
Harashin: How do you rate version 2.5? There are many stories to come from, and the map of Hades is not necessary

The original god version 2.5 is coming to an end, and the official has already issued a pre-download announcement for the 2.6 version. So about 2.5, you can make an evaluation. This version has four activities, some good and some bad, let's say one by one.

The First and Third Realms Road Festival - the map of Hades is not necessary

Harashin: How do you rate version 2.5? There are many stories to come from, and the map of Hades is not necessary

This is a large-scale event with a map of the Yuanxia Palace, copy and paste it, add some content, and do it. In fact, the gameplay of this map, organs and the like, although Gu Ying personally does not like much, but to say that it is not annoying. Among the organs, the guidance is quite good. The point of the problem, in the final analysis, is this environment.

Harashin: How do you rate version 2.5? There are many stories to come from, and the map of Hades is not necessary

I believe most players, like a sunny map. Occasionally, it is understandable to have a more hades, after all, for the sake of diversity. But since Inato came, no map has been relaxed at the beginning except for Kaiki Island. Tsurukan is a map of the real hades, and when it comes to the Yuanxia Palace, this discomfort feels at its peak.

Harashin: How do you rate version 2.5? There are many stories to come from, and the map of Hades is not necessary

As a result, when I arrived at the Yuanxia Palace plus, not only hades, but also added a poisonous circle, this really did not know what to say. Seeing that 2.6 was going to leave Inari and go to Rizuki, the result was good, the rock abyss was huge, and it was a dungeon again. Considering that this is another large map, it is estimated that it will be necessary to stay in it for a long time, and it is really numb.

Second, God's ingenious work

Harashin: How do you rate version 2.5? There are many stories to come from, and the map of Hades is not necessary

The official map of this event is not very interesting, but the player's custom map is really fun. There is a way out is the end, there is a fully automatic pass. Later in the game, however, a map that can be called a planning plus appears. Although the official statement is that the author must pass the customs once before uploading, many people have also developed a special channel for authors and a truancy channel.

Then it becomes the author easily passes the level, uploads the copy, and then the player can't get by how to run. What does it say? Everybody hates planning, everybody is planning.

Third, bartending activities - more stories outside the story

Harashin: How do you rate version 2.5? There are many stories to come from, and the map of Hades is not necessary

Bartending itself is quite boring. Whether it's the up-down left buttons, the selection of materials to unlock the recipe, or the deletion and deletion of the recipe later in the game according to the requirements of the guests, it is difficult to say that there is any fun in this matter. In particular, it is very practical to delete and modify the raw materials according to the needs of the guests; but it has to be said that most of the time, the waiter is not a happy profession.

Harashin: How do you rate version 2.5? There are many stories to come from, and the map of Hades is not necessary

So, adding a similar element to the game may really be debatable. But Gu Ying, I will still give this activity a high score, because there is a plot to watch in this activity; because this activity can see a lot of Characters of Rizuki in Mond. Of course, the rock god himself came to Mond, but the wind god did not entertain, which was indeed quite excessive.

Harashin: How do you rate version 2.5? There are many stories to come from, and the map of Hades is not necessary

As for how many treasure thieves Shen He had driven away from Liyue to Mond on the way, it was even more unknown. At the same time, players do not understand whether Walnut has expanded its business to Mond, which is somewhat regrettable. Similar plots, I hope to continue.

Fourth, one hundred people

Harashin: How do you rate version 2.5? There are many stories to come from, and the map of Hades is not necessary

There's nothing more to say about this event. The free five-star trial is certainly not to let the player experience it first and stimulate the player to draw cards; the abyss only needs two teams of 6 people, but the six teams of 12 people required for this event are certainly not to let players practice more characters. Considering that this activity has also been replicated many times, it is estimated that there will be more in the future.

All in all, of the four versions of 2.5, only one and a half were praised, and the remaining two and a half Gu Ying personally felt that it was not interesting. Of course, this is just a personal opinion, and I hope the 2.6 event can be a little interesting.

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