
Putin's youngest daughter's villa in France, painted with Ukrainian flags, the tactics of war have completely changed?

Putin's youngest daughter's villa in France, painted with Ukrainian flags, the tactics of war have completely changed?

This is the villa of Putin's youngest daughter, Altamira, in Biarritz, France, at 9 Mac-Croskey Biarritz Avenue, and the walls are painted with Ukrainian flags, photo by investigative journalist Mykhailo Tkach.

Putin's youngest daughter's villa in France, painted with Ukrainian flags, the tactics of war have completely changed?

Earlier, Putin's ex-wife, Lyudmila, also appeared on the fence of a villa on the French coast, with yellow-blue images and unpleasant text.

The villa of Mr. Putin's youngest daughter is currently uninhabited, and pierre Afner, a radical activist, entered the villa on March 14 to use it to house Ukrainian refugees suffering from Russian military operations, but the police soon took him out of the house.

This time, the West confiscated the property of the Russian oligarchs, which can be said to be a completely unprecedented practice, and it may not be feasible to squeeze the people at home and plunder the wealth and enjoy it abroad. Some people pointed out, however, that there were still many difficulties in this approach, mainly legal obstacles.

Modern warfare will be completely changed because of the flow of information, and the real battlefield has shifted to the information network.

Putin's youngest daughter's villa in France, painted with Ukrainian flags, the tactics of war have completely changed?

Human beings are intelligent life, although each of us is only more than a meter tall, but the construction of high-rise buildings can reach tens of hundreds of meters, sending rockets more than 100 meters high into space, all thanks to the fact that we can make complex sounds through the throat, create language and words to convey information, and pass on wisdom and knowledge.

Starting from primitive society, human civilization has formed a synergy from dozens of people-scale communication and exchanges, and can now unite hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, even tens of millions, hundreds of millions of people to carry out a complex division of labor for a certain goal, form a huge synergy, and affect our surroundings, even the entire human society, the entire world, the entire earth, and the more distant and vast space.

This synergy is good and bad, such as Musk gathering thousands of people to develop starships, hoping to build huge cities on Mars, which can allow human civilization to gain more knowledge and living space, and even develop into an interstellar civilization.

Putin's youngest daughter's villa in France, painted with Ukrainian flags, the tactics of war have completely changed?

But war is certainly a destructive synergy that makes civilization stagnate or even regress, so if human civilization wants to advance, it must stop war and eliminate war. How to destroy the war?

Of course, it is to prevent the formation of a war force, and if it has already formed, it must be completely broken.

In the past, there was only one way to break up this kind of war synergy, that is, to fight violence with violence, and to use greater synergy to crush smaller synergies, there was no such thing as justice and evil, because the winner was king and could write history, so human civilization has been faltering forward.

Putin's youngest daughter's villa in France, painted with Ukrainian flags, the tactics of war have completely changed?

But now that we have entered the information society, where people are connected through networks, and the whole planet has formed or is about to form a whole — an irreversible trend that no force can stop, even if a nuclear war destroys civilization, it can be quickly revived as long as there is a sufficient number of human beings to survive.

This means that for the first time in history, human civilization can rely on the combined force of the whole to eliminate the evil forces, and evil will no longer have the opportunity to defeat justice, because the pursuit of a better life for all mankind is justice, and its synergy is certainly greater than the power of oligarchs to plunder the people's fat and enjoy a luxurious life alone.

Putin's youngest daughter's villa in France, painted with Ukrainian flags, the tactics of war have completely changed?

Therefore, this may also be the first time in human history that the power of information and networks can be used to let the truth dispel lies, let wisdom dispel ignorance, and let the voice of justice overwhelm the clamor and blackmail of evil.

In the future, there may never be another case of evil triumphing over justice, because information networks keep people close to each other, and it is difficult for lies to deceive everyone.

So I estimate that after this war, the situation in the world may change drastically, and it will shift in a more friendly direction for all.

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