
How to chat with girls at the beginning so that they will not be cold?

When I first started chatting with girls, the attitude of girls was generally not too enthusiastic, and the topics were generally provided by boys. However, many boys have insufficient experience with girls and their daily lives are too monotonous. In the chat process, either because of the exhaustion of the topic, or because the chat can not be well mobilized the girl's emotions, and fell into the embarrassment of the cold field. So how to chat with girls at the beginning so that they won't be cold?

Only if we understand some of the girls' personal likes according to some of the visible information of the girls, and establish intersections in life, it is easier to have common topics, such as having a dog together, playing games together, and like cooking, when you are all doing the same thing, then the resistance to interaction will be very small, and the topic will increase, because finding a confidant, the desire to talk is very strong.

Some people may say, what if the girl has little visible information and does not understand the girl at all?

At this time, it is time to talk about today's focus, transfer the topic to yourself, and learn to expand and extend the topic.

For example, you ask the girl what she is doing, this is a chat opening that many boys like to use, in fact, such an opening is more boring, they will not provide a topic, put their hopes on girls, hope that girls will open the topic, if girls have a good feeling for you, if the attitude is cold, the chat can not go on.

How to chat with girls at the beginning so that they will not be cold?

So, just chatting with girls and wanting not to be cold, then I need these skills:

1. Share the feeling opening

Chat needs a talking point, this is the premise, because only by making girls interested, chat can be better carried out, here we can use the "sharing feeling" opening, in order to share their own life and girls to chat, such as:

"A photo of a puppy + Xiao Bai greeted his sister"

"Fitness photos + feel that the uncle next to me is running faster than me, it's too hard"

Sometimes pictures are more able to attract girls' attention than words, and topics such as pets and fitness here are also liked by girls, which can make the chat better.

How to chat with girls at the beginning so that they will not be cold?

2. Extend the topic

When the successful mobilization of girls to chat interest, many people like to follow a topic to chat with girls, so that chatting will soon be out of talk, and then switch topics will seem too blunt, will affect the interest of girls chatting, at this time we need to provide multiple topics for girls in the chat, such as:

M: You're dragged by your wallet to eat something delicious (humorous opening)

F: Haha

M: I now have sequelae when I go shopping (to shift the topic to myself)

F: What's wrong?

M: Some time ago I went to work out with a friend, he lost three pounds, I lost five pounds, and then in order to celebrate, I went shopping and ate a meal of hai sai, and bounced back

F: You and your friend are really funny

How to chat with girls at the beginning so that they will not be cold?

After the humorous opening here, the topic quickly shifted to himself, and provided 4 topics for girls:

1) Fun facts about your shopping

2) Things between you and your friends

3) Food topics

4) Fitness topics

At this time, your chat topic has several more topics to talk about, this simple little trick can be used when you don't know how to reply, to provide you with an endless topic to chat, so that you are no longer awkward to chat.

Here are some bad opening remarks, it is best not to open your mouth when chatting.

Single-pole straight-in type

"What are you doing?" "Do you have time to play today?" I would like to say that most girls are very disgusted by such opening statements, and many people open with girls in this way. If you do this often, you will be labeled as boring by your sister, and she will never talk to you again. If you really can't find a good opening, then keep silent!

Hukou inquiry type

"What are you doing?" "Where do you live?" How can an unfamiliar person ask you, do you still pay attention to the other person? Just think about it in a different position. Girls come to be defensive, you ask, will she still pay attention to you? She ignores you, what else to talk about!

Blind chat type "Zhang Liangying has a new song again, have you listened to it" "Curry is injured, hey, it really is" The girl will think that what you talk about has nothing to do with her at this time, instead of wasting time with you, it is better to brush the circle of friends!

So a good opening statement, how important! Therefore, you can use praise the girl as an opening statement, such as "The picture you sent today is so beautiful", "Your eyelashes are so beautiful", etc. you can also use curiosity as an opening statement, "I heard that talking to you today will happen interesting things", "Today you haven't forgotten anything" and so on.

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