such behavior.

Since the launch of the WeChat video number live broadcast function, there have also been a small number of anchors who carry out vulgar live broadcasts without a lower limit in order to win tips. From June 1, 2021 to October 15, 2021, the WeChat security team handled more than 12,000 live broadcast rooms with related behaviors, deducted credit points for 5,900 anchor accounts, and added account level penalties.

The reporter's investigation found that as the platform continues to strengthen its review, a large number of non-compliant anchor accounts have been banned. However, stimulated by the interests of traffic monetization, many network anchors continue to register new accounts to evade censorship, and have multiple available live accounts.

In November last year, after a network anchor lost PK, he made a video of the punishment content and uploaded it to Douyin in a trumpet. In the video, he takes off his coat and jumps into a pond with short sleeves for a "winter swim."

"I now have 3 accounts in my hand, PK may be suspended and restricted at any time, and after each time I am suspended, I will cancel the original account and re-register a new account." A web anchor said.

Severely punish violations of laws and regulations, and implement categorical and hierarchical management of anchor accounts

The specifications for webcasting are constantly strengthened and refined. In February 2021, the State Internet Information Office and seven other departments jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Standardized Management of Online Live Broadcasting", requiring severe punishment of violations of laws and regulations, and comprehensively cleaning up illegal and bad information such as vulgarity, feudal superstition, and playing "edge ball". At the same time, establish a standardized management system for the classification and grading of live broadcast accounts, and implement categorical and hierarchical management of anchor accounts.

The reporter's investigation found that some platforms have explored relevant mechanisms. At present, Douyin has launched a hot event protection mechanism to combat rubbing heat and malicious speculation. When the family of Sun Haiyang, the prototype character of the movie "Dear", was reunited, some network anchors improperly broadcast live. In December last year, Douyin Live punished 49 relevant live streaming accounts. In addition, Douyin Live also released the "Community Self-Discipline Convention" and continued to update relevant content.

According to the person in charge of a cultural communication company in Guizhou, some network anchors lack talent, but they are unwilling to do content seriously, and can only rely on vulgar and vicious live broadcast content and bottomless "performance" to attract attention, increase heat, and then ask for gifts and obtain benefits. "Relying on vulgarity to attract traffic is not far away, and supervision will force anchors to improve their self-quality and gain audience recognition through good business capabilities."

Xinhua Viewpoint | why do the "traffic beggars" who sell vulgar costumes and dress up are constantly prohibited?

Interviewed experts and industry insiders suggested that in the supervision of online live broadcasting, it is necessary to build a cross-departmental, multi-field and normalized supervision mechanism covering the whole process, and establish a departmental linkage coordination mechanism.

"Live broadcasting platforms should strengthen manual review, make up for technical loopholes, and earnestly perform their duties of gatekeeping." Experts such as Zhang Bo, associate professor of the School of Literature and Media of Guizhou University, said that netizens and the public should also consciously resist vulgar and vulgar online live broadcasts, and take the initiative to participate in creating a clean and healthy cyberspace. (Reporter Zheng Minghong)

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