
(Zhou Yun) Science and Technology Ziwei_ March 21-27, 2022 Horoscope


Overall Horoscope ★★★★☆:

There are happy things happening every day that make you happy this week. Friends and lovers will be the source of your happiness, the more you interact, the better for you, and don't forget to care more about some old friends.

Love Horoscope ★★★★ ☆:

There is always a lot of happiness with your partner, not only because something happy will happen with each other, but also because the other person knows how to make you happy with humorous words. You don't have to be too impressed, your smile is the best gift.

Courtship Cheats: Don't rush to express, listen to each other's voices.

Speed Dating Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Career Horoscope ★★★★☆:

The surprise at work is not how well you performed this week, but how hard you put in to be recognized by your boss. Although what you do for a while and a half does not get the desired results, every bit of what you do has its meaning.

Fortune ☆★★★☆☆

Wealth comes and goes, financial management needs to be cautious in order to have a large surplus, and women's restraint of shopping desire is the key. Personal financial management should avoid short-term investment, such as stock speculation, gold speculation, etc. it is advisable to focus on the long-term development after that, which is a week of accumulating strength.


Overall Horoscope ★★★★★:

Luck soars, good luck. Affection will be your state of getting along with your lover; work efficiency is much higher than ever; investment is risky, and you should be more cautious with money.

People in love will be particularly dependent on their partners, and couples have a tendency to become conjoined babies, and you will enjoy this state; singles have the opportunity to get a little response from their favorite object, giving you a lot of hope.

Courtship Cheats: Occasionally wild, but also very attractive, provoking each other's love desire.

Speed Dating Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Career Horoscope ★★★★★:

Stress will get released a week, you can easily work on many things, and work much more efficiently than usual. Even if some things are not what you are good at, you can find a way with a little adjustment.

Fortune: ★★★★★

Giving you support will be the people closest to you, and when the time comes, use your good luck and resources, and you will get the wealth you want. This week there is also the opportunity to get money from parents and elders, and if you have children in your family, it will be your lucky star.


Overall Horoscope ★★★ ☆☆:

Work will be your center of gravity this week. Your career is getting better and better, and you have the opportunity to be reused by your boss, but at the same time, your personal time will be reduced, and you need to use more words to care for your partner.

Love Horoscope ★★★ ☆☆☆

This week you can't put too much energy into feelings, and the dating of the partner will have a little routine flavor and less sweetness; single people don't have time to feel sad about their singleness, and the strong and independent look is more attractive.

Courtship Cheats: Interact with each other to play the seesaw of love.

This week's career is in a more important position in your heart, you can easily make some achievements in your own things, the probability of being entrusted by your boss is very high, but you also have to be prepared to withstand the pressure.

If you like to bring a valuable watch, be careful, this week there are collisions, theft, etc., so protect it! When dealing with financial problems, the concept of time is also particularly important, integrity and punctuality can help you win a lot of gains.


The overall fortune is good, this week's love development trend is better, and the lover's heart has a sharp edge; the career development is very smooth, and the things from your hands are basically no omissions; the fortune is flat, and the money should not be too big.

Love Horoscope ★★★★★:

Love enters the sweet mode, there is a sharp heart between the companion and the lover, eyebrow flirtation will become your stunt; the opportunity for the single person to be alone with the object of the choice increases, and the dedication to the other party will also receive certain results.

Courtship Cheats: Timely praise, proper arguments, and pairs can enhance feelings.

Speed Dating Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Meticulous is your workplace keyword this week. At work, you will deal with numbers more, many times will test your memory and arithmetic ability, a word difference will cause great errors, must be careful.

There is the luck of getting rich, a good opportunity to earn extra money is simply falling in front of you out of thin air, don't be vain, take advantage of it. However, it is also accompanied by signs of financial ruin, such as losing wallets, broken watches, etc., and more attention can be avoided.


Overall Horoscope ★★ ☆☆☆☆:

There are so many things and people that make you envious and jealous this week, but don't be affected by this negative energy. Don't always stare at others in everything you do, compare yourself more, so that you don't lose your way.

Love Horoscope ★★ ☆☆☆☆:

Vanity invades your soul with ferocity. Single people can't help but compare each other and their friends' lovers when choosing a mate; partners also like to use other people's examples to educate lovers, which is not conducive to the development of love.

Courtship Cheats: Give each other a little more freedom.

Speed dating zodiac sign: Aries

Career Horoscope ★ ☆☆☆☆☆:

Running dragon sets, doing cushion backs, and having to be silent, this week will be more difficult and torturous. Unfavorable and strong, it is not appropriate to complain, resentment will lead you into a greater predicament, it is difficult to turn over. Silence can turn the tide.

A week of spending a lot of money to shape your own internal and external beauty. You can revamp your hairstyle, clothing, and outfits, and it is also beneficial to sign up for a skills training course that interests you and use your silver to add value.


A comfortable mood will accompany you throughout the week, and all kinds of good luck will follow, making you smile and smile, and you can easily cope with things that you don't have your hands on.

Singles should spread the net of love to the online world this week, and it is easier to make friends with like-minded people of the opposite sex through social networking sites, but it is not suitable for meeting privately; partners can increase their interest in getting along through new ways of communication.

Courtship Cheats: Action is the best proof of love.

Speed dating zodiac sign: Libra

The care of your colleagues will keep you warm inside this week. There are some things you can handle more than enough, but there are some things you are not so good at, and whenever you feel overwhelmed, you can always get help from your colleagues to get you through.

Fortune ☆★★★★:

The influence of the gold element has expanded, and this week there is a state of yang and yin, and more use of women to accumulate wealth. It is also advisable to focus on conservative investment and make money in silence. The West is gold, and traveling west or cooperating with Westerners can also achieve the purpose of win-win and mutual benefit.


