
Wonderful! It could have been an enhanced version of Dream Green, but his future was ruined by emotional intelligence

Most of the players in the NBA are destroyed by injuries, and the decline in athleticism directly leads to a sharp decline in competitive status, so that they cannot continue to mix in the NBA. There are also some players who always do something out of the ordinary, do something incomprehensible, something that makes management and teammates hate, thus affecting the future of the NBA! That is, off-court factors, today, NBA scouts are paying more and more attention to the off-court factors of rookie shows. As the saying goes, no professional attitude, or low emotional intelligence!

Wonderful! It could have been an enhanced version of Dream Green, but his future was ruined by emotional intelligence

Dream Green once committed a malicious foul on James in the 16-year Finals, which directly led to the Warriors losing that year's championship, which shows how much emotional intelligence has a great impact on a person! Dream Green can be said to be the topic of the league, but for the Warriors, the importance is self-evident! Without Chasing Dream Green, Ku chases and dismantles can't fight, the Warriors' restricted area is like a vacuum, and the Warriors system can't work! It can be said that Curry can do without Clay, but Curry can't do without chasing dreams!

Wonderful! It could have been an enhanced version of Dream Green, but his future was ruined by emotional intelligence

In the second round of the 17-year show, the Warriors chose a Jordan Bell with the 38th pick in the second round according to the dream. Jordan Bell also lived up to expectations, playing an all-around stat of 5+11+5+5+6 in the summer league. Many experts and fans feel that in two years, Dream Green will be replaced by Jordan Bell. Top physical fitness, top cake eating ability, top blocking ability and rebounding ability, all-round skills. This is the impression that Jordan Bell left in the early days, almost the same as Green's attributes!

Wonderful! It could have been an enhanced version of Dream Green, but his future was ruined by emotional intelligence

After the Hamptons won the championship that year in the 17-18 season, in order to train Jordan Bell, he gave up the starting guard and the main substitute McGee. As a result, Jordan Bell disappointed, not only the performance of the game is sluggish, the average is only 3 +3 +1 data per game, it is not as good as the rookie season, and the problem of emotional intelligence has also been leaked, which directly led to the Warriors management abandoning Jordan Bell, and was traded to the Timberwolves the following year. The author will take stock of Jordan Bell's out-of-line affairs!

Wonderful! It could have been an enhanced version of Dream Green, but his future was ruined by emotional intelligence

Once in a game against the Lone Rangers, after the point difference reached more than 20 points, the remaining 2 minutes or so became garbage time. Jordan Bell came to a self-inflicted performance after the steal, and the players and fans of the live lone ranger were very dissatisfied. The Warriors teammates didn't understand either, and Kerr shook his head. As you know, the NBA has an unwritten rule that you can't humiliate your opponents during garbage time!

Wonderful! It could have been an enhanced version of Dream Green, but his future was ruined by emotional intelligence

The second thing is that Jordan Bell once had a big conflict with Kerr because of the problem of playing time, and he thought he should have been longer than Looney and Damian Jones. The problem is that when he is on the court, he likes to single, and his efficiency is very low, and he does not block and dismantle Curry; the defensive end cannot prevent the opponent's forward because of the height problem, which directly leads to Jordan Bell's tactical position is not as good as Damian Jones! More of a reason is that the Warriors are a championship-fighting team, not a rebuilding team, and can't play bullshit!

Wonderful! It could have been an enhanced version of Dream Green, but his future was ruined by emotional intelligence

Third, the Warriors' 19-year regular season game once faced the Memphis Grizzlies on the road, Jordan Bell bought a candle at the hotel for $15, but put the bill on the head of assistant coach Brown, Brown was very angry, told the management, management decided to impose a ban on Jordan Bell! After this incident, Jordan Bell also retorted that Clay had also done such a thing as writing bills on his teammates. And Jordan Bell lost a small loss, a small $15, but let the team disgust Jordan Bell. He forgot that he was still a second-year rookie and could not be compared with the "old fritters"!

Wonderful! It could have been an enhanced version of Dream Green, but his future was ruined by emotional intelligence

Later Jordan Bell, 4 years to change 5 teams, in addition to the Warriors, but also to the Timberwolves, Grizzlies, Wizards, Bulls and other teams. In the past 3 seasons, only more than 30 games have been played. It is somewhat ironic that Jordan Bell, who originally entered the palace twice, was signed by the Warriors and was cut after playing one game; later Jordan Bell, who entered the palace three times, signed a two-way contract with the Warriors, and was also cut without playing a game! This season came to the Bulls, signed a 10-day short contract, played a game, and was also cut!

Wonderful! It could have been an enhanced version of Dream Green, but his future was ruined by emotional intelligence

Today, Jordan Bell is on the Dream Team Qualifying List along with Joe Johnson, who is in his 40s, and the biggest player with him is NBA fringe player Galloway. The author feels that he is very sorry, in fact, Jordan Bell could have been cultivated as the second generation of dream chasing, or even a enhanced version of dream chasing! But because of the problem of emotional intelligence, he gradually could not play the ball, and then gave up on himself and could not play in the NBA. If he had been as diligent as Looney, I think Jordan Bell would still have a very good chance of getting a contract of about 5 million, or even more than 10 million! In the mature system of the Warriors, Jordan Bell made the big mistake of "selfishness", which is somewhat similar to Wiseman, and I really hope that Wiseman will not go back to Jordan Bell's old path!

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