
Twenty-four solar terms and the "kite" | laborers

The twenty-four solar terms are specific festivals in the calendar that indicate the change of natural rhythms and determine the "December construction", which contains a long cultural connotation and historical accumulation, and is an important part of the history and culture of the Chinese nation.

Today is the spring equinox festival, Xiao Wu has carefully made a "marquee", let us follow the solar terms, feel the changes of nature and time.

Twenty-four solar terms and the "kite" | laborers

The spring equinox

A little afternoon takes you to know a non-hereditary heir

Let's hear about his "Kite Adventure"

On the fourth day of the first half of spring, the spring color is in the middle. Children return from school early and are busy taking advantage of the east wind to release paper kites. At the spring equinox of peach and plum white, the sun is just right, and all kinds of kites flying in the air are like swallows returning one by one, stepping on the spring wind and greeting spring.

Speaking of kites, Yang Liping, the inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage project Zayan kite, excitedly gushed, "I have loved kites since I was a child, but to say that I have to get involved with kites, I have to start from 1996. It was also the spring equinox, and I took my children to the Temple of Heaven Park to fly kites. At that time, I had seen any decent kites, a few bamboo sticks, a thin piece of paper, pasted together, tied to a thin line, and it became. I didn't expect to meet Mr. Fei Baoling, a master of Chinese arts and crafts, that day. The brightly colored and novelly shaped Zayan kite in his hand suddenly entered my heart. I thought at the time, if I don't do anything else in the second half of my life, just do this! In 2003, he officially paid homage to Mr. Pauling as a teacher in the Industrial and Art Industry Association, and since then, he has plunged into the world of Zayan kites for 20 years.

Twenty-four solar terms and the "kite" | laborers

"Countries and regions have their own representative kites, and the Zayan kite is the representative of Beijing." The spring equinox is a migratory bird to, a bird, a bird, and a swallow. Chinese craftsmen creatively applied the anthropomorphic method to the kite, giving it a personality while retaining the characteristics of the swallow's shape, and creating the zayan kite. The common swallow kites include fat swallows that are as strong as men, thin swallows that are as strong as ladies, and more than wing swallows that are loving like husband and wife, as well as young swallows, small swallows and semi-thin swallows that represent the three growth nodes of infants, children and youth. Before writing, we must think about the image of the character, and the swallows drawn have a soul and be vivid. When making, the ratio is very important, fat swallow 1:7, chick swallow 1:5... If you want to fly in the blue sky, you must skillfully use structural mechanics and aerodynamics, hold the strength well, and every place is exquisite, which is a heritage. "

Twenty-four solar terms and the "kite" | laborers

Yang Liping said that his daughter has been interested in handicrafts since she was a child, and when she was in college, she also represented the school to participate in international cultural exchanges because of her excellent paper-cutting skills. Speaking of her daughter, Yang Liping was full of pride, "She, like me, is also like being pushed by a magical force, and she has entered this circle." Today, my daughter is engaged in paper-cutting related work in Haidian District and is also a non-hereditary inheritor.

Twenty-four solar terms and the "kite" | laborers

Around the spring equinox, Yang Liping's Zayan kite interest class at Qinghe Middle School also began, "I hope that my course can make more children like this traditional skill unique to old Beijing and carry forward the Zayan kite." "This spring, he will take the students here to understand the kite culture, learn to make a kite, and pass on the traditional skills."

Producer: Golden Seagull

Photo: Chen Yi

Poster: Zhao Zimo

Editor: Liu Yajing

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