
The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

Hole A C

Release on 2022-03-1922:18

Creator of the field of history


"We have this body through magic, but we can't change it. We will spend the rest of our lives in this body, where two people share a body. ”

This is the famous documentary "Conjoined Symbiosis Sisters", the sisters for a small child to answer, about why they have a different body than ordinary people.

"We are the same as you, we have our own lives, our own lives, and the conjoined body is not the only one in our lives, it is just a small point in a bunch of bad things." 」 In the documentary, the sisters are very open to their own differences.

Although that life is very difficult, there are endless troubles. However, they still actively strive to live, study, integrate into society... This is the story of the Siamese sisters Lupita Andrad and Carmen Andrade, all from 2002.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

It is predicted that the conjoined sisters will not live for more than three days, and will grow up to 2 years old in peace

Lupita Andrade and Carmen Andrade were born on the gulf coast of Mexico, in a city called Veracruz. Compared with the joy of having a new family member, the mood of this family member is more sad and wandering.

Many conjoined babies don't live more than 72 hours, but there's no information right now that we can't separate them. So far, everything we've seen is positive. So, either pick one or both will have to die.

The doctor told the sisters' father and grandmother about the cruel truth.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

Carmen and Lupita are fraternal twins, the sisters have separate heads, arms and a largely independent upper body, connected at the navel,

The lower body is completely communal.

Doctors conducted a full examination of the newborn sisters, and the examination revealed that Carmen and Lupita not only had common organs on the outside, but also shared organs on the inside.

The sisters' hearts, lungs and stomach are complete and independent,

But the lower half of the spine and part of the ribs began to be connected and shared, while Carmen and Lupita's liver, the entire circulatory system, digestive system, and reproductive system were shared

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

Twins such as Carmen and Lupita are associative in the probability of conjoined

One in two hundred thousand

After careful examination and confirmation by the doctor, it is difficult for the doctor to maintain an optimistic attitude.

And even if you can do separation surgery, you still need a more advanced medical team. Carmen and Lupita in the documentary,

There are only a few places in the world that can treat conjoined twins, and Mexico is not one of them

。 ”

The Andrad family was miserable and did not welcome the joy of a new life at all, and they were about to face the departure of their children.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

As the doctor said, the probability of conjoined twins such as Carmen and Lupita is very small, and many conjoined babies with similar conditions cannot survive until they are born smoothly, basically stillborn.

Some seemingly lucky children can come into this world safely and will not survive more than 72 hours. In this way, Carmen and Rupita will not have a better ending.

However, life is so unpredictable, the doctors decided that they will die in three days at the latest, carmen and Lupita sisters, tenaciously live to the age of 2.

Maybe it's the family's selfless love and care, maybe it's the sisters have a strong desire to survive, and although Carmen and Lupita can't walk, move and live like normal children, the little ones are full of life.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

The Siamese sisters traveled to the United States for medical treatment and were told they could not be separated

In the past two years, the parents of Carmen and Rupita have been pleased that their children can grow tenaciously, and they are very distressed about the suffering of their children, and they always want to find a way to save their children.

Finally, the emperor lived up to the painstaking people, in the year when Carmen and Lupita were 2 years old, with the help of charitable organizations, Carmen and Lupita's family passed a medical visa and successfully came to the United States from Mexico. They hope that the United States, which has more advanced medical conditions, will be able to treat their children, but the results are often disappointing.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

In the documentary, the Sisters Carmen and Lupita, when describing the situation when they first visited the United States, said, "After we came to the United States, the doctor told my mother, don't expect to split, it can't happen."

We are umbilical twins, our abdomen is connected, each with one leg. We have our own hearts, we have our own lungs,

But we share a blood system.

Two independent spines are joined together. Although there are two stomachs, they share a circulatory system.

Technically, we

Share a reproductive system

, but this is a very flawed system. If we were to be forcibly separated, we would either die in surgery or spend the rest of our lives in intensive care. ”

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

After waiting for two years and looking forward to it for two years, the result was such a result, and the discouragement of Carmen and The Lupita family at that time can be imagined. However, now the sisters Carmen and Lupita can calmly recall the situation at that time, and they are really a very persistent girl.

