
Xiong Wei, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee: The level of party school running is constantly improving The number of cities and counties coordinating schools has increased by 42 times compared with 2019

author:Cover News
Xiong Wei, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee: The level of party school running is constantly improving The number of cities and counties coordinating schools has increased by 42 times compared with 2019

Cover news trainee reporter Zou Ajiang Yang Ruiwen

At 10:00 a.m. on September 14, the Information Office of the People's Government of Sichuan Province held a press conference in Chengdu to promote the reform of original driving force in Sichuan Province.

At the press conference, Xiong Wei, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, mentioned that after a year of exploration and practice and reform, the overall pattern of Sichuan Party School has been reshaped, the overall conditions for running schools have been improved, and the overall quality of school running has been improved. He also introduced the reform of party schools in Sichuan Province in the past three aspects.

In terms of functional layout, the overall situation of party school reform has been continuously optimized, and the aggregation effect has been effectively stimulated. Historic realization of 183 county-level party schools all have brands, institutions and special personnel, promote 67 independent school-running county-level party schools to do fine and excellent, drive the joint development of 116 county-level party schools that are coordinated to run schools, and initially build a new pattern of party school development with municipal party schools as the leader and city and county party schools jointly built and shared.

In terms of institutional mechanisms, it has been continuously improved, and the level of running schools has been effectively improved. In 2021, the number of main classes planned by municipal and county-level party schools increased by 1.17 times and 0.94 times respectively compared with 2019, of which the number of city-county overall school-running classes increased by 42 times compared with 2019, which better solved the problems of some county-level party schools such as nominal and hollow idleness.

In the party school, the surname of the party has been continuously strengthened, and the vitality of reform has gradually burst forth. The main responsibilities of party committees at all levels have been further strengthened, and in conjunction with the change of term, the construction of party school teams has been strengthened, the organizational establishment has been optimized, the teaching force has been enriched, and the system of innovating party schools, improving the ability of teachers, and leading cadres going to the podium has been comprehensively implemented, and the work of party schools has been strengthened and valued as never before, and the vitality of party schools has been continuously enhanced.

Xiong Wei introduced that in the next step, in accordance with the overall deployment of the provincial party committee, Sichuan will shift the focus of reform to improving the quality of running schools, promote the development of connotation on the basis of changes in the pattern, continuously improve the quality and level of cadre education and training, and provide strong support for cultivating a high-quality professional cadre team that is loyal and clean.

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