
The war situation in Ukraine and the war and peace in the world

author:Chinese think tank
The war situation in Ukraine and the war and peace in the world

First, the Russian-Ukrainian war is a military contest that occurred in the european centerland after the Cold War that affected the global geopolitical pattern, and was Russia's endless counterattack against the United States' endless strategic expansion, strategic squeeze, and strategic strangulation.

On the surface, this military contest was the first offensive campaign and external operation launched by Russia, but from the perspective of the nature of the overall strategic situation, it was a strategic defensive counterattack action forced by Russia to squeeze the US strategy. On the surface, the confrontation is unfolding between Russia and Ukraine, but the real driver, leader, planner, and manipulator of this war is the United States hiding behind the scenes. The reason why the United States has been deliberately plotting to incite this military conflict is that for a period of time, the US financial monopoly capital has become increasingly hollowed out, the status of the US dollar has been declining, and the debt crisis, resource crisis, and dollar crisis have become increasingly serious. Financial monopoly capital urgently needs to create a war in the world's financial centers and capital-intensive areas to stimulate the return of the dollar to the United States and save the terminally ill American economy. Second, after the Cold War, in the case of losing its former opponents, the sense of European autonomy is rising day by day, and the little brothers who used to kneel at the feet of the United States in the past are more and more eager to get rid of the control of the United States. The United States desperately needs to detonate a military crisis in Europe, tie Europe together, and prevent the disintegration of this Cold War machine that has at least been delayed. Third, as the epidemic in the United States is getting out of control, the US government has no way to govern, the two parties are fighting viciously, domestic class contradictions and racial contradictions are becoming increasingly intense, the US social crisis is fraught with danger, and the US ruling clique desperately needs a war to direct the people's attention to the outside world in order to transfer and cover up the increasingly acute domestic contradictions. Ukraine has simply fallen into the Trap of the United States, playing an unbearable tragic role in the time and places it needs. This is the inevitable result of the deepening institutional crisis of contemporary monopoly capital, the eagerness to find a way out from the war, and the contest to redraw the world's strategic map after the Cold War.

Second, in addition to not openly forming a formal dispatch of the united states regular armed forces to intervene in this war, the United States has used almost all means to support Ukraine in all battlefield spaces, testing a new form of contemporary hybrid warfare.

On the one hand, the United States has provided emergency blood transfusions to the Ukrainian side, provided more than $1 billion in economic assistance, provided modern weapons and equipment systems, command and control systems, organized mercenaries to participate in the war, and provided battlefield information to the Ukrainian side in real time; at the same time, it has adopted all sanctions, blockades, and sabotage means to comprehensively strangle Russia, including cutting off Russia's global bank settlement system, freezing bank funds, attacking satellite navigation systems, cutting off energy transportation channels, organizing hacker attacks, controlling public opinion platforms, and so on. The United States takes Ukraine as an experimental field to test various modern high-tech weapons, such as intelligent weapons, information weapons, air and space weapons, laser weapons, and biological weapon systems. This includes the long-standing secret development of dehumanizing biological weapons as a means of modern warfare. These developments send us a very important warning.

Third, Russia's special military operations cannot be delayed for a long time, and the United States is dimly dimwitted, and it is unlikely that the United States will brazenly dispatch the US armed forces to expand the war.

Russia is a large country with a vast territory, rich resources and strong people's customs, and the Russian army is a world-type iron-blooded force that has been baptized by war and has a firm will. Russia's military operations have limited territory, limited purposes, and controllable wars. Judging from the current battlefield situation, Russia's military operations are steadily advancing, and in fact, the following operational objectives have been initially achieved:

1. It has suppressed the pace of NATO's strategic expansion, maintained Russia's strategic space, and dampened NATO's vigor. 2. Stabilizing the Russian-Ukrainian border and striving for a relatively peaceful environment. 3. Show a strong will to defend national interests and grasp the initiative on the battlefield. 4. It has grasped the evil black hand of the United States deliberately developing and spreading viruses and other biological weapons, and has made major contributions to safeguarding the survival and development of mankind. In the future, even if it encounters some external interference and difficulties, it is predictable for Russia to achieve the booking target. There is no basis for deliberately singing the praises of Russia's military operations.