"Freedom" will be your constant keyword for the week, and you enjoy your time alone more than two people together. It is desirable to escape the pressures of the world and reality through travel.

The longer two people stay together this week, the more they will argue, and the more favorable things will be for your relationship; single people have weak peach blossom luck, but you can arrange your life to the fullest.

Courtship Cheats: Wanting to be with each other is love.

Career Horoscope ★★★ ☆☆:

In order to avoid making wrong choices, it is recommended that you put down your human face and take the right path from an objective point of view, so that you can get out of the dilemma of left and right and get the best results.

There will be many ways to make money in the brain, if you have the heart to act, this week it is advisable to make money in the movement. The company launches a new investment plan or project, it is easy to get good luck, the higher the position, the more lucky!


Overall Horoscope ★ ☆☆☆☆☆:

You are in the most helpless state. A lot of disgusting things come to you, and you can't hide from them. For today's measures, running away is naturally not the best policy, only the soldiers will block the water to cover the soil, in order to confirm the old saying that "the ship to the bridge is naturally straight".

Love Horoscope ★ ☆☆☆☆☆:

Strange things are everywhere, but this week you have to enjoy its style. When you encounter such an object that makes you feel extremely speechless, try to stay away, otherwise the more you take care of him, the more difficult it will be to get out, and your life will be a lot more troublesome.

Courtship Cheats: Dress up glamorously to make you more charming.

Speed dating zodiac sign: Scorpio

Career Horoscope ★★ ☆☆☆☆

Small mistakes lead to major tragedies, the victories that were just around the corner become far away, and the walls of confidence tend to collapse suddenly. Fortunately, the partners do not abandon, do not be depressed, and regroup can still make up for the dead.

Fortune Horoscope ★ ☆☆☆☆☆:

Caught up in chores and confused thoughts, be careful to make the wrong financial decisions in your lucidity. It is not conducive to discussing money matters with others (such as cooperative investment, or borrowing money from you, etc.), and if necessary, it is advisable to ask experienced friends to be counselors.


"Unknown" starts to scare you a little, and if you don't prepare for anything in advance, you will become discouraged when trouble strikes. Whether it's an appointment or a task, it's easier to see good results than to go with the flow.

Pessimism is heavier, and encountering a little problem in the relationship will make you uneasy. Caution does not prevent problems from happening, and the posture of having to come up with soldiers to cover up the water can become the victorious side in the defense of love.

Courtship Cheats: Exercise with each other, and the energy of love will rise like a geometric progression.

This week's workplace is a battlefield, and you and your colleagues whose responsibilities overlap have the phenomenon of open and secret struggle in order to win the weight of their superiors. The new missions will be like a city, waiting for you to use confidence and skills to break through.

Fortune ☆★★☆☆☆:

The success rate of business investment is low. The plan cannot catch up with the change, but the panic is chaotic, only by changing the strategy at the right time can there be a chance to turn the crisis into safety, and acting rigidly will bring losses. This luck is beneficial to those who have special expertise, and there will be good money.


Good luck won't stay with you long this week, and there's only a limit to what you can catch. Therefore, whether it is to establish a romantic relationship or achieve professional ideals, for the time being, we should set the goal in the most realistic position.

The process of chasing love is still long, this week is only suitable for holding hands as the first goal, if you want to develop rapidly, it will only make you lose the opportunity to pursue; people in a romantic relationship, first build a good relationship with each other's friends, and then consider the problem of seeing parents.

Courtship Cheats: Fresh dress to enhance the other person's perception of you.

Speed Dating Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Easy to be the target of bullying. Too good to talk in exchange for work piles, pressure is huge. If you do not refuse to ask for help from others and blame others, it will only make you miserable and unable to please.

Daily living expenses can cost a lot of money, but they are necessary expenses. Just be careful of spending money on friendship and wronged. But you don't have to suffer dumb losses, even if you have a little hope, you have to get justice for yourself.


This week's luck is relatively low, and it is absolutely wrong to want to numb yourself by work, but it will reduce work efficiency. Simply dealing with what you are good at or like is easier to improve your luck.

The recent wave of public opinion will sweep you relentlessly. If you have a partner who gets too close to the other opposite sex, be careful of some gossip that is not good for you; single people should be careful to spread gossip with rotten peach blossoms and let people who are suitable for you misunderstand.

Courtship Cheats: Avoid over-aggressive remarks or passive resistance when communicating.

Want to take responsibility but passively fall into competition. This week there is a chance to get a lot of interesting cases, but it is easy to change in the middle, and there will be competitors jumping out to grab you, so that you have to get into a case battle. Speak with your abilities and strengths and don't back down.

Wealth goes in and out like flowing water, unconsciously spending money indiscriminately. Spending money without a plan will make you waste a lot of hard-earned money, it is recommended to start bookkeeping this week, give each expenditure a more detailed record and description, is conducive to distinguishing between necessary and unnecessary expenditures.


This week you'll focus most of your energy on big things, and you won't care so much about the details and don't care so much, so the occasional little unpleasantness will always linger.

Thoughtfulness and attentiveness are the two elements you lack the most this week, single people are prone to leave a nervous impression on the opposite sex; those who have a partner will make lovers mistakenly think that your feelings have weakened. If you can say a little more greeting to others, you can improve the situation.

Courtship Cheats: An affectionate hug is worth ten sweet words.

Timing and preparation will play a huge role in this week and can be very effective in driving progress. There is no such thing as an important or urgent task to see results scheduled at this time.

Very interested in speculation such as stock speculation and gambling, family wealth management can use the remaining money to purchase high-performing stocks, leading stocks, etc. for short-term investment, but must not use the necessary expenses of the family to avoid irreparable losses and family conflicts.

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