
These abnormal behaviors of middle-aged men actually want to be with you

These abnormal behaviors of middle-aged men actually want to be with you

The really beautiful feeling is that two people can rely on and support each other, accompany each other through the difficult years, and meet the beautiful life together.

If a middle-aged man usually ignores you and never takes the initiative to care about your life, then it is clear that he does not really want to be with you.

Two people living together need to face and bear all kinds of pressures in life together.

For example, criticism from the outside world, misunderstandings from friends and family, and challenges at work.

If you don't have a strong heart and don't have a tough psychological quality, it may often be difficult to withstand setbacks and blows in your emotional life.

Life lies in struggle, and feelings lie in management.

It is not an easy thing to meet a person who really understands you and is willing to accompany you to forge ahead, and when you meet it, you must know how to cherish it.

Generally speaking, these abnormal behaviors of middle-aged men are actually trying to be with you.

These abnormal behaviors of middle-aged men actually want to be with you

1. Will take the initiative to contact you

When a middle-aged man is willing to contact you and take extra care and care for you, it shows that he really wants to spend the rest of his life with you.

Judging whether a middle-aged man genuinely wants to be with you depends on how he gets along with you.

When he can actively integrate into your world, he is willing to start from the details and give you meticulous care, indicating that he really cares about you.

If he starts disconnecting and loses contact with you, you can't find him again, and you don't know where he's going, he may have let you go.

Love is cherishing and caring for each other, and if the person you love doesn't love you, or if he's too cold and distant from you, there's a good chance he wants to leave you.

The person who loves you will often take the initiative to contact you, even if there is nothing important, he will actively share his heart with you, starting from small things, knocking on the door of your heart little by little, so that you can let down your guard against him.

So, when you find a middle-aged man who is passionate about you and smiles so brightly every time he sees you, it shows that he is more than willing to live with you.

These abnormal behaviors of middle-aged men actually want to be with you

2, create more surprises

Life needs to create some surprises and romance.

If a middle-aged man really wants to be with you, he will surprise you more.

For example, he will carefully select gifts for you on your birthday, write a love letter for you on Valentine's Day, and act as your guardian throughout the trip.

Because he loves you, he wants to make every ordinary day you spend together full of surprises and different colors.

Life requires a sense of ritual.

The so-called sense of ceremony refers to the small surprises and small romances in life, which are different colors every day, and two people always have expectations and freshness for their feelings.

When people reach middle age, because they have experienced more people and things, they may not pay much attention to the romance in life and are too lazy to create surprises.

If a middle-aged man is willing to spend his heart and energy to prepare surprises for you, it means that he really wants to be with you, and he has a real feeling for you.

Of course, the background of life is originally monotonous and boring, and it is impossible to maintain a sense of freshness and surprise at every moment.

However, when he is willing to treat every minute and second of your relationship with his heart, even if the way of expressing surprise and love is slightly clumsy, it is enough to show his determination and attitude to want to live with you.

These abnormal behaviors of middle-aged men actually want to be with you

3, try to satisfy your vanity

There is no denying that everyone will have a little vanity to a greater or lesser extent.

When a middle-aged man is willing to satisfy your vanity, it shows that he really wants to be with you.

As Pascal put it: "Vanity is so solid in people's hearts that everyone wants to be envied; even me and you who wrote it are no exception." ”

However, you should not love vanity too much, in order to satisfy unrealistic desires, force your partner to do something beyond the scope of ability, so that no matter how much a person loves you, he may gradually alienate you.

In our feelings, we must know how to overcome and appropriately restrain our vanity, do not show off at every turn, do not blindly compare, and do not play small and clever.

When a middle-aged man is willing to properly satisfy your vanity, know how to maintain your face in front of outsiders, and take care of your feelings everywhere, it shows that he really likes you.

If he can get you the respect you deserve in a relationship, your life is decent and elegant enough, and he never easily puts you in an awkward situation, it shows that he really cares about you.

He will not pierce the mask of your vanity in public, but will only privately advise you to know how to restrain and show that he really loves you.

Only when he truly likes and cares about you will he try to satisfy your vanity and reasonable desires.

Because he loves you, he can't bear to refuse your request, but does his best to fulfill your wishes.

You must understand that people's desires are always filled with dissatisfaction, and you should not put all your hopes on middle-aged men.

If you only know how to ask him and never take the initiative to take responsibility for the relationship, then no matter how much he loves you, he can't help but be discouraged by you.

These abnormal behaviors of middle-aged men actually want to be with you

In short, want to know if a middle-aged man really wants to be with you, mainly observe the way he gets along with you.

Once he decides to be with you, he will be full of trust and tolerance for you, extra enthusiastic and proactive with you, and give everything for you wholeheartedly.

Because he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, he is mentally prepared to accompany you through unknown challenges.

No matter what setbacks and blows he will encounter in the future, he will not easily loosen his grip on you.

If his attitude towards feelings is not single-minded and firm, he always gives up halfway, he lacks the necessary tolerance and tolerance for you, and he is always aggressive and critical of you, you should know that he does not really want to be with you.

The more middle-aged men who really want to spend the rest of their lives with you, the more they will maintain the necessary sincerity and frankness with you, will try to satisfy your vanity, and will also master the necessary measures and scales.

When you are in a relationship like a spring breeze, you can draw nourishment and strength from a middle-aged man, gain the wisdom and ability to cope with challenges, and show that you have met the right person.

For the rest of your life, may someone hurt you when you are tired, and someone understands you when you are wronged.