
Alex 12 Constellation Weekly Horoscope (3.28-4.3)

Splits and combinations.

Alex 12 Constellation Weekly Horoscope (3.28-4.3)

Important horoscopes for the week

Saturn's energy began to come alive this week, first interacting with Venus, and then moving into April, mars and Mercury also interacting with Saturn. In astrology, Saturn tends to symbolize power, conservatism, restraint, and even some strictness, and as a result, Saturn can easily create many things that test us. This week, Mars interacts with Saturn, and mercury joins the structure. So what do we need to pay attention to for this set of astrological signs?

1, mars adventurous and shrinking Saturn meet, Saturn will make this impatient star cool down, from this point of view, we have to start from the positive and negative aspects of the analysis. First of all, on the positive level, because Mars is impatient and lacks a certain rational judgment, it will be pulled back to reality by Saturn, and therefore, in this period, there may be many hidden dangers in itself, and the problem things (in progress or about to be carried out) may be postponed or even canceled, that is to say, it will be stopped, whether it is the task they are engaged in, a certain arrangement that they decide to do, or at the social level, something to be implemented, there is a change in this period. But on another level, because Mars also has a driving force, Saturn has thinking, then the period that was stopped or postponed before, is slowly advanced in this period - these are two opposites, but this opposition is obvious, one is that there is a judgment bias, and the other is after thinking and analyzing, so the result is opposite.

2, Saturn symbolizes power, Mars is a bit like a "provocative" person, that is to say, easy to picky eating, create problems, then this time will gradually calm down these chaos, but there is a point, Mars and Saturn meet, will find a responsible person or responsibility point, but it is also possible, will find irrelevant or small responsibility, become a scapegoat, and therefore, this week may appear to throw the pot, back the pot situation, need to pay more attention.

3, violent events, such as social violence, conflict, or domestic violence, verbal violence and cold violence will also be counted in it, this week's energy is more conflicting, so I will emphasize that peace is precious, or avoid getting along with dangerous personalities, grumpy people have too much to get along with and interact.

4, pessimism, I need to remind you and suggest that what you do this week is that if you find that doing certain things is not smooth this week, feel that you are running into a wall everywhere, or feel that others are doing it against you, or that you are negative and depressed for no reason, then please be sure to encourage yourself and recognize yourself, you have no problem, you are great, let yourself get through such emotions. Because the moments when the fire and earth are together, it is easy to let our emotions fall into a trough, but we can control and regulate, and proper outreach will also help us through this period.

5, this week also need to pay attention to the bones, teeth problems, if you have a wound, but also pay attention to coagulation, wound healing, wound inflammation, some people are also very easy to fire or inflammation.

The interaction between Venus and Saturn is very suitable for opening a new social state, or joining an organization, membership system, or forming a team and recruiting. In addition, this astrological sign also indicates that someone may bring a partner to see a parent to discuss marriage.

Entering April, we will usher in a new moon, this time in the fire house, which is also the first constellation of the astrological ecliptic system, heralding the beginning of a new cycle. This new moon may bring us new cooperation, interpersonal relationships, customer resources, including many people's internal changes in the workplace will enter the next stage - in fact, looking back at March, some changes, internal structural adjustments, personnel, have gradually begun to change, and the energy of this new moon will make these changes more in-depth.

During this new moon, we are also suitable for taking care of our own health problems, or adjusting our hairstyles and styling, the new moon may also bring emotional opportunities to some people, or pluck up enough courage to prepare to confess, propose marriage, etc. There are also some people who will welcome new life and the arrival of family members.

Health Note this week: Teeth, bones, inflammation, blood pressure, hypoglycemia, diarrhea, acne, eczema, gout, rheumatism.

The above is the impact on the social environment.

