
The imprint of spring - spring in the eyes of students of the Small Yajuyuan Campus of Mountain Normal University

Everywhere you look, it's bustling.

Wherever you go, step by step.

Spring express, vermilion wall apricot blossoms,

Winky willow buds, carrying a spring breeze,

Sign it and accept it!

Spring is in the eyes of children

The imprint of spring - spring in the eyes of students of the Small Yajuyuan Campus of Mountain Normal University

listen! The sound of flowers blossoms tells the joy of comfort!

sniff! The aroma drifts away with the babbling water!

see! The peach blossom water in March, dancing with the beautiful morning glow, flows forward!

Begonia with green branches,

Spring Breeze Drunken Wine,

Lush green spring,

The wind is full of bright spring smells.

The imprint of spring - spring in the eyes of students of the Small Yajuyuan Campus of Mountain Normal University

Flower buds bloom one after another,

Embrace with spring,

Between opening and falling,

With the clouds cirrus cloud Shu send people to and from.

Spring is on the tip of a child's pen

The imprint of spring - spring in the eyes of students of the Small Yajuyuan Campus of Mountain Normal University

Pick up a petal of a raindrop,

Draw a poetic picture,

Looking for a copy of "Chasing Spring",

Slices of Fang Fei reflect the scrolls under the eyes,

Spring breeze flips the books,

The fragrant green leaves of the ink flowers became bookmarks.

The imprint of spring - spring in the eyes of students of the Small Yajuyuan Campus of Mountain Normal University

Borrow a wisp of east wind to summon the spring color of heaven and earth.

With a wisp of spring color, run the splendid mountains and rivers.

look at! The March sun is smiling, it shows this rosy face, playful whispering;

look at! The tender green grass has been awakened early in march, sticking out its head to welcome the new life.

The imprint of spring - spring in the eyes of students of the Small Yajuyuan Campus of Mountain Normal University

Write spring into poetry and print it in painting,

Melt into this heart.

Spring is in the hearts of children

Get out for a walk! Take advantage of the spring light, it belongs to you and me. Run as much as you like, listen to the crackling of the bones, and let the strength melt into the gentleness of this spring.

The imprint of spring - spring in the eyes of students of the Small Yajuyuan Campus of Mountain Normal University

Standing under a tree full of flowers, I was silent, just watching with my heart, some small flowers smiling, growing with tender green leaves, saying hello to spring; listening to the sound of flowers blooming, touching the tenderness of new leaves; looking at the young girlish wicker, feeling the joy of spring, remembering in my heart.

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