
"Big Waves and Sands" takes people to bring history to the audience to feel the "sense of secret"

author:Shangguan News

Mr. Lu Xun said in his essay "Non-revolutionary Radical Revolutionary Theorists": "Because of the difference in ultimate purpose, when marching, sometimes some people are discharged, some people are deserted, some people are decadent, some people are rebellious, but as long as they do not hinder the progress, the later, the more this contingent becomes a pure and elite contingent." Today, to use this passage to describe the development of the Communist Party of China in the period of new democracy is indeed a process of "big waves and sandstorms."

The tv series "Big Waves and Sands", which has just been broadcast, is an artistic description of that period of history. The play takes people to lead history, combs the context of the history of the party from 1919 to 1945, describes in detail the key nodes and major events of the first to seventh national congresses of the Communist Party of China, and restores the formation process of Mao Zedong Thought.

On the 6th, the seminar on "Big Waves and Sands" sponsored by the China Television Arts Commission, the Propaganda Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the Zhejiang Provincial Radio and Television Bureau was held in Beijing.

According to statistics, from May 11 to June 3, after the TV series "Big Wave Taosha" was broadcast on Zhejiang Satellite TV and Jiangsu Satellite TV, the ratings broke 2. After the simultaneous launch of youku, Tencent, iQiyi and other network-wide platforms, the broadcast popularity ranked first.

Jana Shahati, director of "Big Waves and Sands", said that at the beginning of the preparation of this play, it was decided to lead things with people, implement the characters and history into specific dramatic situations, follow the characters from the beginning, show the trajectory of the characters' fate, and trigger the audience to think: Why do some people start from the same starting point and the final ending is different? Let the audience more truly feel the difficulty of that generation of Communists in exploring and finding a revolutionary road that conforms to China's actual conditions in the bloody rain and wind. The play introduces several contemporary youth characters such as Chen Qihang, who recount history from their perspectives and connect scattered events. This not only responds to the current upsurge of more and more young people wanting to understand the history of modern revolution, but also makes "The Great Waves and Sands" closer to young audiences.

She revealed that in order to truly present this party history, the play involved more than 600 scenes and more than 300 square meters of scenery, including scenes such as red boats and Yan'an cave dwellings.

Shao Weizheng, an expert in party history research, believes that the characters sculpted by "The Great Waves and Sands" are vivid and flesh-and-blood. For example, in the play, after The heroic sacrifice of Mrs. Zhu De, Mao Zedong comforted Zhu De; after Yang Kaihui's sacrifice, Zhu De comforted Mao Zedong. These two plots are deeply moving. For another example, the handling of the image of Li Da's wife, Wang Huiwu, is very appropriate, she was specifically responsible for the venue arrangements and residence of the deputies of a major meeting of the Cpc, and it was also her suggestion to move to Jiaxing South Lake to continue the meeting. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, she was displaced with her two children and lost contact with Li Da. But then she said, "Chairman Mao hasn't forgotten me," and took her to Beijing. For another example, in the play, Li Da and Li Hanjun appear in a positive image, believing that there are many factors in their defection from the party, which is a manifestation of loyalty to history and restoration of history.

Li Jingsheng, vice president of the China Federation of Radio and Television Social Organizations, said: The novelty of "The Great Waves and Sandstorms" is that the main narrative line is the gathering and dispersion of the lives of different party historical figures and the ups and downs of fate, and has witnessed the arduous course of the Chinese revolution. Some of the 13 major deputies of the CPC are determined to carry out the revolution to the end, some sacrifice for the revolution, some are once confused and finally return, some are betrayed and left, through the fate of these characters, showing the great waves of the revolutionary process, the intertwining of the choice of faith and the choice of fate, so that this work has great historical significance and dramatic tension.

Li Zhun, former vice chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and a well-known literary and art critic, said that the history of the party is still this part of the party, and the perspective has changed, and the content has become fresh. In general, it brings a "sense of revelation" and enriches this history in all aspects. The play not only shows Chen Duxiu's activities in Guangzhou before and after the CCP and his loneliness in his later years; there is also the debate between Li Hanjun and Chen Duxiu, who left the Chinese Communist Party and finally died heroically; and Li Da left in opposition to Chen Duxiu's patriarchy, but he has been struggling on the theoretical front and has become a pen pole dedicated to criticizing Chiang Kai-shek. And Li Dazhao's speech at the three major congresses of the Communist Party of China was the first time in all TV dramas.

"The 13 major deputies of the COMMUNIST Party of China have made different choices in different historical periods, which very vividly shows that different choices have different endings. The founders of the party and the early leaders are constantly choosing the path to save the country, and they are also constantly choosing their own future and ending. In the end, they chose a correct theory and path for the Chinese nation to advance, and Chinese people chose the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Li Zhun said.

Column Editor-in-Chief: Fan Jianghong Text Editor: Fan Jianghong Title Image Source: TV Series "Big Waves and Sands" Propaganda Poster Photo Editor: Shao Jing

Source: Author: Yu Chenyang

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