
Game King Duel Link: How easy is Monster Gate Lao Ai to use, ending the battle with an average of three turns!

I believe that many friends have experienced how fun the NPC deck is in the recent game King Duel Link National Costume Copy Duel Event, right? Players such as the Rainbow Emperor New Cosmic Hero who is becoming more and more courageous in the environment, the Ultimate Conduction Dinosaur with its own counterattack means in the single-card terminal, and the blue-eyed Chaos Pole Dragon known as the "Miscellaneous Fish Crusher" have left a very deep impression on the players.

Game King Duel Link: How easy is Monster Gate Lao Ai to use, ending the battle with an average of three turns!

In fact, in addition to these popular decks, there are also some decks that are also very interesting, like the old Aika group in the Monster Gate is a structure that I have recently particularly liked, especially the ability to fight makes me like it very much, as long as it is not a particularly African brother, basically can solve the battle in about 3 rounds.

Game King Duel Link: How easy is Monster Gate Lao Ai to use, ending the battle with an average of three turns!

The reason why I like this deck is because of the skills of Lao Ai, Ancient Egyptian Force 5 has the effect of retrieving one Old Ai component that is not in your hand every turn, while restoring 1000 health points, while ensuring the amount of health and quickly obtaining components is still very comfortable.

【Invisible Angel】&【Guardian of the Ice Boundary Ice Phoenix】

Game King Duel Link: How easy is Monster Gate Lao Ai to use, ending the battle with an average of three turns!
Game King Duel Link: How easy is Monster Gate Lao Ai to use, ending the battle with an average of three turns!

The Invisible Angel and the Ice Phoenix are the core of this deck, so the early priority is the highest, the Invisible Angel needs to flip to draw a card from the deck, and the Ice Phoenix can draw the card after the battle is broken, so when summoning, try to let the Invisible Angel enter first, and then the Ice Phoenix.

【Three-Eyed Monster】&【Green Dragon Summoner】

Game King Duel Link: How easy is Monster Gate Lao Ai to use, ending the battle with an average of three turns!
Game King Duel Link: How easy is Monster Gate Lao Ai to use, ending the battle with an average of three turns!

Compared with the first two cards, the retrieval effect of the Green Dragon Summoner and the Three-Eyed Monster is much more powerful, and the two cards can trigger the effect to retrieve it by simply sending the tomb, and they are all cards that can stably retrieve the old Ai components. These two cards can trigger the effect whether they are broken or broken, and it is for this reason that these two cards are also combo cards for the trap card adaptation.

【Remorse Su Sheng】&【Burst Su Sheng】

Game King Duel Link: How easy is Monster Gate Lao Ai to use, ending the battle with an average of three turns!
Game King Duel Link: How easy is Monster Gate Lao Ai to use, ending the battle with an average of three turns!

The Trap Card Remorse Su Sheng can adapt to all monsters except the flip effect, but I recommend the Three-Eyed Monster and the Green Dragon Summoner, because these two cards can trigger the effect as long as they are sent to the tomb, and the Ice Phoenix needs to be broken, if you meet a more skilled opponent, it is likely that you will give up the attack after you use the Remorse Su Sheng, and destroy the Ice Phoenix by regretting Su Sheng's own effect so that the effect cannot be triggered. Just in case, this card should be carefully selected for selection. And burst Su Sheng does not have so many restrictions, the inside guard said that the cover put makes us choose a lot of directions, but the disadvantage is that we need to pay 2000 health points, if the amount of health is not sufficient, try not to start.

Although this deck has some of the more chicken "charge cards", as long as the operation is proper and the face is not particularly black, it is still no problem to get together around 3 rounds. Because Lao Ai's card is invincible, there is no construction that can be said to be stable to eat Lao Ai. After the launch of this event, I think the skills of the old Aika group are still very worth experiencing, and the accelerated version of the Dark Grand Mage is worth playing and watching

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