
21 points + 21 points + 22 points, powerless to return to heaven! Alphabet brother awkwardly quasi-triple-double, leading the team to create a 28-point victory

On March 23, Beijing time, the NBA's new season regular season continued. The Milwaukee Bucks, who currently have a 44-27 record, have also ushered in a new game, taking on the challenge of the Chicago Bulls at home. As a team that aspires to defend the championship this season, the Bucks are still in relatively good shape and have always maintained a very high level of competition. However, they also have times when horses lose their front hooves. In the course of their previous away challenge to the Timberwolves, they also lost to the Timberwolves by 19 points.

21 points + 21 points + 22 points, powerless to return to heaven! Alphabet brother awkwardly quasi-triple-double, leading the team to create a 28-point victory

In this game, the Bucks, who are back at home, are bound to want to find their way back in front of the Bulls. But we have to admit that the Bulls are not a bullying team, and no matter how bad they are in recent times, they will not be powerless to resist. So, when the Bulls meet the Bucks, what kind of sparks will burst out between the two sides? Let's wait and see. DeRozan and LaVine's shots were cold at the start of the game. Among them, DeRozan shot 1 of 5 in the first quarter, and LaVine also had a poor shooting rate of 1 of 4.

21 points + 21 points + 22 points, powerless to return to heaven! Alphabet brother awkwardly quasi-triple-double, leading the team to create a 28-point victory

At the same time, although Vucevic had three-pointers on 3-of-3 and 4-of-5 shooting, and delivered 11 points and 1 rebound, he did not help the team achieve the feat of domination, but gave the Bucks a 13-point lead with a 33-20 score. Entering the second quarter against LaVine' shooting feel gradually warmed up, delivering 9 points, 1 rebound and 3 assists, but DeRozan was still frozen, and the second quarter sent a bad shooting rate of 1 of 6 shots. There is no doubt that the Bulls did not achieve a point chase in the second quarter, but let the Bucks continue to take a 3-point lead with a 26-23 score.

21 points + 21 points + 22 points, powerless to return to heaven! Alphabet brother awkwardly quasi-triple-double, leading the team to create a 28-point victory

At the end of the first half, the Bulls were already trailing the Bucks by a crucial 16 points! The point difference has been widened one after another, but the Bulls have never given up their desire for victory and are always working to reverse the score. Unfortunately, after Yibian fought again, the Bucks did not give DeRozan a chance to counterattack. That's right, even though he was able to shoot 6 of 9 in the third quarter, sending 12 points, 2 rebounds and 1 steal, LaVine also had 8 points, 1 assist and 1 steal, which still allowed the Bucks, who played all the troops, to take a 6-point lead again with a 32-26 score.

21 points + 21 points + 22 points, powerless to return to heaven! Alphabet brother awkwardly quasi-triple-double, leading the team to create a 28-point victory

Before entering the crucial final quarter game, the Bulls were already trailing the Bucks by a crucial 22 points, and there was no suspense in this game. In the end, the regular time of the fourth quarter was over, and the Bucks won the game with a score of 126-98. I have to admit that the Bulls, as a surprising dark horse team in the first half of this season, did bring us a different visual experience. But as the season progresses, they seem to have lost their original competitiveness and become a sheep to be slaughtered.

21 points + 21 points + 22 points, powerless to return to heaven! Alphabet brother awkwardly quasi-triple-double, leading the team to create a 28-point victory

However, the bulls' starting core players in this game are not too crotch-pulling. DeRozan, Raven and Vucevic have played the technical level they deserve. DeRozan, who performed poorly in the first half, was also able to wake up in time to enter the second half, sending 21 points, while LaVine also had 21 points, 3 rebounds and 7 assists, and Vucevic, who handed over 22 points, 7 rebounds and 2 assists. The three scored 20 points, and the overall performance was still very good. But unfortunately, the Bulls' side except for the three of them, the other players only scored single digits, which did not help the team alleviate the overall scoring pressure.

21 points + 21 points + 22 points, powerless to return to heaven! Alphabet brother awkwardly quasi-triple-double, leading the team to create a 28-point victory

And seeing the Bucks, who achieved a 28-point victory at home, the alphabet brother handed over 25 points, 17 rebounds and 5 assists in the process of stunning data, and also sent 9 mistakes, giving the Bulls a lot of opportunities to fight back. But so what? Holliday and Lopez and others can open fire one after another to play a full-fledged state, making up for the alphabet brother's embarrassing single-game quasi-triple-double performance.

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