
How should I pick a smart TV? Can't do without these 3 features!

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In today's society, smart TVs can be said to be very common, and most families have a smart TV. What is the function of smart TV that makes the public yearn for it so much?

How should I pick a smart TV? Can't do without these 3 features!

We must be optimistic about its features when choosing a smart TV. Pick a Smart TV and it's best to have these 3 features.

First, intelligent systems

Intelligent operating system.

In particular, the artificial intelligence system can not only facilitate us to watch the content we want to watch, but also systematically summarize our preferences for watching TV, and give priority to recommending TV programs or content that are compatible with our preferences, which is very intimate.

How should I pick a smart TV? Can't do without these 3 features!

Second, anti-blue light function

Nowadays, more and more people have the phenomenon of myopia, in addition to hereditary myopia, more because of excessive use of the eyes, bad habits of the eyes caused.

Mobile phones almost do not leave the body, playing computer games is also unrestrained, but the radiation of mobile phones and computers is very large, especially blue light radiation, directly hurt our eyes, a long time will cause myopia.

How should I pick a smart TV? Can't do without these 3 features!

Third, strong performance

The performance of smart TV is very important, only with strong performance, can we ensure that we can watch TV smoothly, no caton, no delay.

Especially for some friends who like to play games, the smoothness of the game is very important. So be sure to choose a smart TV with strong performance.

Therefore, when choosing a smart TV, it is best to choose a smart TV with an artificial intelligence system, anti-blue light function, and strong performance. Not only to bring you convenience, but also to make you feel comfortable to see, more enjoyable to watch.

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