
Diverse choices bloom with youthful brilliance

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition

Diverse choices bloom with youthful brilliance

Surfing is now one of the most important aspects of Zhang's life, and she loves the joy of being in close contact with nature that comes with the sport. The picture shows Zhang Songbei surfing.

Diverse choices bloom with youthful brilliance

The restaurant kitchen at No. 6 Shangyuan Village is the place where Chai Zijian stays the longest every day. He said that the praise of the dishes by diners is the biggest compliment for the cooks. The picture shows Chai Zijian preparing vegetables. Photo by Sun Yahui, a reporter of this newspaper

Diverse choices bloom with youthful brilliance

Through the Gaotai Center for Contemporary Art, Ma Xing hopes to create a space where artists can support and link with each other. The picture shows Ma Xing at the Grand Bazaar of cattle and sheep in Kashgar, Xinjiang.

In recent years, the diversification trend of returnees in the field of employment and entrepreneurship has become more obvious. A few days ago, this reporter interviewed 3 young returnees from different fields, one studied cooking and opened a Western food kitchen outside the downtown area; one left his hometown and went to Lingshui, Hainan, dedicated to promoting surfing; and one "halfway out of the house" in Urumqi, Xinjiang, and founded a contemporary art center to show the innovation and aesthetics of contemporary artists in Xinjiang.

Obsessing with what they love and blooming with youthful brilliance is the common pursuit of the 3 of them.

Zhang Songbei:

In Hainan, go to a covenant of stepping on the waves

The love of brave the wind and waves

Compared with Wanning, the more famous surfing resort in Hainan, fewer people come to Lingshui to surf. But in fact, the fine sand shoals here can receive the energy of the monsoon very well. For surfers, Lingshui is suitable for advanced practice and also for surf teaching. This is also the reason why Zhang Songbei likes Lingshui.

In 2016, Zhang Songbei, who graduated from the University of California, San Diego with a bachelor's degree in communication studies, returned to Shanghai to engage in new media operations. At that time, she often went to Hainan to surf on holidays, and life by the sea reminded her of the days when she went to college — walking from her dormitory to the beach and walking by the sea for an afternoon.

Therefore, 4 years later, at the end of 2020, when there was a job related to surfing in front of Zhang Songbei, she did not hesitate too much and made the decision to quit her job and come to Lingshui. "Do the online content operation of surfing brands, and at the same time dock the cooperation projects of different brands." I can have more time to practice surfing and I can better introduce and promote surfing culture. ”

From the first successful catch of the waves, Zhang Songbei quickly fell in love with this sport that was in close contact with the sea. In the early morning or in the evening, she likes to stand by the sea, watch the sunrise and sunset, and feel the tranquility of the sea blowing through the body, people and nature.

"Surfing brings me a different feeling than other sports," Zhang Said, "The sea, the sun, the waves are changing with the changes of the whole environment, different times, different seasons are different, this kind of life state of life close to nature fascinates me." Close to the waves, we have been interacting with nature, and people and nature have a dynamic relationship, one side drives the other side to change. ”

She philosophically recounts the changes brought by surfing, and this "wrapped in the sea" sport makes Zhang Songbei feel a kind of physical and mental ease: the tide rises and falls, the wind rises and falls, and the surfer braves the wind and waves in the unknown, looking for control.

Pursuit beyond age

"Shaka Surf" is a surfing brand that Zhang Jingbei is operating and promoting. "Shaka" originated from a Hawaiian saying and has since become a way for surfers to greet each other, and Zhang said that surfing also conveys a warm, simple and pure beach lifestyle.

Recently, she and her team are working with well-known extreme sports brands to co-shoot a set of short videos. The video documents the stories of nearly 10 surfers, some young students, some retired entrepreneurs, and surfing is their common hobby. "It's certainly not just a sport for young people, but surfers of all ages will find their own joy in it." Zhang Songbei said.

Every day when the sky is just dark, surf until about 9 o'clock and then go ashore to go home, start the day's work, in Lingshui for more than 1 year, Zhang Jingbei has become accustomed to such a rhythm of life. Leaving the hustle and bustle of Shanghai, coming to Hainan because of her love of surfing, Zhang Songbei also thanked her parents for their enlightenment and understanding.

