
22-year-old Morant, does he have a chance to become an MVP player?

At this stage, Morant must not have this strength. In the past two seasons, Morant's level has not reached the level of discussion that can enter the MVP list. The reason why everyone thinks that Morant can enter the MVP in the future time is mainly his scoring performance in recent times. Players who attack gorgeously tend to be highly praised beyond their own strength. This evaluation is similar to the previous discussion of Irving and Harden. Some people say that Irving's scoring ability has surpassed Harden's in some way, which is actually nonsense. Because of Irving's supernatural performance now, Harden has played countless times when he played for the Rockets in the 18-19 season. And the difficulty of his completion is much higher than the difficulty of Irving's completion now. So the analogy is also very reasonable in Morant.

As can be seen from previous scouting reports, Morant wants to become an MVP-level figure, which is basically impossible in the early stages. Let's take a look at what the Scouting Report had to say about Morant! The first is his strength: as a defender player, Morant carries a rare all-round attribute. He can be used as a cornerstone of the team, and it takes a certain amount of time for him to grow, but just entering the league can bring a lot of help to the team. This was already verified when Morant first entered the Grizzlies. Conley didn't do it, Morant did. With the Grizzlies moving from a defensive to an offensive team, Morant accelerated the Grizzlies' transition to some extent.

22-year-old Morant, does he have a chance to become an MVP player?

Secondly, without considering weight, Morant's physical fitness is still very exciting. He has a lot of strength and explosiveness, so he can be a good agile speed defender. He has a good attitude on the pitch and he is willing to do things that can help the team on both ends of the floor. He's a good leader because he's willing to give for his teammates. He has a good view of the pass, can find the position of his teammates on the move, and deliver the right assists. In the mid-range zone, Morant's shooting ability is relatively stable, of course, he prefers to attack the inside line and dunk on the opponent's head.

For fans who are new to this area, hearing such comments may feel that this is a future star. But in the history of the league, there are actually a lot of players who can get such an evaluation. Because the scouting report can only give a summary of a player's technical characteristics, it is not a good prediction of his future direction. And with just the simplest of words, we can already see that Morant is at best a top All-Star guard. He didn't have the root of being a superstar, so it was very difficult for him to enter the MVP ranks. Comprehensiveness is both a compliment and a denial of the player, because it dooms him to not have a ability to compete with other players.

22-year-old Morant, does he have a chance to become an MVP player?

Before this, there are countless MVP players who have their own invincible skills, James's breakthrough ability, alphabet brother's physical fitness, Durant's scoring ability, Curry's three-point projection ability, even if it is Westbrook, he also has the horror honor of producing triple-doubles. We can't predict what kind of height Morant will grow to after 5 seasons, after all, this kind of prediction across time dimensions is often inaccurate. But at least for sure, in 5 seasons, he will have a hard time achieving MVP-level results. Or you can also refer to the ability of Jokic and Embiid now. Does anyone really think that the current Morant can be compared with these two gods? You must know that at the beginning of the season, Curry's super-god performance barely allowed him to re-enter the MVP discussion, and Morant has not even reached Curry's original performance, how can he enter this level?

The scouting report also stated Morant's shortcomings. The first disadvantage is Morant's shooting ability. Earlier when we talked about Morant's advantage, we mentioned that his shooting ability is limited to the mid-range area, and once the area is expanded beyond the three-point line, his shooting becomes very unstable. Entering the league for several seasons can also be seen that Morant does have this problem. His shooting percentage from outside the three-point line has remained around 30 percent for many years. A three-point shooting percentage at this level is clearly substandard for a guard.

22-year-old Morant, does he have a chance to become an MVP player?

Some people may say that Morant's playing style is more of an impact on the inside line, and it is not enough to give up part of the three points? If you just want to eat young, of course you can. There are countless players in the league who have told you that you can score points just by impacting the inside line, but this style of play can't last long. If you don't believe it, you can look at the current Wei Shao, how many insults Wei Shao has borne this season, everyone should be able to see for all to see. Morant is very similar to the original Westbrook, both of whom like to storm the inside line and like to pull up the mountain's slam dunks. But finally? If Morant followed in the footsteps of Wei Shao, it would be like this for him in this life.

The second drawback, injuries. In fact, it is not very accurate to say that injuries and illnesses are more accurately summarized as the hidden dangers of injuries caused by too little weight. Morant likes to punch inside, but his weight doesn't allow him to maintain an edge against them. Morant can jump very high, but when he encounters a heavy opponent, his confrontation is somewhat insignificant. So you can often see Morant being knocked over by his opponent in the game round, and although he can still put the ball in at the end, it undoubtedly increases the risk of injury that he lands on the ground after the confrontation.

22-year-old Morant, does he have a chance to become an MVP player?

Injuries are one of the biggest factors affecting players, and whether their careers can last depends on how resistant they are to injuries. If he had been plagued by injuries for years, he would have been doomed to be included in the MVP's discussions. Quite simply, if a player wants to be elected MVP of the season, he must be healthy and persistent in playing multiple games. And the simplest injury in the case of injury, that guarantee is two or three weeks can not play, how can this be considered MVP?

Finally, an awkward statistic. During Morant's absence this season, the overall efficiency of the Grizzlies has improved. In other words, Morant hasn't had a good positive boost for the Grizzlies, although what he's shown this season is that he's taking the team with him. So whether he can prove his strength, Morant will continue to perform in the future season, and his current high-level statistics are not very good, most of them are ranked in the tenth and twentieth, this ability, I think no one will trust it.

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