
Why are photos taken by iPhone sometimes particularly bright? The solution to the photo is too bright

Some users who use iPhone feedback: after the iPhone camera takes a photo, click into the preview, it will inexplicably brighten, feeling very bad.

Why do iPhone photos get really bright? This is because the iPhone records more brightness information in the EXIF (metadata file) of the photo when shooting to achieve HDR (high dynamic range) effect in the photo.

Why are photos taken by iPhone sometimes particularly bright? The solution to the photo is too bright

(Part of the exIF record)

At present, only the photo album of Apple devices can see this high brightness effect, using the screen characteristics of the iPhone, the highlight part of the photo can be as high as 1000nit, but this also makes many users feel uncomfortable.

"Obviously, when I was shooting, I was fine, why did I look back after shooting, the highlight of the picture is so bright?"

So how do you turn off this highlighting effect? Here's the solution to iPhone taking photos that are too bright.

Go to "Settings" - "Photos", swipe to the bottom, find "View Full HDR", and select Close.

Why are photos taken by iPhone sometimes particularly bright? The solution to the photo is too bright

Photos viewed on your device after you turn it off will be within the SDR (Standard Dynamic Range) and will no longer be overly lit.

However, when the camera shoots and records, it still saves the "high brightness" information.

So when you airdrop photos to other iPhones, or open this option later, you can still see this "high brightness" effect.

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