Reference: Sun sign, rising sign (all need to refer)

Sun or Ascending Aries: This week your zodiac sign will usher in a new moon, your fortunes will begin to improve, and with the arrival of the new moon, some previously stagnant things will re-enter the execution stage, which may also alleviate your anxiety - don't panic. The arrival of the new moon will also give you the opportunity to expand your network resources, and you may join a group chat this week, have business entertainment, or get to know resources through introductions from others, which is also helpful for work or school, or for life-level networks (including other third-party roles such as suppliers). For some singles, this week because of the relationship between the new moon, there will be peach blossom opportunities, and someone may suddenly start interacting or contacting you. It should be noted that Mars and Saturn are in your interpersonal relationship house, and one of your friends this week, or someone in your working relationship, will have conflicts with you, and even pressure, because the energy of the fire and earth is stronger, and the other party may be more rebellious, strong, or selfish, making it violate your minefield, and even touch your interests. If someone communicates with you in an unfriendly command tone in life or work, then please do not be tough first, but it is more appropriate to explain to the other party on a reasonable basis. In addition, this horoscope may also give some people the opportunity to contact big people, new leaders. Venus and Saturn also have a harmonious interaction, this week's fortunes have rebounded, some people may also get arrears, and some people may settle bonuses, dividends and so on in the projects executed by some people. Some people need to pay attention to the health problems of male elders. This week we still avoid being late or releasing pigeons. In the workplace, there will be people who will affect your work efficiency this week, such as the other party dragging their feet, delaying the submission of task content, or processing tasks too slowly, which will be alleviated after Tuesday, and the task will end in the first half of the week. Love is to praise the person you like. Sun or Rising Taurus: This is a week when the fortunes are reversed, and your state is starting to improve. A new moon occurs in your 12th house, and this new moon seems to give you the feeling of new life - releasing negative energy, and some things that seemed hopeless (relationships, work progress) have also turned around. At the same time, this week is also very suitable for doing some life thinking, you have to streamline some things, such as really giving up some planning, letting go of a person, but this is not a bad thing, because this week you will figure it out on your own. Venus and Saturn will interact harmoniously, their fortunes will improve, you may treat yourself, and some people will plan to change their appearance this week to make life a little more ritualistic. Others will be in a relationship this week, planning to confess, or to work with their partner to do something that is particularly meaningful to you. This astrological sign will also bring new relationships, meet new friends, customers, or have old customers come to you to talk about cooperation, maintain relationships, etc. Mars and Saturn meet at the top of your star chart, this horoscope brings two extremes, some people will be ready to leave, or the current workplace, work style, and even the superiors show dissatisfaction, disappointment, so they have to re-plan their work trend, the other is in danger of being ordered, although there is resistance, but it is "blessed by misfortune", seemingly unpleasant things, in fact, you go to do, promise, but there are good returns, and even let you harvest surprises. This week also beware of violations, late fees, damage to electronics, or other damage to property. Some people may be jealous or have unfriendly conversations with friends, and you may think that the other person is playing jokes too much. In addition, this week may also contact old friends who have not been in touch for a long time, or interact with people who have been ambiguous. Need to pay attention to allergies, acne, cervical spine, flatulence health problems, some people will spend money for their families, workplace to see, this week's work because of mars and Saturn interaction, the atmosphere within the superior or the company is not very relaxed, some depressed or dull, or this week there seems to be a task that looks like a chore, but don't worry, maybe this matter will make you, a small number of people will plan to leave. Love is a promise. Sun or Ascending Gemini: Mars and Saturn meet this week, and you may have some kind of pressure — a certain deadline, a certain result, or a certain process to deal with, an application, etc. – there will be progress and feedback this week, and with the arrival of the new moon, you may get a good news in the first half of the week, which may be learned from friends, or related to your studies, work. The new moon occurs in your interpersonal relationship house, and you may know someone because of a friend's recommendation, or get the opportunity to cooperate and make money, or through the help of friends, something that makes you stuck in the shell progress or turn around. Also, you may have a lot of whimsy this week, very much want to do this, try that, but if you just think about it out of thin air, not only waste