
Twenty-four solar terms | the spring equinox, the most is the benefit of spring, do not bear the good spring light!

The spring equinox, in ancient times, was also known as "the middle of the day" and "the moon of mid-spring".

On this day, spring is divided into two halves, and almost all parts of the world are divided equally between day and night, so it is called the "spring equinox". The vernal equinox was a particularly important festival for the ancients, who judged the next weather by the climate of the day. For example: "The spring equinox is not warm, the autumn equinox is not cold", "the spring equinox is not cold, clear and cold", talking about temperature; "the spring equinox is windy and windy, blowing until mid-April" and so on.

Twenty-four solar terms | the spring equinox, the most is the benefit of spring, do not bear the good spring light!
Twenty-four solar terms | the spring equinox, the most is the benefit of spring, do not bear the good spring light!
Twenty-four solar terms | the spring equinox, the most is the benefit of spring, do not bear the good spring light!
Twenty-four solar terms | the spring equinox, the most is the benefit of spring, do not bear the good spring light!
Twenty-four solar terms | the spring equinox, the most is the benefit of spring, do not bear the good spring light!
Twenty-four solar terms | the spring equinox, the most is the benefit of spring, do not bear the good spring light!
Twenty-four solar terms | the spring equinox, the most is the benefit of spring, do not bear the good spring light!
Twenty-four solar terms | the spring equinox, the most is the benefit of spring, do not bear the good spring light!
Twenty-four solar terms | the spring equinox, the most is the benefit of spring, do not bear the good spring light!


Author: Bu Dengpeng, Kuqa Rong Media Center

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