
Lazio praised Mourinho! Abraham withdraws from the national team! Barca invite Rome to the Gamber Cup!

Today the news of Roma and Mourinho came, not much to say, directly look at the content:

After Roma's victory over Lazio, Lazio star Di Canio praised Mourinho: "Roma is a hungry team, they are full of desire to win, they have a lot of good players, and of course Mourinho. Mourinho's tactical ability is also very good, he dared to replace some undisputed power stars, replaced the players the team needed, and his substitution was also very successful. Tammy Abraham's goal was beautiful, and Zarawski's performance was also outstanding, and he swallowed Anderson raw. 】

Lazio praised Mourinho! Abraham withdraws from the national team! Barca invite Rome to the Gamber Cup!

Abraham withdrew from the national team. Tammy Abraham has performed well this season, and Southgate has previously announced his call-up to the new national team. However, Sky Sports reported that in the past two Roma games against Vites and Lazio, Abraham has been injured, and he hopes to recover from his injuries in the next two weeks, and Abraham has pain in his waist and back. Southgate agreed to let Abraham stay in Rome to recuperate. Hopefully he will recover soon.

Lazio praised Mourinho! Abraham withdraws from the national team! Barca invite Rome to the Gamber Cup!

Barcelona vs Rome? This is not a Champions League match, but the Gamber Cup. Recently, the Daily Sports newspaper reported that Barca hope to invite Roma to participate in this summer's Gamber Cup match, of course, Barca value Rome, because Roma has Mourinho, the famous coach, as long as Mourinho is there, even if Roma sends youth players, there will be many media and fans to pay attention. However, the Gamber Cup is in early August this summer, when the Serie A is about to start, I don't know if Roma will accept the invitation and play with Barca?

Lazio praised Mourinho! Abraham withdraws from the national team! Barca invite Rome to the Gamber Cup!

Other news from Roma include: former Roma president Sensi said after the derby: "It was an all-round victory, I was very happy, I also thought of my father, he enjoyed this satisfaction and the joy that the players bring to the fans; tmw reported that Dybala is preparing to leave the team freely this summer, Juve is going to chase Zaniolo with all their strength, their offer is 50 million euros; Abraham said in an interview: "The other day, I bet with Smalling and Kasdorp against Lazio if I can score 2 goals, They each gave me a pair of sneakers, and if they couldn't, I'd give them sneakers, so you know. 】

Well, there is so much news in Rome today, see you tomorrow!

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