
The Pingyu County Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Conference was held

author:Phoenix Sky

On March 18, the Pingyu County Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Conference was held at the County Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters. Zhao Feng, vice chairman of the Zhumadian Municipal COMMITTEE of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and secretary of the Pingyu County CPC Committee, Cheng Wenke, deputy secretary of the county party committee, and Ma Lin, deputy county magistrate, attended the meeting.

The Pingyu County Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Conference was held

The meeting conveyed the spirit of the central, provincial and municipal epidemic prevention and control work conference; reported on the recent development of epidemic prevention and control in the county; listened to the work reports of each special class of the county epidemic prevention and control emergency command, analyzed the current epidemic situation, and arranged for the deployment of normalized epidemic prevention and control work.

The Pingyu County Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Conference was held

Zhao Feng demanded that the current situation of epidemic prevention and control is grim, and the whole county must attach great importance to it, earnestly improve ideological understanding, strictly follow the provincial and municipal epidemic prevention and control deployment, and conscientiously implement all work; we must strictly follow the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control guidelines and disposal plans, sort out item by item, establish a work account, and effectively implement all aspects of epidemic prevention and control; we must continue to do a good job in vaccination work, make every effort to promote vaccines to strengthen vaccination, build a strong immunization barrier for the whole people, and form a strong joint force for mass prevention and mass governance.

Zhao Feng stressed that it is necessary to strictly enforce the discipline of epidemic prevention and control work, firmly adhere to the bottom line of epidemic prevention and control, continue to do a good job in nucleic acid screening, the construction of centralized isolation points, etc., detect and cut off the epidemic infection route as soon as possible, and continuously weave a tightly woven epidemic prevention and control network; it is necessary to firmly grasp the entry and exit card points, and conscientiously do a good job in information registration, body temperature detection, code scanning, nucleic acid testing, etc.; we must continue to strengthen the control of key places and key personnel, do a solid job in information flow investigation, improve emergency plans, and ensure that emergencies are responded to and reported at the first time 3. Deal with it at the first time, resolutely protect the people's life, health and safety, and go all out to complete the task of epidemic prevention and control.

The Pingyu County Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Conference was held

After the meeting, Zhao Feng and his party came to the Pingyu County Welfare Center, the New Area of the CDC, the New Campus of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and the General Airport to conduct field research on the establishment of the cabin hospital and the site selection of the isolation point, and conducted in-depth research with relevant departments on the current project planning and construction.

The Pingyu County Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Conference was held

(Source: Voice of Pingyu Photo: Hu Bin Liu Shupeng)


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