
A few signs that men are willing to compound must be identified in time

The man is rational and his choice to break up with you to end the relationship is more or less deliberate. So, we'll find it harder to get a man back after a breakup than it is to get a woman back.

But not all boys are so desperate that they don't give you a chance after a breakup. At least a considerable number of boys are still compassionate, and they still can't help but want to get back together with you for a while after the breakup. A man is an animal who does not want to bow his head easily, even if he wants to reunite with you in his heart, but it is not obvious to show it, and even it will show the opposite behavior. At that time, we must be aware of the signs of men's reunion in time, seize the right time, and save the feelings successfully.

So, what are the usual signs that men are willing to get back together?

1, blame your not, complain about your bad.

"Suspects are buyers of psychology" is vividly displayed in men, and it is even possible that this is the talent of men, but this psychology and behavior of men will cause great harm to the hearts of girls. Just like some of our straight men, if they have a crush on a girl in their hearts, they will use some actions of disgust and suppression with the intention of getting close to understanding the girl.

The most common thing is "Wow, why are you so heavy?" I can't catch it! "How do you do things so slowly?" "I didn't expect you to eat so much!" These words all mean that the boy's suspect is the buyer's psychology. They love you in their hearts, but they say that you are not.

A few signs that men are willing to compound must be identified in time

But in the eyes of the girl's heart, these words and actions of the boy are quite low emotional intelligence. Listening to these words will be sad in the heart will produce painful emotions, girls will think that men are disgusted with their own fat, slow work, and then fall into painful emotions and then with boys to calculate, do not feel safe, and then suffer from gains and losses.

This "suspect mentality" of men will also show it when they are willing to get back together with you. The most typical is "If you know today, why did you do it in the first place?" But you kept clamoring to break up" "Didn't you always say that I didn't have the ability and no money?" What are you going to come to me for now? "When I was with you, how many times did you say you made trouble?" You still beat me, do you think it's interesting for us to continue like this? ”

When a man is willing to get back together with you in his heart, he will generally have bad words and actions that accuse you of not being right and complaining about your badness. Think about it! When a man proposes to break up with you and end the relationship, it is nothing more than feeling uncomfortable or wronged when he is with you! If you don't let him speak out about the dissatisfaction with you in his heart, and don't pour out the grievances that have been suppressed in his heart for a long time, he will willingly continue to be with you. Every man has a little boy living in his heart, you don't let him say it with a full stomach, and then coax him, how can he be willing to continue to play with you, only in his heart hate you to death.

Unfortunately, when many girls save their feelings, as soon as they hear men's accusations and complaints about her, they are easily brought into the negative emotions of sadness and pain, and then argue with men about the right and wrong of two people. Needless to say, such a redemption ended in repeated quarrels, and in the end it failed to achieve the effect of successful redemption. Therefore, women must understand that when men accuse you of not complaining about your badness, you must be aware in time that this is a sign that men want to get back together. At this time, remember to learn to coax him like a child, rather than arguing with him theoretically. If you can't coax him, you won't play with you!

A few signs that men are willing to compound must be identified in time

2, secretly establish a contact channel, secretly observe your transformation.

Under the shaping of the environment of the great social development, men have become animals with subtle and poor expression. They are all keen hunters with a strong desire to conquer. In the relationship, it will also be like hunting, intently observing the every move of the prey, waiting for opportunities to find opportunities to approach the prey, and then hit it with one hit.

When women save men, they always have such doubts in their hearts, "I have improved myself to become better, can he see it?" ”。 Women have such doubts that they really do not know the hunter-hunting characteristics of men, and women just use the perspective of women to think of men as emotional animals, focusing only on their own inner feelings and emotions and ignoring the careful observation of other verbal behaviors. Women are really animals that can be hindered by emotions.

I can tell you definitively that women elevate themselves to change and men can really see it. Even if you don't have contact, haven't spoken, haven't connected, the answer is yes, and men can definitely see it. Because men are naturally shaped as hunters, if he wants to reunite with you, he will observe your every move in silence, and will find a way to secretly establish a channel that can contact you.

As long as you re-attract him to a certain point in your body and make him feel excited again, he will take the initiative to come to you to reunite. But if he secretly sees that you are the same as before, then his heart will definitely be disappointed as always, and then he can only choose to turn around silently and secretly go farther and farther away from you. Maybe all this happens in the invisible, but men just make a lot of choices in this silent silence.

So, women who want to save their love, don't continue to fall into the trap of doubting whether they can see whether they can see it, you have become better, he must see it and will definitely come back. Men like to secretly observe your every move, and smile!

A few signs that men are willing to compound must be identified in time

3. Make some specific requirements for you.

When a man decides to reunite with you in this relationship, he will definitely make a lot of specific requests, especially for yourself. "You are not allowed to throw tantrums at me in the future" "You don't always cry, I can't see you crying, as soon as you cry, my heart is very irritable, I want to get angry" "You don't have to talk about my mother without moving." "In the future, will you still break the bowls at home and smash the dishes?" "In the future, don't delete the contact information of the blackout as soon as you quarrel with me, you have to delete the blackout then you will never contact again" and so on, men say these words, most of the heart is to accept to reunite with you.

As for these specific requirements made by men! In fact, most of you don't have to be too serious with him, of course, if it is the point that causes you two to break up emotionally, it is still necessary to listen to it, and you must pay attention to it in your heart. When a man is willing to get back together, he asks you so much in fact, it is consistent with the man's persuasion psychology at the wine table, he always has to find a step for himself, just like the wine table always has to find a reason for himself to drink this cup of wine out of the same psychology.

Most of the words on the wine table can be not serious. But if the drunkard's intention is not to drink, you must be aware of it in your heart. This kind of persuasion psychology is formed by men in the fierce male social competition, "It's not that I want to drink this cup of wine!" It's hard for everyone to be gracious! "It's not that I have to sit in this position!" It's everyone's push again and again! "It's not that I have to continue to be with you, but you promised me how to do it!" So you will find that when men are willing to accept your redemption, they will most likely make some requests with you.

The performance of women and men willing to get back together is completely inconsistent. Women focus more on the handling of inner emotions. A woman will choose to compound, mostly by looking at her own inner feelings. When she feels comfortable, she is willing to reunite with men. If you feel unhappy inside, then you still have to roll how far you are. So saving women focuses on channeling women's inner emotions, and saving men focuses on untying the knots in men's hearts, and the two are completely different.

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