
After the team was banned by UEFA, Russia made a bid for the European Championship

The official website of the European Football Association Federation (UEFA) released a message on the 23rd that with the arrival of the Deadline on March 23, UEFA has received four bids to host the 2028 or 2032 European Championship. It is worth noting that according to the news, one of the bids received by UEFA came from the Russian Football Association.

After the team was banned by UEFA, Russia made a bid for the European Championship

The official website of the UEFA released the news on the 23rd

The football associations of England, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Scotland and Wales jointly bid for Euro 2028, With Russia and Turkey indicating their desire to host Euro 2028 or 2032, while Italy wanting to host Euro 2032. The news also said that the hosting rights for Euro 2028 and Euro 2032 will be finalized in September 2023.

It is worth noting that recently, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict broke out, and in the environment of anti-Russian public opinion created by Western politicians and media, sanctions against Russia have spread to the humanities field. Fifa International Football Federation (FIFA) issued a statement on March 1, and FIFA and UEFA jointly decided to temporarily ban Russian teams , whether national or club — from fifa and UEFA matches.

After the team was banned by UEFA, Russia made a bid for the European Championship

European Cup infographic

According to Agence France-Presse reported on the 23rd, in response to the European Cup bid, a UEFA spokesperson stressed that the Russian Football Association (RFU) itself has not been excluded. However, the spokesperson also said UEFA would "reassess the legal and realities included after the RFU submitted its bid" at meetings scheduled for April and May.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova has said Western sanctions against Russia in the humanities are unacceptable, including sanctions for athletes and actors. Zakharova said at a press conference: "The West's illegal restrictions on the international humanities are not only beyond the scope of international law, but also direct discrimination against ordinary people. Sanctions relating to the right to free movement of persons, the freedom of expression of public opinion, the use of cultural information for achievements, and restrictions on cultural, sports and cooperation and access to people are totally unacceptable. ”

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