As for the U.S. going from the backstage to the front, the likelihood of shirtless play is also unlikely. First of all, the contradictions between Russia and the United States have not intensified to the point where it is indispensable to fight to the death; secondly, the United States has not yet given up its illusion of enticing Russia to control China; and again, although the United States has a large appetite, it does not have the ability to eat Russia in one bite. Napoleon couldn't do it, Hitler couldn't do it, Biden couldn't do it. Finally, Russia has a credible nuclear retaliation capability and the will to use retaliation, unless the United States is impatient, the United States does not have the courage to jointly destroy and drink bullets to cut itself. The United States has always had a custom of sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight in advance, waiting for the victory to be decided, and then coming out to clean up the mess and make steady gains. Unless there is a major event, directly into the battle, is not in line with the American philosophy of the city surrogate.

Fourth, the thesis that imperialism is war has not become obsolete. Contemporary warfare has always been rooted in the imperialist expansionist nature and in the genes of war in Western culture.

The situation in Ukraine has once again shown that imperialism is war, and where there is imperialism, there will be no tranquility. Anglo-Saxon and Jewish capital has always regarded control of the world as their "destiny", and regards all those who refuse to submit to them as their main obstacle to maintaining their century-old hegemony, their "natural enemies". With a few pieces of foreign guns and cannons in their hands, they thought they could rob their homes and do whatever they wanted. There is a saying: "Whoever God wants to perish, he will first make him crazy." The more they feel the fear of the end times, the more they lose their minds. The historical development of the world is full of twists and turns, but civilization will inevitably triumph over barbarism, justice will inevitably prevail over evil, and light will inevitably replace darkness. The laws of history are irresistible.

Fifth, the main battlefield of contemporary warfare is increasingly shifting towards the geopolitical center of Eurasia. The world's two major battlefields are incubating.

As the international strategic contest intensifies, an even bigger storm is gathering in the air. After the Cold War, the United States launched one crusade after another, trampling the nuclear nations of countries that did not want to submit. While they were satisfied, they suddenly looked back, but found that there were one or two other big men who had stood majestically in front of them at some point, which they could not tolerate. Although China has no interest in confronting anyone, china is on its side and the United States is restless. The century-long contest with China and Russia as the ultimate goal and Eurasia as the main battlefield has long been conceived by American war designers.

Among them, the European battlefield: Russia as the main opponent. Asia-Pacific Battlefield: Mainly china as the enemy. In these two major rivals, the United States also tried to divide China and Russia first, and to break through each one. Focus on preparing for the Asia-Pacific battlefield and engaging in a decisive contest with China. The idea of beauty is no secret. On March 3, 2022, U.S. Air Force Secretary Kendall publicly stated: "The Russian threat will not be ignored, but China has both regional and global ambitions, the resources to pursue these ambitions, and the authoritarian authoritarian government system will be our biggest strategic national security challenge." "Keep in mind that the biggest potential threat facing the United States is China, China, China." Here the secretary of the Air Force has been more frank than the average literati in explaining the profound motives and ideological roots of why the United States chose China as an enemy.

Russia's measures to counter US hegemony have provided useful experience and enlightenment for China to oppose foreign interference and realize the reunification of the motherland in the future. Accomplishing the reunification of the motherland and realizing national rejuvenation is the long-cherished wish of hundreds of millions of people. This is something that world hegemonists absolutely do not want to see. They see this as the last blockade line to block the development of the Chinese nation. They are bound to use all the despicable means they can use to intervene, obstruct, sabotage, including military means, to make a last-ditch effort. In this regard, we must have sufficient ideological and material preparations for fighting a "Battle of Shangganling." In the future, if I am forced to fight for the reunification of the motherland and the great cause of national rejuvenation, the United States will have some new tricks in the excuses and methods of interference. The slogan of the So-called "Resist Aggression" by the United States can no longer deceive people. They are likely to call for "defending democratic values against authoritarian regimes." He also declared that the three Sino-US joint communiques were not official legal documents; that after more than half a century, the three Sino-US communiques had lost their legal effect; and that the fact that Taiwan and the mainland were separated had become established facts.

The United States is a country that is addicted to litigation and is accustomed to using strong words, and we should study and make preparations as early as possible for all kinds of despicable tricks of the United States in the future of the overwhelming public opinion war, legal war, and information war.

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