time, but also hit your self-confidence, it is better to act. Some people will pay a fee this week, or have to deal with ticketing issues, and you may also evaluate something through a third party, such as an appraisal, or something. There are also contracts this week, agreements signed, or have been repeatedly revised before, and the final version can be finalized this week. Some people will publish, publish their personal works, or make progress on copyright matters, or be able to trade copyrights. A small number of people will be looking for home improvements, or planning to move. There are also those who will receive invitations, invitations, etc. this week. The interaction between Mars and Saturn may also bring disputes, but this matter should not expand the scope of its influence, and if it can be resolved peacefully, it will be resolved peacefully, and a small number of people will register their marriage this week. The encounter between the sun and Mercury brings you a noble person, or a peach blossom opportunity (but it may be a low-key contact) or a peach blossom object with a huge age difference. From the perspective of the workplace, this week's work has an agreement, cooperation confirmation, or quotation, budget matters can be confirmed, but because of the relationship between Mars and Saturn, the first half of the week's superiors or customers are easy to change, so that you will do useless work, spend Thursday will improve. Love is to be real, not to end the shelf. Sun or Rising Cancer: Sweeping away the haze and depression of the past three weeks, confidence is starting to come back. Many things actually began to settle down slowly last week, and this week your emotions are more positive and high, and you can also find yourself a happy thing to pass the time. However, it should be noted that because Mars and Saturn are in your less friendly house, you may be exposed to people who deliberately find stubble in the first half of the week - but still that sentence, your luck this week is good, and you are delicate, you can find loopholes in the other party's speech and logic, and you will not be humble to give back. In addition, although there is a certain amount of pressure in the fire, you may have more positive things this week, such as the progress of the matter of payment, involving claims, arrears, insurance premiums, or some people will get bonuses, dividends, etc., and some people will start to do part-time work this week, running side businesses, and a small number of people will start a new working environment this week, in short, new, positive things are needed. If you're not single, you need to focus on your partner's health or financial issues. In addition, this week there is a new moon, this new moon will make you get praise, such as on the Internet you may know interesting, praise your netizens, or get good projects at work, successful bidding, or successful negotiations, some people are to complete the indicators, some people are ushered in the opportunity for promotion and salary increase. Some people will interact with former leaders this week, former colleagues, or you will get offers. There are a small number of people who will make some moves this week on people they like or have a good feeling for, but may just make connections and not be very aggressive, and this is also true. From the perspective of the workplace, this week's work because of the new moon, there are new projects confirmed, you may also become friends, people who have worked with consultants (a form of amateur consultants), in addition, this week someone will arrange a bad trip. But because of the relationship between fire and earth, the budget, the problem of project funds should be urged. Love is about keeping your mystery. Sun or Ascending Leo: This week, Mars and Saturn meet in your opposite house, and in the past few weeks, you may have deliberately avoided and avoided someone because you may find this person not easy to get along with, or you may be more resistant to getting along with this person (maybe you feel shy, or guilty of TA, or for other reasons), or it may be that this person has been affecting you and even distracting you - some people have met "Laipi people" who have been asking you to help this gang and give you headaches. The occurrence of this astrological sign this week will make you harden and confident, if you are too shy to contact this person because of guilt, this week will improve, and the same people who consume you, you will respond and fight back this week. But be aware that a small percentage of people may break up. There is also a new moon this week, this new moon will let you pass the examination, the exam, you may also deal with customs, tariff issues, or to register some things, including some formalities, some people will register for marriage, or make some notarization matters. In addition, this astrological sign will also bring about a bad travel trip, but because of the relationship between Uranus, there are still certain changes, and some people will apply for vacations, rest, etc. Note that the interaction between Venus and Saturn will have fortune in the second half of the week, and some people will win the lottery. The interaction between the sun and Mercury has brought you nobles, and you may avoid a loss because of the relationship of a certain person, but this week you should also pay attention to the fact that others recommend your financial management, or other commodities, it is recommended to think