
iPhone with a new battery, can be used for two more years, why rarely hear about Android phones to replace the battery?

People often say that Apple's iPhone is durable, and can generally be used for 3-5 years. In fact, behind the durability of the iPhone is inseparable from a key factor: after a certain cycle, it is necessary to replace the mobile phone with a new battery, and it is possible to persist for 5 years.

iPhone with a new battery, can be used for two more years, why rarely hear about Android phones to replace the battery?

Take the iPhone6s, no matter how strong the hardware performance of this phone is, if the battery life is not good, it is simply impossible to use 5 years. Therefore, after the iPhone is replaced with a new battery, it can be used for two more years on the basis of the original.

iPhone with a new battery, can be used for two more years, why rarely hear about Android phones to replace the battery?

However, in real life, have you often heard people say to replace your Android phone with a new battery and then let your Android phone use it for two or three more years? Nothing, right? Frankly, I've rarely heard of anyone changing the battery of an Android phone. So, what is the contrast between Android phones and Apple iPhones? I combed through it, and there are three possibilities.

The first possibility: Android mobile phone replacement frequency is fast, spend money to replace the battery of the old model is not cost-effective

Compared with the annual replacement frequency of Apple's iPhone, in fact, Android phones have more choices and faster frequency of replacement. That is to say, the number of Android mobile phone manufacturers is large, such as domestic brands such as Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, vivo and glory. In addition, some brands also have sub-brands, and the number of new machines launched every year is indeed too much.

iPhone with a new battery, can be used for two more years, why rarely hear about Android phones to replace the battery?

In such a situation, Android users have a wide range of room to choose Android phones. Even if you encounter the phenomenon that the battery life of the mobile phone is not good, you will not consider replacing the new battery and then let the old model insist on using it for two or three years. Moreover, the adoption strategy of Android mobile phones in terms of new technologies is still quite aggressive, and old Android machines will soon be eliminated.

The second possibility: a thousand yuan Android mobile phone one or two years to change a new one, Android flagship machine three years to change a new machine

For Android users, if it was a mobile phone that cost one or two thousand yuan at that time, its practical use of 1-2 years is enough. Therefore, even if the battery life is reduced during use, they will not consider changing the battery. After all, the cheap Android phone, after two years of replacement is more in line with the actual phenomenon. If it was an Android flagship machine that was bought at a high price, in fact, the use logic was similar to that of the thousand yuan machine, but the use cycle increased.

iPhone with a new battery, can be used for two more years, why rarely hear about Android phones to replace the battery?

In other words, suppose you spend more than 5,000 yuan to buy an Android phone, according to the hardware performance of the phone, it can be used for at least 3 years or more. If after 3 years, your Android phone has insufficient battery life, the first reaction must be to consider replacing the new machine. Because driven by consumer consumption inertia, the replacement of new machines is far more comfortable than the replacement of batteries.

The third possibility: the iteration of the iOS system version is relatively stable, and the overall price of Apple's iPhone is higher than that of Android phones

People who use Apple mobile phones, if they encounter a situation where the battery life becomes worse, the first thing they think of is to replace the battery.

This practice can actually be understood:

First, the stability of the iOS system is too strong, although the iteration of the iOS system version is also very frequent, but the change between versions is not very large. This will make people feel that with the old iPhone and the new iPhone, there is a difference in the performance experience, but there is no significant difference.

iPhone with a new battery, can be used for two more years, why rarely hear about Android phones to replace the battery?

Second, the overall price of Apple's mobile phone is higher than that of Android mobile phones, and the user's replacement cost is also high. Therefore, many people's attitude to the iPhone is to continue to use it if it can be used. However, people's attitude towards Android phones is that they can replace new phones without replacing new batteries, because the cost of replacing the phone is lower.


When the battery life of Apple's iPhone and Android phones has declined, it is interesting that consumers have a very different attitude towards it. However, no matter what, I think it is inseparable from the above three possible reasons. Guys, do you agree with me? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and discuss it together.

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