At the time, Carmen and The Lupita family had no choice but to undergo surgery or return to Mexico.

Instead, they stayed in the United States, where their parents hoped that Carmen and Lupita would be closer to the doctors in case the sisters had health problems at any time. Because the United States has more advanced medical care, it can ensure that the sisters can live well.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

The Conjoined Sisters adapted to the Conjoined Life and began to learn skills in school

Although the desire to separate was shattered, the hopes of carmen and the Lupita family were not. They lived in the United States on medical visas, and thankfully their neighborhood neighbors were tolerant and welcoming to Carmen and the Lupita family.

Since the medical system can't separate Carmen and Lupita, the next thing they have to face is to be together for the rest of their lives. Parents began to hope that Carmen and Lupita could accomplish more through collaboration, including self-care, and even learning and completing social values.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

For children, the first major skill to learn is walking. It's a tough one for the average kid, but it's tough for Carmen and Lupita.

They must not only learn to master the legs, but also learn to work together to complete the walk.

Carmen and Rupita's parents tirelessly led the sisters to practice coordination and control of the shared legs, and the sisters finally coordinated their legs well and completed the upright walk with unremitting efforts and in the case of one person controlling one leg.

That year, Carmen and Lupita were only 4 years old, and such success gave the family hope.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

Although the sisters Carmen and Lupita often go in and out of the hospital for treatment, they have always grown up safely. "We grew up like other kids, making friends, going to family gatherings, and getting involved in family outings," Carmen said. Like other children who grew up living in the United States, try to live our own lives. ”

It's just a simple sentence, but in fact, it's that simple.

Generally normal children grow up to face a variety of known difficulties, unknown difficulties, not to mention Carmen and Lupita, the hardships of their growth believe that only they know, but the cheerful sisters choose to face it optimistically.

Carmen and Lupita are actively facing the difficulties in life, and gradually they have adapted to the conjoined life, but two people who are so inseparable will inevitably have bumps in life. The personalities of the two sisters are diametrically opposed, as they say,"

We are two people, not one with two heads on the body.

Carmen's personality is cheerful, very talkative, and likes to make friends, while Rupita is a calm and quiet personality; Carmen's academic performance is very good, while Lupita is mediocre in reading; Carmen likes to wear makeup, and Lupita prefers to go out with a plain face.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

Although Carmen and Lupita have such different personalities, one thing is the same: they both love their sisters who are closely connected to them. Parents who are always reluctant, in the process of growing up, inevitably mention the desire to let Carmen and Lupita sisters do separation surgery.

The level of medical care is improving, and they hope that one day they will be able to separate the sisters intact and start a new life. But whenever the surgery is mentioned, Carmen and Lupita are opposed, "Why cut us in half?" The two joked to dispel their parents' unrealistic expectations.

Growing up, Carmen and Lupita successfully entered the local school in the United States.

"Yes, we went to high school like everyone else. In fact, Nowavag is an agricultural school, which is what we want to be able to work with cattle in the future. We want to work as a herd manager, we want to go to a place where there are a lot of cattle, manage all the cows and people, and I want to be the boss. ”

As Carmen and Lupita say, they started a whole new life and had their own ideals and career plans. Cheerful personality, self-motivated mentality, super perseverance, so that Carmen and Lupita's future has all the possibilities.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

Carmen also learned to drive, and of course there were some small episodes in between. Carmen and Lupita's coaches were fathers, and only the father had the patience to teach his conjoined daughters again and again how to drive.

"Carmen wanted to get my driver's license as soon as possible so we could be more independent, but she drove and my father wouldn't allow me to drive because I could always hit something."

Lupita was completely unsure of her driving skills. The right leg was controlled by Carmen, and at first there were attempts to get Lupita to control the steering wheel and the sisters to control the steering wheel with one hand each, but all failed, and in the end Carmen could only drive and Lupita to play the turn signal.

In addition to that, Carmen and Lupita learned more. Not only are they content with life skills, they also learn to play the piano, and they can play it with all four hands, which is a cool thing to think about.