independently as much as possible, so as not to regret it in the end. From the perspective of the workplace, the relationship between the new moon, there will be commuting assessment, group notice or group mail release, new internal notice issued on behalf of the representative, and new regulations will appear. This week's project will enter the final stages, and some people will also need to add extra work or even overtime because others are taking time off or for special reasons. Love is not to seek perfection. Sun or Rising Virgo: Most of the time, although you speak very directly, and even sometimes you are criticized for not being very pleasant, but in fact, you are not malicious, even if you really have the whole heart for the sake of others, but sometimes because of this, you seem to suppress many of your own nature and instincts, this week a new moon comes, you want to release yourself, do something relaxed, free, this week, you may refuse someone's help, or originally this person you are a little disliked, but hindered by many situations, help a few times Now you want to be a little more free, and you do have a lot of your own arrangements. Between Monday and Wednesday, when money is settled, going in and out of the bank, dealing with renovations, insurance business, or logistics issues, you may also learn some skills and courses on your own, and find a moment of leisure time to recharge yourself and read. There are also some people who will buy drugs, medical devices may also spend money for their families, it looks very fulfilling, you will also have a stable sense of happiness, some people will have peach blossoms, but you don't seem to trust each other enough, or are still in the observation period, then give yourself a little time. Mars and Saturn will also interact, spend money for pets, or go to religious, medical, human resources related places and departments, some people will do charity, become volunteers, you may also deal with property matters this week, some people may work part-time, run side business. Some people will receive offers, do medical examinations, prepare for employment, and so on. Because of the relationship between Mars and Saturn, you may find that what was originally the responsibility of others, the content of the work, you may have to take on it this week, everything must be done, so it will be a little tiring (the second half of the week). In addition, the sun and Mercury bring gifts or human consumption. From the perspective of the workplace, this week's work efficiency is very high, the beginning of the week is busy, but then it will gradually relax, and there are also unexpected tasks that need to be handled this week, but everything is under control, but the superior is easy to be demonized, and the superior may lie. Love is to extend your assessment and wait-and-see period. Sun or Rising Libra: This week your opposite house position ushers in a new moon, which is in charge of emotions, cooperation, interpersonal relationships, legal issues. The new moon tends to bring some new beginnings, maybe this week you will meet new friends, or establish new partnerships, you can agree on something with partners, and a small number of people may have peach blossom opportunities. If you're dealing with some legal-related formalities, there's also been positive progress this week. The arrival of the new moon will also make you re-evaluate your existing interpersonal or cooperative relationship, if you have distrusted the other party, or find that the other party is doing small things behind your back, then the new moon will also remind you that you need to stop losses and even warn you. In addition, there is another horoscope this week that you need to pay attention to, that is, the interaction between Mars and Saturn, the encounter of these two stars, may make some people lack self-confidence, enter the stage of self-doubt, and may even temporarily appear in the financial problems, but rest assured, these problems can be solved in the follow-up, do not add pressure to yourself. In addition, this week, because of Mercury's interaction with the sun, a friend, colleague or relative will spread some news with you, but these messages require you to think dialectically, not to be misled, and even to be deceived. If you have young children, you need to pay attention to the health of your children this week. At the same time, the health of female elders also needs attention. This week is not very suitable for investment and financial management, because the volatility is large, not stable enough, and even some people will stop some of the previous wealth management products. Mars and Saturn will also bring emotional consumption, and you need to be restrained so that you will not regret buying these items later. A small percentage of people may start a secret relationship or be courted by a non-single person. From the perspective of the workplace, the first half of this week's work may be questioned about the content and ability of the work, perhaps it may be provocative, perhaps it is true that they have made mistakes, but they can be remedied. In addition, this week there is cooperation on the budget issue of the payment that does not match your expectations, but it can be communicated and resolved. There are other project payments this week. Love is not to daydream. Sun or Rising Scorpio: This week, Mars and Saturn will interact, which is a sign of busyness, the so-called busyness is not only work and school, but also other things