
What effect does stunting affect your child

Attention parents! Today I will tell you about developmental delay.

What does stunting refer to? It refers to the phenomenon of slowing down or abnormal order in the process of growth and development, and is a common disease in pediatrics, which has differences in physical development, motor development, language development, intellectual development, and psychological development. With standardized treatment, the prognosis is generally good.

Some parents may have some questions, what is the impact of stunting on their children? Let me tell you a little bit about that.

What effect does stunting affect your child

The first is the impact on mental health, because children are short in stature, children will have feelings of inferiority and frustration, and severe children may have autism.

The second is that it will affect language development delay, because after the body growth retardation, his pronunciation will also be difficult, and the appearance of unclear sound formation is related to developmental delay.

The third affects the nervous system, and the more severe the child's developmental delay, the higher the chance of epilepsy.

The fourth affects vision, with many being myopia and some being amblyopia or strabismus. Parents should pay special attention to this.

What effect does stunting affect your child

If you still have problems with children's developmental delay, please feel free to leave a message, I see that I will reply to you in time.

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