"I love what I'm doing now, and it makes me feel valuable. My parents saw my efforts and dedication, and they were happy for me. "I am lucky to be able to promote a common favorite sport with like-minded partners." It's love that makes us meet. ”

Ma Xing:

In Xinjiang, let contemporary art dialogue with the world

Build a space for art links

In less than two months, the new site of the Gaotai Contemporary Art Center in Urumqi will officially open. Compared with the old site located in the core business district, the new museum makes full use of the abandoned factory building during the renovation process, and has a broader exhibition and design space.

In Ma Xing's view, the bright "turn" of industrial heritage is in line with his positioning of the art center, "it is like the 798 in Beijing, visitors can come to see the exhibition, and at the same time, these buildings themselves are worth savoring and appreciating." Ma Xing said.

Growing up in Tacheng as a child, moving to Urumqi in elementary school, and going to Beijing to study until he graduated from high school, Ma Xing always had a deep nostalgia for his hometown. After graduating from university, he worked for a consultancy firm in Dubai and also visited the University of Geneva in Switzerland to conduct research on public policy. These resumes do not seem to be directly related to his current choices – he returned to Urumqi and founded the Gaotai Center for Contemporary Art, which is now a local fame.

The change stemmed from a trip in 2017. It was Ma Xing's first trip to Kashgar's high-rise houses, and the century-old city on the loess cliffs was crisscrossed and still stood for generations. The architectural characteristics and cultural charm of ethnic minorities deeply touched Ma Xing, and also gave him a different cultural experience, and an idea began to take shape in his mind: using art as the carrier to tell the diverse and rich story of beautiful Xinjiang through the artist's flexible works.

"Art is the language of the world. I think it's important that creators can reflect individual perspectives and lives, and audiences can interpret them for themselves. Ma Xing said that he did not initially think of setting up a contemporary art center, but only focused on curating, but in the process of in-depth research, he realized that it is necessary to create a space where artists support each other and link with each other, and gradually extend a more comprehensive art creation ecology." After returning to Xinjiang, the first thing I did was to visit the artists to understand their creative process and learn about the market mechanism of contemporary art. At that time, there were not many institutions promoting professional artists in Urumqi, and I thought that we could try to build a platform to bring together a new generation of young people engaged in cultural creation in Xinjiang and convey a very energetic and enthusiastic voice. ”

Pursue a variety of three-dimensional expression

On November 1, 2019, the Gaotai Center for Contemporary Art ushered in its first exhibition. With the theme of "Hometown", the works of "post-90s" returnee photographer Helen Ma are exhibited. She mainly shoots portraits of documentary figures in Xinjiang, the picture is full of colors, while recording the vibrant multi-ethnic life in Xinjiang, her lens also often appears young people who collide with the trend culture.

"Ma Helen's works have their own unique fashion views, showing the tolerance and aesthetics of contemporary young artists in Xinjiang." Ma Xing commented.

Although the museum has been affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic since its inception, in the past two years or so, Ma Xing has planned more than a dozen exhibitions and forums, hoping to interpret the colorful Xinjiang through a variety of exhibitions.

For example, he has held the "Art and Sustainable Development" forum with the participation of artists from 18 countries and regions, the Swiss Contemporary Photography Exhibition "Between Mountains, Hills and Lakes" with the Shanghai office of the Swiss Cultural Foundation, and the "Adventures of Adventures - Eight Xinjiang Artists Group Exhibition".

Ma Xing attaches great importance to inviting artists from different regions, different ages and different fields in the curatorial process to create an environment for artistic dialogue. "In this way, the 'communicative' nature of the exhibition will be very strong." Through a variety of highly infectious and vivid works, the audience can see the particularly diverse and three-dimensional expressions of Xinjiang artists. He said.

In order to relieve the operational pressure caused by the epidemic, Ma Xing has held an online pre-order event, including exhibition tickets, paid members of the art center and design derivatives of cooperative artists. To his surprise, more than 1,200 people eventually participated in the online pre-order, including both audiences who had come to see the exhibition and literary and art lovers who had heard about the Gaotai Contemporary Art Center for the first time. Every pre-order is a real support, and for Ma Xing, who started his business, he was both touched and more determined to run an art center.

"I hope that the soil here will attract more young artists, better gather local creative energy, and sustainably become a channel for artistic creation and dissemination." Ma Xing said.