in life, and some people may also be busy moving. You may be planning your financial problems this week, and while some people will receive money this week, this week there may be more living expenses and some human spending. The appearance of this astrological sign also needs to pay attention to the harmony of the family atmosphere, to avoid disputes with parents, or if there is a conflict between parents, they also need to mediate. Some people need to pay attention to the health problems of male elders. In addition, this week there is also a new moon, this new moon will occur in your work palace, on behalf of the first half of the week some of the stagnant tasks will restore efficiency, although still relatively slow, but also represent the beginning of the implementation, at the same time in the first half of the week there will be new tasks, cooperation to implement, some people may have to adjust the position with others this week or the time point of duty. In addition, this week you may spend money on pets, or hire domestic helpers, a small number of people will do charity, medical treatment, religious sites. Because Venus and Saturn also interact harmoniously, some people will meet their parents with their partners, or start living together, or upgrade their residences. Singles, with the interaction between Venus and Saturn, may have blind date arrangements or online dating (ambiguity), or peach blossom objects with a huge age difference. Pay attention to your health problems, such as mouth ulcers, tonsils, conjunctivitis, folliculitis, and some people may also have to deal with skin problems. From the perspective of the workplace, the first half of this week's work is busier, and because of the interaction between Mars and Saturn, the family work is busy at both ends, but Thursday will start to improve, this week there are new cooperation confirmations, in addition, pay attention to the superior may let you do the middleman to mediate some customer or colleague relations, but you have to be cautious. Love is the feeling of heartbeat. Sun or Ascending Sagittarius: This week there is a new moon happening, this new moon happens in your talent, money, emotional position, first of all, because of the relationship between the new moon, there may be many interesting ideas, even whimsy want to do something, but also because of the relationship of the new moon, this week your self-confidence begins to rise, you may also take the initiative to say ideas to a person, including asking for cooperation, talking about some business things, you will impress each other. Some people reap the rewards of fortune or have to deal with many financial problems that can be solved. If you are applying for a loan, credit card, there will also be feedback. Some people will appear peach blossoms, which may only be in the heartbeat stage at present, and you can take the initiative to build more understanding. For non-single people who want to upgrade to become parents, this new moon is well used to try to prepare for pregnancy. In addition, non-single people need to pay attention to their partner's health problems. There is also a horoscope this week, that is, the interaction between Mars and Saturn, may have to deal with someone in the first half of the week, this person is difficult to engage, strong, or not very good at communication, or make you feel less professional, but please don't take out your own temper to treat, be patient, there will be a turnaround. Some people may already think about changing jobs, because the current workplace makes you feel uncomfortable or disappointed, but I would suggest you wait and see. This week you also have to be careful of sprains, injuries. At the same time, timely backup and save data, pay attention to electronic products, vehicles, household appliances. Some people will start decorating, or be affected by the sound of the surrounding decoration, and you can communicate with them within a reasonable range. From the perspective of the workplace, the first half of this week may be poor communication, easy to cause misunderstandings, and there are criticisms or gunpowder inside, but after Thursday, it began to improve, and this week there is cooperation to implement, this week there may be people applying for vacation, the first half of the week to avoid being late or absent from work and forgetting to punch the clock. Love is revealing your inner thoughts. Sun or Ascending Capricorn: This week, a new moon occurs in the key house of your chart, which may bring you unexpected things, such as you may have done something in the past, but over time, have forgotten, this week may suddenly remember, or someone who has helped, the other party remembers your kindness, this week the other party may also show kindness to you or even return you. And, if you're looking for a job, submitting a resume, or talking about partnerships, partnerships, you might get feedback and progress this week as well. All in all, many things this week will make you feel amazing. But you need to pay attention to a horoscope, that is, the interaction between Mars and Saturn, it is in your money house, this week may have more expenses, or there may be losses in investment and financial management, some people are going to have to spend human feelings, spend money for their families, partners, etc., but rest assured, the follow-up fortune will turn better, and the current money may make you feel that you must spend. Some will change their looks this week. In the