
Two years after graduation, I resigned naked seven times

One day in early April 2021, Xiao Zhao dragged a large suitcase from Chengdu to the capital Beijing.

She's here to work. Recruiting her as an assistant is a small artist who calls herself the eighteenth line, and the boy contacts her on the social platform, asks her to help her daily resources, talk about cooperation, and give her a salary of three thousand yuan a month, including food and housing.

It took nearly three hours for her to travel from the airport to Tongzhou, and the student who was studying in the Chinese opera saw that she really came, and then changed her mind, saying that she needed Xiao Zhao to eat and live at her own expense, and the salary was only two thousand yuan, but once it was done, Xiao Zhao was his companion, and he would not treat her badly.

Two years after graduation, I resigned naked seven times

Xiao Zhao photographed Beijing

The boy said very sincerely, and Xiao Zhao, who has always been soft-hearted, nodded his head, but heard the boy continue, "If you agree, you can temporarily live in the living room today, otherwise, I can only invite you out." ”

This sentence made Xiao Zhao Ru fall into the ice cave, and she woke up to the fact that this person was lying to her. In the house of the South Sixth Ring Road, she could hear the wind whistling outside the window. Beijing was too foreign to her, and she had no other choice, so she agreed to it for the time being.

Staying in the sitting area that night, Xiao Zhao opened the MEtuan, spent more than three thousand yuan to report a seven-day tour of Beijing, a package of food and accommodation, and then booked himself a ticket back to Chengdu after seven days.

After doing this, she had little savings left in her hands. She thought she would come to Beijing to get her fifth "job" after graduation. In the more than a year before that, she had resigned naked four times.

The next morning, while the boy was out printing the labor contract, she lifted her suitcase and left.

One and a half years, three cities, four jobs

Xiao Zhao graduated in the summer of 2019 with a major in International Economics and Trade. Because the trade in coastal cities is more developed, she has no planning, so she followed most of her classmates from Jiangxi to Shenzhen.

But she didn't want to do much about foreign trade. Since she usually likes to write and write by herself, she decided to cross the line to do new media operations. But unexpectedly, her daily work content is to forward messages to the circle of friends and various groups, which is very different from her original imagination of writing work.

After working for two months, Xiao Zhao resigned nakedly. When she first entered the workplace, she did not think that her first job was very important to her, "maybe still young."

After looking for a job for half a month, her second job was to operate an e-commerce business with a professional counterpart, but this job only lasted for three months. At the end of December, she again made a naked resignation.

Two years after graduation, I resigned naked seven times

Referring to the reasons for leaving, Xiao Zhao said that she felt that she still could not accept this profession and could not insist on a job that she did not like.

In this way, at the beginning of 2020, the outbreak of the epidemic, she resigned naked twice and returned to her hometown in Sichuan. At that time, she was completely unaware that the epidemic would last so long, and after three months at home, she decided to go to Chengdu, which is closer to home.

At the beginning of the epidemic, the demand for social workers in community street offices surged. Xiao Zhao feels that being a social worker can comfort and accompany the elderly, and she can also plan and hold many caring activities, which makes her feel that the meaning of her life has a foothold. She was very impressed, so she decided to try it. Fortunately, she passed the interview and successfully entered the street office as a social worker.

The job was the longest she's had ever had in any job. But gradually, the work content became boring and formal, she could no longer get a sense of recognition from it, and her salary stagnated. So, after a year of working, in March 2021, she resigned naked again.

When he resigned naked for the third time, Xiao Zhao was a little confused. I have only graduated for more than a year, but I have already changed three jobs. She was vaguely aware that she had "been a bit of a mess" during this time.

In desperation, she still chose to try again what she was interested in. Two days later, she talked about an MCN agency in Chengdu that was responsible for writing some short plays. Unexpectedly, the monthly salary that was originally negotiated was reduced by three thousand yuan for no reason when signing the contract. After generating electricity for love for a while, she found that the content of her work was different from what she had talked about before.

In this way, the job lasted more than 40 days and ended.

Two years after graduation, I resigned naked seven times

The experience of four naked words made Xiao Zhao's courage collapse like dominoes. These four trial and error only made her more sure of what she didn't like to do, but she still couldn't tell what she longed for. "It's not so much that you don't know what job you're looking for, it's better to say you don't know what you're up to."

In order to break away from the endless cycle of anxiety and self-doubt, she made excuses for herself, "Don't blame me, it should be the reason for the city."

She rented out her house in Chengdu as quickly as she could and packed all her luggage. Not knowing where to go, Xiao Zhao thought of Beijing, the place of her dreams five years ago. Friends couldn't help her, telling her to "hit the south wall."

In this way, with a passion for blood, when the boy at the beginning of the story contacted her, she embarked on the road of north drift without hesitation.

The struggle of the naked community under the epidemic

Coming out of the little artist's house, Xiao Zhao began his seven-day tour of Beijing. The week with the tour guide was the most stable week she had during that time, with someone picking up and dropping off, and she didn't have to worry about eating and living.

