
When netizens get married it becomes an economics

In the real world, if a woman accidentally entrusts a non-person, and the result evolves from a young girl to a married woman, and then quickly degenerates into a divorced youth, then at least in the eyes of the three sisters and six wives, the second half of this girl's life has been wasted for a long time - after all, not everyone has the ability of Zhang Youyi, pregnant and dumped by Xu Zhimo, and can also become a strong woman and make a windfall.

But if such a thing appears in the game world, then such a girl will most likely let people gossip with a little sour tone. Yes, her every game marriage will bring her a rich income, her value will also rise because of the points and combinations again and again, obviously countless cannon fodder in front, but there are a lot of blind men holding money to throw at her, such a "good life", how can not let those who want to find a "good brother" of the girls sour?

When netizens get married it becomes an economics

The world's first, perhaps not as good as a screw

Tell me about an old story from The Journey.

Players who have played "Journey" for a while may know a woman named "D", she is the symbol of "high society" in "Journey", and almost all the top celebrities of "Journey" have had a marriage with her in the game, including many local tycoons who almost divorced her and their real wives for her, only to laugh for the beauty.

Every time they get married, she and the different "he" around them vow to not give up on each other, even Qiong Yao may not be able to write such a fleshy text, and almost every wedding, people will find that her equipment has been upgraded again. In this marriage and divorce again and again, the top masters of the entire "Journey" have joined the camp of robbing her, so much so that someone once joked: "If you continue like this, the first master in the whole game will be her." ”

Is it true love or personal charm? Until one day, when one of the suitors was scolding another suitor, he broke the mystery: "In my eyes, she is not as valuable as a screw on the tire of my car." "Then why do you want to chase her?" "Have you ever asked yourself this question?" It is such a female trumpet that is not as good as "screw", but let the suitors who say this sentence smash five or six digits on her.

In every game, you will find a woman like D, and behind their "love story", maybe it really has nothing to do with love.

When netizens get married it becomes an economics

Why would I want to drink Starbucks

The answer to the question of "Why are men willing to give women money when they are stunned" is actually the same as "a cup of Starbucks costs two yuan and six cents, why am I willing to spend twenty-six dollars to drink it". Consumers do not care at all about the cost and value of the item itself, but only about the information behind it.

In the eyes of many advanced gamers, first of all, female players themselves are a rare resource in online games, and advanced and famous female players are rare goods, and having such a "rare goods" is itself an affirmation of their own strength and financial resources - this is your money, you will first think about whether to buy yourself a courtyard in the best part of Beijing, and then buy a Lamborghini is one thing. A person who is willing to buy LV will not calculate how much this cowhide should be worth, and in the same way, a local tycoon who is willing to spend a lot of money on the game girl and show his status will not care whether the girl herself can bring him a corresponding return - this is not an investment, but just a show off.

Under this logic, once a female player enters the vision of a high-level player of a game, it is easy to become the object of thousands of people to rob her, countless male players for her to show favor, and do not care about her level, equipment - anyway, these can be done with their own money, and even the more money is thrown on her, the more they can show their local temperament - even do not care whether the person behind the ID is "she".

According to normal logic, when encountering this kind of thing, the first reaction of female players may be "You guys are here to humiliate me, right?" "The plot of the eight-o'clock soap opera in which the heroine dumps the male protagonist with a face of money is certainly very pleasant, but once you become the protagonist, I am afraid that many people will choose to silently accept the banknote, and then happily spend it, and then wait for the next income, or the next gold lord."

Therefore, we may be able to look at those girls who repeatedly get married and divorced in the game, and each time the marriage begins or ends, they will be possessed by Qiong Yao, they are actually not addicted to the game of love as they say, but just want to find a reasonable excuse for themselves to show off to the world that they have found a gold lord.

Although I don't think I will do this, since people are willing to do it, no one has a loss except the wallet of the local tycoon, then we can't manage so much, can we?

When netizens get married it becomes an economics

It's not bad to break up well

The game marriage formed on the basis of this interest, once it comes to an end, will certainly provide all kinds of gossip material for dick viewers like us, but it is not a good thing for both parties (and occasionally there will be three parties or even more). You can replace a sign that can be shown off, and my warehouse can be filled with a batch of high-priced game props, and for the possible "third party", the sense of accomplishment of "snatching" a toy from a celebrity is beyond doubt. So whether they tore their faces and scratched each other's flesh and blood, deep down, they all knew that they were the beneficiaries. The kind of little naïve who want to count on seeing "professional marriage maniacs because of the pipa don't hug again and again, and everyone in the interpersonal circle will be offended, and finally leave a pair of high-quality equipment to sigh for a long night" The little naïve people at the end are still washing and sleeping, originally it was clear and naked silver goods, just because of the good looks on the face and wrapped in the coat of "true love", do you really take you seriously?

Hey, I said, are you still the kind of person who will indulge in the plot of "Cinderella meets the cool president and turns into a rich young grandmother"?

When netizens get married it becomes an economics

For many players, game love is a precious encounter that cannot be sought, many people meet in the virtual world, and eventually go to the real world, and such a lucky person often has nothing to do with those marriage maniacs and her gold lords.

If a game is long enough, then maybe while your kids are already doing their daily routines, her romance drama is still enriching the daily gossip material of a server player. Their love is fictional, their love is real, and even in online marriage, they have their own principles.

Perhaps those friends who regard marriage as a profession will have the opportunity to see this scene and really ask themselves who is happier. Maybe it's then that their careers will come to an end.

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