first half of the week, maybe a certain plan, the meeting will be cancelled or rescheduled. Singles, as Venus interacts with Saturn, this sign presents emotional opportunities, perhaps someone older than you, or someone at a distance, or someone you once had a job connection with. Non-single people need to pay attention to the health of their partners, and their partners are prone to conflicts with you in the first half of the week. The sun and Mercury will also interact, some people will usher in new family members, or house transactions, or the house they bought before will be handed over, some people will prepare for house decoration, and this week you may also buy new home decorations, appliances, etc. From the perspective of the workplace, there is a project closure at the work level this week, but there may be conflicts between colleagues this week, which will also affect you, you may also talk to your superiors, and some people may beat you up for a small report. Love is somewhat ambiguous brewing. Sun or Ascending Aquarius: Mars and Saturn will converge in your sign, a sign that may make you conservative — and restrained. You may be restraining your desire for something, or even restraining your liking for someone, but if this is the case, it is likely to make yourself uncomfortable, or even physical problems, so don't deliberately do anything, it is better to go with the flow. Plus, you may have a suspicious, skeptical attitude toward someone, and this week will validate your idea. Mars' interaction with Saturn actually gives you some financial fortune, such as previously unsettled payments, or letting you deal with debt problems, and some people may deal with financial problems this week. Since a new moon occurs in your communication, studying for a house position, you may get exam results, or interview opportunities, and some people will successfully get offers. You may also have to renew, renew, or pay a bill this week. If you're applying for a loan, credit card, there will be feedback this week. But be aware, due to the new moon relationship, you may also interact with old colleagues and former leaders. Some will revisit the same place. It is necessary to save and back up data in a timely manner, as well as the need to pay attention to the safety of electricity and fire. Some people need to pay attention to the problem of household plumbing. The arrival of the new moon has brought some people the opportunity to meet new friends and contact new peach blossoms, there may also be dates, ambiguous things happen, and some people are on vacation this week, ready to travel, but easy to encounter delays. This week may also have to deal with complaints, logistics issues. In the workplace, with the arrival of the new moon, this week's negotiations will be successful, and the results will be reaped for the bidders. In addition, when it comes to contracts, there are also progress in the matter of the agreement, which may be implemented. Some people will revise the contents of the document repeatedly this week, or support the tasks of other departments. Some people are in the workplace who will parachute in new leaders or colleagues. Love is to test the other person's heart. Sun or ascending Pisces: As Mars meets Saturn in your 12th house, you may still be worried about something, you are not so optimistic, but some things this week will make you optimistic, you will also find that it is too much to think about, or some people are worried, because things will turn around, but this week's interaction between Mars and Saturn, still need you to pay attention to your own health problems, still sleep, stomach, allergies, be careful of injury, if you interact with pets, but also be careful to avoid being hurt by pets. You may also be having headaches with money issues, such as debt issues, especially if someone owes you money or something hasn't been returned to you, so you can push it this week. There may also be people who are in arrears, but this week there is a new moon, and the new moon is in your money house, these things will gradually settle, but not particularly fast. The arrival of the new moon also makes you realize that someone around you may be a little jealous of you, or joke with you a little too much, beyond the line, you need to make it clear to the other party, do not let the other party think that you are a good bully, or not humble. As Venus interacts with Saturn, an older person will help you. In the first half of the week, you are invited to meet, meet, or you have to deal with ticketing, and others receive offers, invitations or invitations, or they are preparing to move, have pets, and go to religious places. Some people will participate in new course learning, training content, etc. You need to pay attention to the health of your male elders, and you may also have to spend money on your family. For people who are not single, you may be thinking about certain lifestyle problems that lead to unpleasant conversations between you. From the perspective of the workplace, there are people behind the work this week to engage in small actions, such as playing small reports, or random talk, etc., but it will be resolved after Wednesday, and there may be important notices issued internally in the first half of the week, and there will be project acceptance this week, but it is likely that the superior will be angry, or find someone to talk to. Love, is not to make a fuss.

Written | Alex (Yang)

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