
The King of The Gamers proposes a "Major Surgery" scheme that is innovative and practical, bringing the game back to life

A game has been played for more than six years, it is estimated that many small partners have been a little tired, especially the glory of the king, as a 5V5 competitive mobile game, the same process, outfit, gameplay, even if it is excellent, it is inevitable that the player will have aesthetic fatigue, especially in the case of poor game environment, unbalanced hero strength, but also let people have the idea of retreat, want to regain high popularity, it is necessary to innovate, recently, there are players with brain holes, put forward "major surgery" program, the idea is very novel, and also quite practical If the official can be adopted and implemented, it will inevitably make the game rejuvenate for a second spring.

The King of The Gamers proposes a "Major Surgery" scheme that is innovative and practical, bringing the game back to life

Voting kicking function

At this stage of the glory of the king, we are most afraid of encountering teammates with poor technology and do not cooperate, and even some people are obviously actors, and they have achieved the purpose of confusing the mentality of teammates on their own, which makes the mentality of the players who are dedicated to the division collapse instantly, but there is no way to take these teammates, they can only endure silently, there is no place to even hold grievances, even if the report is successful after the game, the weak punishment is not enough to deter them, which makes everyone very distressed.

The King of The Gamers proposes a "Major Surgery" scheme that is innovative and practical, bringing the game back to life

How does this problem need to be solved? Isn't there a one-size-fits-all solution? The answer is no, if the official online a voting function, the problem will be solved, when there is no cooperation with teammates or actors in the game, you can initiate a full vote, after three or more players agree, it will be deliberately engaged in mentality of the player kicked out of the game, the initiative of winning and losing to the player, and the enemy will automatically kick out the worst record of the person, if the enemy camp kicked out of the player has no bad behavior, will be kicked by the player's star compensation to the enemy kicked player, so that all players are fair, Will also greatly reduce the contradictions in the game, a long time, naturally no one dares to take the initiative to violate the law, but also purified the game environment, can be described as a multi-pronged move, if this function is online, it will inevitably bring the game back to the peak.

The King of The Gamers proposes a "Major Surgery" scheme that is innovative and practical, bringing the game back to life

Team injury function

Now the players, the anger is very heavy, in the game communication, basically are spitting on each other or complaining, this is a very abnormal game environment and habits, the reason for this situation, is because everyone's resentment has nowhere to vent, but the dispensable punishment system seems to be doing the look, before there were cases of being banned for several months or years, now it is at most banned for 24 hours, when it is pitted, everyone is eager to drop the mobile phone.

The King of The Gamers proposes a "Major Surgery" scheme that is innovative and practical, bringing the game back to life

This team injury function is mainly aimed at players who deliberately send heads, once there are players in the team who deliberately send heads, the system should open a one-way team injury function for them alone, only allow teammates to cause damage to him, and his reverse attack fails, this function mainly has two functions, the first is to allow normal players to vent their anger, to avoid passing this resentment to the game, the second is to avoid teammates sending heads to the enemy to brush the economy, I think we have all encountered their own crazy efforts to take heads, but can not keep up with the situation of teammates sending heads If you can cut off the way for teammates to send people's heads, the economies of the two sides will naturally be balanced to the greatest extent.

The King of The Gamers proposes a "Major Surgery" scheme that is innovative and practical, bringing the game back to life

Star compensation function

The reason why players are afraid of encountering "pit teammates", the main reason is that the technology is originally good, but because the "pit teammates" drop the star, which will inevitably make people psychologically unbalanced, it is understandable, although this is a competitive team game, but there should be no pit situation, so as to reflect the fairness of the game, just imagine, a player who originally belonged to the glory king, but in the star shine or even diamond dan frequently bend the waist, who can accept it?

The King of The Gamers proposes a "Major Surgery" scheme that is innovative and practical, bringing the game back to life

Therefore, if you want to let the player reach the position that should belong as soon as possible, you should come up with a foolproof strategy, the reward of the reward, the punishment of the punishment, for the player who deliberately pits his teammates, after the game is over, give other people star compensation, such as a player who deliberately pits people in the game, deduct four stars, the other four people each compensate for one star, quickly open the gap between strength, and there should be no appeasement, the official can not be flattered by both parties, want to make the game environment higher, must make trade-offs, so that rather than indiscriminate.

The King of The Gamers proposes a "Major Surgery" scheme that is innovative and practical, bringing the game back to life

If the official can carry out "major surgery" on the game according to the above programs, the game will be more competitive, and will not be completely reduced to a social game, not only can the player benefit, the official can also win a better reputation, will inevitably bring the game back to life, small partners, how do you evaluate the above programs?

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