
Read only one book a week , And since life is already so bad, what's so scary?

In everyone's life, there is a wilderness, and there is also a road that you need to explore and walk through on your own.

Travel has different meanings for different people. For some people, travel can become a talking point, a capital to show off, and an experience; for others, travel is a banishment and enjoyment of the body and mind, and an exploration of the world. For Cheryl Stredd, travel is a process of seeing yourself and accepting your true self.

Read only one book a week , And since life is already so bad, what's so scary?

For 94 days, more than 1,100 miles, a 26-year-old woman caught in the whirlpool of life measured her feet step by step through the lonely and dangerous Pacific Roof Trail. From the thrilling step of each step at the beginning to the later stride like a fly, this is not only the transformation of a person's body, but also the phoenix nirvana of his soul.

Cheryl Stredd is an American novelist, essayist, and columnist. She has published four books, and Out of the Wilderness is her masterpiece, based on Cheryl's personal experience in the summer when she was 26 years old. Because it has been extremely popular since its publication, the book was made into a movie in 2014 and put on the big screen, so that more people know her story.

Read only one book a week , And since life is already so bad, what's so scary?

Cheryl's parents divorced at the age of 6, her mother died of cancer at the age of 22, and her siblings drifted apart, and the family she had been trying to maintain fell apart. Everything fell down as quickly as dominoes! Cheryl is completely caught up in the vortex of life: academic interruptions, marriage failures, discord with her family, everything is as unreal as a stage play! Four years later, with nothing, she made the most impulsive decision – to hike the Pacific Roof Trail.

Speaking of hiking, crossing the Pacific Roof Trail seems to be a very brilliant feat, but this is not just a simple sport, the Pacific Ridge Trail is inaccessible, insects and beasts are infested at any time, plus the time is in 1995, except for the rare supply station in the middle, there is no communication facility and no clear map in the middle, and the few landmarks on the road are easily obscured by the environment. For a young, lonely woman, this trip was an extreme challenge to Cheryl's body, perseverance, guts, and resilience. In other words, on this hike, the dangers and hardships are inseparable, and life may disappear at any time.

Read only one book a week , And since life is already so bad, what's so scary?

In the process of the journey, the body and mind are constantly changing, constantly changing themselves in the experience of hardship, and finally completing the whole journey with their strong perseverance, and also walking out of the cage of the soul. This is not only a physical challenge, but also a baptism of the soul, from pain and confusion to a gradually determined inner journey, this walking walk allows Cheryl to finally overcome herself and get rid of the difficulties of life.

Read only one book a week , And since life is already so bad, what's so scary?

Many people are asking, what is the meaning of travel? Cheryl says something impressive in the book.

"The hardships of the journey made the other hardships in my life seem a little lighter, although strange to say, but it is true, and this may have been aware of at the beginning of the road." Perhaps, when I bought the Pacific Roof Trail travel brochure a few months ago, I was trying to grasp a life-saving straw because the thread of my life had been cut. ”

There is a wilderness in everyone's life, perhaps when they are young, they have a lot of courage to swear to die out of the wilderness, perhaps in middle age, they have become more and more compromised, and they only want to survive in the wilderness, or perhaps, in old age, they can accept it calmly and glimpse another beauty of the wilderness.

Read only one book a week , And since life is already so bad, what's so scary?

Out of the Wilderness

Producer - Wang Bo Editor-in-Chief - Liu Aiping

Chief Executive Officer │ Wang Mudao Chief Reporter - Leshui

Edited by Fang Hua, Cao Xinyu, Wang Yizhu

Visual Director - Du Fang Video Producer - Li Xiaojiao Design - Liu Yao Li Xinyu

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