Chai Zijian:

In Beijing, touch the taste buds with ingenuity and sincerity

Open a "like home" restaurant

Through the cozy and quiet courtyard wall, a few drops of snow water inadvertently fell from the brick eaves, and it was in the afternoon, an orange and an ash two cats were gently wagging their tails, lazily lying in the yard and basking in the sun.

Not far from here is the famous Jingmi Diversion Canal, in Xingshou Town, Changping District, Beijing, Shangyuan and Xiayuan Villages are small and famous artist villages, private studios, private art galleries scattered among them, and more than 100 artists have settled and created here.

This is No. 6 Shangyuan Village, just after the spring equinox, the persimmon and cherry trees planted in the courtyard have not yet sprouted. Under the wall are placed craft beer bottles collected by the owner of the courtyard, a few dining tables, a few rattan chairs, and several diners who come to visit, and the aroma of the delicacies is overflowing, which makes people can't help but eat.

The chef is a mild-mannered "post-90s" whose name is Chai Zijian, who studied lawn management at Michigan State University in the United States. In August last year, he rented No. 6 Shangyuan Village and redesigned and renovated it to create a very personal Western kitchen. "I want this restaurant to make all the guests feel comfortable, like eating at home." The young "chef" said so.

Calling back the time pointer, the initial days of studying abroad completely stimulated Chai Zijian's interest in cooking. In his sophomore year, he often went to the supermarket near the apartment to buy ingredients, and then he learned and cooked along with the food program, and the American roommate in the apartment became a "taster". It was also in that year that Chai Zijian began to consider cooking as his future career direction, and he enjoyed the satisfaction of creating a pleasure for people: carefully selecting ingredients and subtly adjusting the heat, until the five flavors of the mouth were harmonized and amazed, making diners call it worth the trip.

After returning to China, Chai Zijian spent several years to understand the domestic catering industry. Interning in a five-star hotel and working in a number of restaurants, he gradually built up his trusted supplier network and gained experience in starting his own business.

Cook a few plates of "Avenue to Jane" dishes

At No. 6 Shangyuan Village, the restaurant is lush with many green plants, mandalas, turtle back bamboo, birds of paradise... Enjoy a few chef's selections and a glass of craft wine. Because of this, most of Chai Zijian's guests have become repeat customers, and everyone spreads word of mouth, and the aroma of fine wine and food in the deep alley drifts farther and farther away.

American Mike has long lived in Shangyuan Village, he and his wife are chai zijian's "fans", the couple often come to eat, especially like to roast pork chops - one of Chai Zijian's specialties.

After lunch, Mike wrote in the diners at No. 6 Shangyuan Village: "I've lived in Beijing for 10 years and eaten a variety of Western food, from delicious restaurants in hutongs to high-end hotels with high prices. For me, the food you make is far more than that, more attentive, and more delicious, like the taste of my hometown. Chai Zijian happily showed the message to reporters. What could be more exciting for someone who cooks food than a diner's affirmation?

"At that moment I felt quite successful, 'I'm doing a good job,' and I thought to myself." He said.

In terms of style, Zijian prefers to cook Spanish, Italian and American dishes, with fresh ingredients and a relatively simple cooking process. "I don't like having particularly complicated processing procedures. The avenue to simplicity is better, although simple, but it does not affect the delicious taste of the finished product. ”

If guests need it, ShibaKo Ken club recommends craft beers to accompany dishes, most of which are niche beers that are not common on the market. His previous job required traveling all over the country, and everywhere he went, he searched for unique local breweries and breweries, tasted the brewer's private brewers, built purchase channels, and imagined the joy of his customers one day drinking the best wine in his shop.

Day after day, the right hand holding the knife grinds out the cocoon, and Chai Zijian's cooking skills are becoming more and more sophisticated. He launched several new dishes every three to five minutes, which not only enriched the menu of No. 6 Shangyuan Village, but also brought new surprises to diners. At the same time, the motto of the beginning of his own business has never been forgotten - respect for food, respect for guests, through dishes to carry the heart and sincerity.

"To overcome laziness, to work harder, to develop more innovative dishes." Shibako is having fun. (Reporter Sun Yahui)

(All photos in this edition are provided by the interviewee except for the signature)

People's Daily Overseas Edition ( 2022-03-23 Edition 10)

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