Although she had already bought a ticket home, she was not willing to leave like this. When she was sitting alone in the Forbidden City, she called a friend to ask for advice, and the friend said, "You throw a coin, stay in Beijing on the front, and go home on the other." ”

She religiously tossed out a coin that was the opposite and should go back to Chengdu. She thought to herself, throw it three times to see. She cast it a second time, and it was positive. She smiled and encouraged herself, "Well, that means there are some opportunities, and this one time is enough." ”

There are only a few hundred yuan left in her pocket, Xiao Zhao can't visit some attractions with the group at her own expense, so she stays in the bus and frantically casts her resume. Maybe it was the coin that gave her luck, just when someone replied and asked her to be an account manager. She was very impressed, for her, after so many twists and turns, it was good to have a chance to stay. So she hurriedly accepted the offer.

The next day I had to go to work, but Xiao Zhao didn't have a place to live. She took the subway with her luggage until the subway stopped, and it was already more than 11:40 p.m. She walked to the door of a neighborhood, sat down on a bench under a street lamp, turned on her mobile phone, and reviewed her experience for more than a year.

Ever since she realized her frequent naked resignation, she would go through various posts every day to see the situation of people who were also naked, and give herself a little comfort. Douban's naked word mass small exchange organization became her tree hole. Although it was just launched in October 2019, the group has now attracted more than 230,000 "naked-talking crowds."

In the past two years, there are not a few people who resign nakedly, but there are not many people like Xiao Zhao who frequently quit naked when they first entered the workplace.

According to the "2020 Workplace Naked Resignation Status Survey Report", more than 70% of workplace people will put the idea of naked resignation into practice, and the proportion of naked resignation for people who have worked for more than 5 years is much higher than that of workplace whites.

Young people's naked words can be any reason: dissatisfaction with salary, boredom with boring work content, fast-paced escape from two points and one line, catching up with dreams, yearning for the wider world.

There was a time when the "unemployed vagrants" after the naked resignation were the most envied kind of people for office workers who were still trapped in the cubicle. They either post travel photos on social platforms, or take a break and recharge at home, or say goodbye to the mechanical life of daily punching and starting a freelance job.

But the sudden outbreak of the epidemic has filled naked words with more uncertainty. Some people share the joy of naked words "right words" in groups, and more people look for their own kind in the "wrong words" posts and replies.

Two years after graduation, I resigned naked seven times

Some people resign naked from the post of director of the Internet factory, re-enter the workplace after a short break, face the reality of salary shrinking from 50,000 to 15,000, but can only temporarily accept, "riding a donkey to find a horse"; some people resigned naked before the epidemic, and even refused the offers of many companies during the period, but regrettably fell off the list after World War II, and once again submitted resumes were told that there is no job demand now; and at this moment, there are still many people trapped in their hometowns because of the epidemic, even if there is an offer that just talked about the hand not long ago. I can't go to work either.

In order to alleviate the anxiety of finding a job, the group's bean friends listed some things that can be done during the naked resignation period, encouraging people who have not yet found a job to be optimistic. The list is listed: cooking, exercising, memorizing words, learning PS, Excel, and PPT skills, and so on.

Reflections after naked resignation: from calm to indecisive

After staying up on an outdoor bench for one night, the next day, Xiao Zhao, who was preparing to join the fifth job, borrowed five thousand yuan from a friend and rented a house with a monthly rent of more than 1,000 yuan in the urban village at the end of Line 5.

This entry is very hasty, Xiao Zhao did not know the company well, after doing it for a while, she found that this is a scam company, not only the salary shrinkage is serious, but also the risk of thunder. As a result, Xiao Zhao, who joined in May, resigned naked again in early July.

Immediately after, Xiao Zhao's seventh job lasted only a week. Because she lived too far away, she commuted nearly 3 hours a day in one direction, and would be late no matter how early she got up in the morning. At that time, she did not know the average commute time in Beijing, and Xiao Zhao could not bear it and once again proposed a naked resignation. Fortunately, she soon found a second job.

Unlike Xiao Zhao's relatively short empty window period, many naked resignors are not so lucky. Under a post in the naked resignation group asking how long the group members were unemployed after naked resignation, the responses of netizens ranged from 11 days to 15 months, and more than half of them were unemployed for more than 4 months.

Two years after graduation, I resigned naked seven times

They have felt the job market depression more directly this year. There is no "gold, silver and four" in previous years, no matter how many resumes are cast, HR cannot be read back.

Now, Xiao Zhao's new job has been done for nearly nine months, which is the work she has insisted on for the second longest time. When it comes to naked words, her mentality has changed a lot.

In the first two years, she felt that the epidemic did not have much impact on her, and she was very impulsive and rarely considered external factors. She felt that this was essentially because she was doing a very basic job, circling among the various small classes.

But this year, there are cuts everywhere and the employment situation has become difficult. Therefore, even if she does not like her current job and the salary is only enough to make ends meet, she will suppress her impulse to resign nakedly and consider the resignation for a long time.

In her spare time, she still visits the naked resignation group every day to see how everyone is doing. Many people who are naked or have been naked are also actively sharing their "naked words documentary", hoping to sound a wake-up call for people who have the same idea.

Xiao Zhao also shared his story of naked words in the group. Below her post, many people find resonance here, saying they have had similar experiences. There are also many people who praise and encourage Xiao Zhao, saying that she can constantly try and make mistakes and is very brave.

But now, Xiao Zhao still wants to advise everyone to be cautious when resigning nakedly, and not to be impulsive. "Before I changed jobs, I always felt that I was quite powerful, but when I looked for a job after quitting naked, I found that many things were not my own ability, but the dividends of the times."

Edit: Citrus aurantium

Image source Visual China

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