
The league's first pseudo-strong team, none other than the Bulls

In the March 23 game between the Bulls and the Bucks, the Bulls lost 28 points, and they were powerless to face the bucks' impact, and the alphabet brothers fell down before they could even exert their strength. After that game, the Bulls faced the top three teams in the East and West this season, with a record of 0 wins and 16 losses.

If you expand the range to the bulls facing the top eight in the league, the bulls will answer 2-18, and have only won once so far in the season against the Celtics and Jazz.

The league's first pseudo-strong team, none other than the Bulls

DeRozan said: "It's all up to us, at some point we're tired of being squashed by an opponent like this, we have to make changes, we've had enough." ”

Instead of losing to the top eight team today, they lost to the Pelicans, who were tenth in the West before this game. Although DeRozan was truce, Ingram, who was opposite, also did not fight.

The two sides were able to play back and forth in the first three quarters, but the Pelicans played a 12-0 offensive wave under the leadership of nobody Alvarado to close the game. In the last six games, the Bulls have only won 1 and lost 5, and the ranking has fallen to sixth in the East.

The league's first pseudo-strong team, none other than the Bulls

The Bulls briefly ascended to the top spot in the East in the middle of the season, when they had a big schedule advantage. Soon, when the Bulls' schedule began to get difficult, their record took a sharp turn for the worse.

Injuries are a big part of the reason why the Bulls have a shaky record, caruso has just returned from injury on the defensive line, and the ball brother is still lying, and has not played since January 15.

Of course, in addition to injury reasons, the problem that has plagued the Bulls for a long time this season is that their interior defense is really poor. When Ball was still able to play, the Bulls' overall defense was one of the best in the league, and now the Bulls' defense has declined a lot.

The league's first pseudo-strong team, none other than the Bulls

They are currently only 21st in the league in defensive efficiency, with 1.93m Green and 1.98m DeRozan on the front. When DeRozan didn't play, the starting line was Dosem, who was 1m 96.

Their fifth-placed Vucevic has never been known for his defense, just a big shooting man with a soft style and is not a defensive interior at all. Before today, the Bulls are going to concede 49.4 points per game in the penalty area, ranking 24th of all teams.

The league's first pseudo-strong team, none other than the Bulls

The Bulls grabbed 33 rebounds in the last game, while the Bucks grabbed 53 rebounds, 20 more than the Bulls. In today's game to the Pelicans, they lost another 10 rebounds.

In order to reinforce rebounds in the middle of the season, they signed Tristan Thompson after the buyout, but the effect was also limited. The Bulls currently have second-to-last rebounds in the league and are only a little better than the 76ers. Ranking 28th in the league in rebounds, it's really bad.

The league's first pseudo-strong team, none other than the Bulls

DeRozan's own form has also declined recently, the last time DeRozan scored a 30+ was on March 10. One of the weird things is that it seems that which team DeRozan is on, which team will be labeled as a pseudo-strong team.

At the beginning of the season, the Bulls were considered to have secured the second round. Now it is difficult for them to rise to the top half of the East, and if they want to break through the first round, they must at least win a strong team in the regular season.

The league's first pseudo-strong team, none other than the Bulls

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