
Today's spring equinox | health care pay attention to these 4 points, so that your body and mind remain in good shape!

Today's spring equinox | health care pay attention to these 4 points, so that your body and mind remain in good shape!

today and vernal equine

The spring equinox, in ancient times, was also known as "day and night", "day and night equinox" and "mid-spring moon".

"Explanation of the Seventy-two Waiting Episodes of the Moon Order": "In the middle of February, the divider is half, and this is the half of the ninety days, so it is called the division." ”

The vernal equinox is one of the traditional twenty-four solar terms on the mainland. On this day, the balance of yin and yang, the equality of day and night, and the cold and temperature are half, so there is a saying that "the spring equinox, the yin and yang phase are half, so the day and night are equal and the cold and summer are flat".

The word "minute" conveys two meanings of the spring equinox: one refers to the equal division of day and night in a day, and the other refers to the equal division of spring (from spring to summer).

On the fourth day of the first half of spring, the spring color is in the middle.

——(Tang) Excerpt from Xu Xuan's "Spring Equinox Day"

Spring breeze and the south bank of the Green River, when will the bright moon shine on me?

——(Song) Anshi Wang Anshi 'Berthing Guazhou' excerpt

Today's spring equinox | health care pay attention to these 4 points, so that your body and mind remain in good shape!

There are three phenological phenomena during the vernal equinox:

A migratory bird to,

The second waiting for Lei Nai to speak,

Three waiting for the first electricity.

From the spring equinox onwards, the direct sun position gradually moves northward, and the days become longer and the nights become shorter. The severe cold has gone, the temperature has risen, the growth of all things has gradually become luxuriant, and the functional activities of the human body have also been strengthened. At this time, people should conform to the solar terms, live cautiously, avoid the wind and cold, adjust diet, exercise, etc., in order to maintain the balance of yin and yang of the human body.


Dress "thick under and thin on top"

The spring equinox belongs to the mid-spring, and the living can be observed in the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic" "Spring and March, this is called fa Chen." Heaven and earth are born, and all things are proud. Lie down at night and get up early, walk widely in the court, and wear your hair slowly to make Zhisheng. Born without killing, giving without taking, rewarding and not punishing" health principles. Clothing should be increased or decreased in a timely manner according to cold and heat, and it is appropriate to "lower thickness and thinness", so as to achieve "do not be cold, not too hot", and the clothes should be loose and soft to conform to the characteristics of spring hair stretching.

Spring is windy, the wind is yang evil, easy to attack the yang position; "the head is the meeting of the yang", so the head, face, neck is particularly susceptible to wind, which is also the main reason for cerebrovascular disease, cervical spondylosis, dizziness, headache and so on in the spring. It is recommended to wear a silk scarf or thin hat when going out to avoid the invasion of wind and cold evil.


Movement "internal and external harmony"

During the spring equinox, the yin and yang of nature are halves, and the movement should also be reconciled inside and outside. The daytime temperature is more suitable, and outdoor activities can be appropriately increased. Outdoor activities can improve cardiopulmonary function, increase the ability of cells to carry oxygen, and improve the metabolic function of the internal organs. You can choose from cycling, jogging, walking, yoga, jump rope, badminton and other sports. Outdoor exercise is as much as possible in the morning before the sun rises completely before sunset in the afternoon.

In the early morning and evening, you should try to choose indoor activities, and it is advisable to sweat slightly. Movement suggestions are mainly diastolic stretching, such as baduanjin, tai chi, etc. Patients with cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation and other diseases are recommended to move appropriately and do what they can, and avoid excessive or excessive curvature of the spine.


Diet "Cold and Heat Balance"

During the spring equinox, people should strive to neutralize their diet, maintain a balance between cold and heat, and avoid big cold and heat. As the temperature rises, the rain increases, and the humidity gradually increases, you can choose some foods with healthy spleen and dehumidification on weekdays. Such as barley, lentils, etc. can be water dehumidification, which is conducive to expelling moisture in the body and promoting water metabolism.

When cooking porridge, a small amount of poria, astragalus and yam can be placed, which can play a role in strengthening the qi and strengthening the spleen and dehumidifying. In addition, you can brew some roses, chrysanthemums and other flower teas, aroma open, comfortable gas machine.


Emotional "catharsis"

Due to the gradual activation of the internal organs and the changeable climate, the internal environment of the human body will also change, and the mood fluctuations are relatively large. At this time, we should pay special attention to our emotions, find reasonable ways to vent and express emotions, adjust our mentality in time, and adjust our spirits.

When maintaining a cheerful state of mind, pay attention to maintaining the balance of emotions, emotions should be vented, but also tempered, can not be out of control.

(Source: Healthy China)

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