Carmen and Lupita have become completely accustomed to sharing a body, "As conjoined twins there are a lot of real life problems to face, but we start to accept what we are and who we are." We have to accept that we can never be separated, and we can never be an independent individual. ”

Although their daily lives are difficult in the eyes of outsiders, they are very calm to face themselves.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

Grateful for the great efforts of their parents, the Siamese sisters look forward to settling in the United States

But the biggest problem now facing the Carmen and Lupita families is the issue of permanent residency. They moved from Mexico to New Milford, Connecticut, at the age of two, where they live in middle-class families.

There are very few Hispanic families here, so they are still a little conspicuous. Carmen and Lupita sometimes pretended they didn't speak Spanish and wanted to fit in with the white community, but that didn't seem to work.

Although Carmen and Lupita's family are trying to do a good job of immigration, it is still difficult, and the family is trying to move forward in order for Carmen and Lupita to stay in the United States with better medical conditions.

In fact, both Carmen and Lupita knew that her mother missed her hometown and wanted to return to Mexico. Originally, the family had no plans to settle in the United States, but just wanted to return to Mexico after surgery. However, the surgery could not be done, they had to stay here, and the mother gave up plans to return home for carmen and Lupita.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

Carmen and Lupita said: "Mom never went back to Mexico, because if she went back, she would never come to the United States again, and she stayed here for us for 17 years.

We came to the U.S. on an emergency medical visa, and that state of affairs continues. Although we look healthy, we rely on American doctors to live like this. ”

Carmen and Lupita often have health problems, Carmen's uterus, spine, and Lupita's lungs have different degrees of problems. But the problem can not be solved, can only take medicine to maintain, because the risk of surgery is too large, no one can estimate.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

In this way, the parents of Carmen and Lupita, who originally wanted to enjoy medical care in the United States for a few weeks, can only stay in the United States day after day, year after year, and Carmen and Lupita's parents have been selflessly and regretlessly accompanying their daughter.

So much so that their mothers never saw their grandmothers after they left Mexico, and their fathers didn't even have the opportunity to give them one last trip.

Day-to-day treatment is already a grinding thing, and worse, Carmen and Lupita are unable to obtain status to be able to live in the United States permanently.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

Carmen and Lupita were able to stay in the United States because of a "medical moratorium" policy, which prevented Carmen and Lupita from being deported for the time being, but only for 12 months at a time, after which they had to apply again. There is no doubt that this complicated and repetitive work still falls on Carmen and Lupita's mother.

But this policy is only a project, not a law, and Carmen and Lupita have only temporary residency, but no permanent status. This means that once the policy is canceled, Carmen and Lupita will be deported at any time, which is still a problem for them.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

In 2020, Carmen and Lupita, who turned 19, left high school and successfully entered community college. They got a job on the dairy farm, and Carmen was about to take a driver's license. These trifles in life support their not-so-normal lives.

This year, the United States canceled the "medical moratorium" policy, the cancellation of the policy made their mother extremely nervous, she spent a lot of money to hire a lawyer, in order to solve the problem of her daughters' medical treatment, hoping to get a green card in the United States. However, every time I see a lawyer, the news I get is the same bad news.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each

In 2021, Carmen and Lupita will be able to attend community colleges, staying at school on Mondays and Tuesdays of the week. They are fully integrated into their current lives, and although the problem of immigration is a "sword" hanging over the heads of the whole family, "however, we will not let the immigration thing affect normal life." ”

Carmen and Lupita are always optimistic. This year, Carmen successfully obtained a driver's license, and the driving skills were affirmed by the examiner. Although the mother was worried that the police would come at any time and take them away and deport them, they hoped to stay in the United States with advanced medical care through the policy of suspending deportation.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each


If Carmen and Lupita were normal children, the family might now live happily in Mexico, not travel thousands of miles to the United States, living a life where they could be deported at any time. However, the love of parents for their children must be far-reaching, and the love of parents for their children is like this, gentle and strong, firm and brave.

Life is never smooth sailing, and every growth will inevitably be accompanied by pain. But whether life is good or bad, all we have to do is be as determined and courageous as Carmen and Lupita.

The "Siamese Sister Flower" was predicted to live for no more than 3 days, and now she is 21 years old, and the two control one leg each


Fu Yu, a 16-year-old Siamese sister in the United States who refuses to undergo separation surgery for fear of losing her "other half" (report) China Net, April 25, 2017