
DNF: Mushroom head wash scissor blow will not play? Explain in detail to make you a qualified "Tony Teacher"

3.24 national costume officially launched, "mushroom head washing cut blow salon" mini game, the reward is very rich, many warriors do not know how to play on the first day, in order to let everyone quickly get the reward, this issue is mainly to teach everyone, how to be a qualified "Tony teacher" in the dungeon.

DNF: Mushroom head wash scissor blow will not play? Explain in detail to make you a qualified "Tony Teacher"

Wash cut blow activity guide

First, in celia's room, talk to the active NPC Teacher Tony, unlock the mission, and start the wash and blow mini-game.

The wash-cut-blow mini-game recovers 2 points of energy every day, which means that you can challenge two levels every day, 1 minute and 15 seconds each time, and after successfully completing the level, you can challenge unlimitedly until you finish the three-star reward.

Gameplay, when clicking on a level that has not yet received a star rating, it consumes 1 energy, and then it will arrange for the customer to enter, and there will be a request on the customer's head, and we need to click the corresponding key to use the tool according to the customer's needs.

DNF: Mushroom head wash scissor blow will not play? Explain in detail to make you a qualified "Tony Teacher"

【Haircut】Scissor pattern will appear on the customer's head, move to the customer's side with the arrow keys, press the Q key, it will automatically cut the head, and there is a progress bar, press the spacebar to accelerate, it does not matter if you do not press.

When you see the customer's head glowing, immediately move the arrow keys to the customer's side, press the Tab key to end the haircut, and the haircut process is complete!

【Wash cut blow combination】With the unlocking of the later levels, most customers do not just cut their heads, but begin to have multiple requirements, and the corresponding "combination icon" will appear on the top of the customer's head, such as "scissors + hair blow".

At this time, press the "Haircut Key" to start, wait until the customer's head is golden, press the "Tab" key first, then continue to press the "Blowing Button", and wait for the progress bar to finish.

When using the Hair Coloring and Hair Accessories tool, press "Up" and "Down" to select the corresponding icon, and the wrong selection will directly fail.

DNF: Mushroom head wash scissor blow will not play? Explain in detail to make you a qualified "Tony Teacher"

Other combinations are the same way to play, unfamiliar warriors can go to the level that has been completed to practice more, a few times down to skillfully force!

The wash and blow tasks are divided into daily tasks and cumulative tasks as well as collection tasks, and the specific rewards are viewed by everyone in the game.

To complete daily missions and brush event materials, there will be various rewards, silver coins are used to upgrade haircut items, which can increase the speed of haircuts and increase the number of customers, gold coins can be exchanged for various reward rewards, and lightning in the upper left corner is energy, which is automatically restored by 2 points every day.

DNF: Mushroom head wash scissor blow will not play? Explain in detail to make you a qualified "Tony Teacher"

Calculation of the washing shear blowing activity cycle

The event lasts for 28 days, and only needs to be participated in 2 times a day, about three minutes to complete, and about 12 days to get all the redemption rewards in the store.

In the mushroom head activity store, random card book props, the probability of opening legend cards is relatively high, each account can be opened five times a week, not long ago, There were five European emperors, and there were 4 legend cards!

The campaign lasts for 4 weeks, which is equivalent to 4 times the store refresh, the random card book can be changed for 20, even if the face is black, you can also prostitute a bunch of mushroom head embryo cards, there is no use deletion period, maybe you can keep it and wait for the 110 version to be used.

DNF: Mushroom head wash scissor blow will not play? Explain in detail to make you a qualified "Tony Teacher"

【Summary】: Washing, cutting and blowing activities are skilled or quite simple, and the activity rewards are also good, three minutes on the line every day, you can easily get all the rewards, of course, full attendance, other activities can also get a mushroom head aura, which has a signature basketball action, "Chicken you are too beautiful"!

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