
DNF: Level 110 "Overhaul", new "Damage Increase" entry, national service feature SS level enhancement

The National Costume Double Supreme Kryptonite prop was severely diluted in the 110 version. Mainly because many of the terms are gone in the 110 version, in response to this phenomenon, Hanbok has been revised, and the detailed treatment is as follows: the yellow character increases, the white word increases, the explosion increases, the final damage increases, the three attacks increase, and directly becomes the damage increase. In the past, the white word yellow word would be diluted, but now it will not, directly increasing the damage. The algorithm has long been counted. The old term is basically equal to nothing. So the new term was added for the featured product. In the future, this pet will look directly at the level of the new entry. Old entries are useless.

DNF: Level 110 "Overhaul", new "Damage Increase" entry, national service feature SS level enhancement

DNF: Level 110 "Overhaul", new "Damage Increase%" entry,

First, the revised algorithm. The 110 entry is Damage Increase, and now adds a "Damage Increase%" entry to the commercial feature. Suppose 10,000 damage increases, and titles have a 10% increase in damage entry, that is, 11,000. That is to say, commercial features can also increase the damage value of the 110 version of the equipment, right? According to the Hanbok algorithm, these new entries can be used as a technical attack, but I don't know if the national costume will be reduced by half, if you copy the Hanbok, the light double supreme bonus becomes 60%.

DNF: Level 110 "Overhaul", new "Damage Increase" entry, national service feature SS level enhancement

National service features SS level enhancement

Second, the purpose of this revision. In order to preserve the value of the national service characteristics and directly strengthen it, the way is to add the attributes of the new entry, that is to say, the feature adds this new entry for 110, which is still much stronger than ordinary. The original logic of the 110 version of Hanbok planning to revise the version is as follows: after the original 110 version, the gap between ordinary and supreme is narrowed, and in order to maintain the gap between the 100 version, the entry enhancement is carried out, but now it is counterproductive.

DNF: Level 110 "Overhaul", new "Damage Increase" entry, national service feature SS level enhancement

"Dungeon and Warrior's Little Raider Junai Talks About Game E-sports" No. 541 "DNF: Level 110 "Major Revision", new "Damage Increase%" entry, National Service FeatureS Level Enhancement", in theory, is compared with the present no change, if now than the ordinary "much stronger", it is indeed 110 is also "much stronger". The promotion is exactly the same, the commercial content of the planning includes the title of pet or something, and the promotion is to be the same as the original. The planner's requirements when making plans are the same as the original. The old rules to get faster, directly on the actual test screenshot of the revision of this Hanbok:

DNF: Level 110 "Overhaul", new "Damage Increase" entry, national service feature SS level enhancement

Note: The above content is purely the personal opinion of Xiao Raider Jun, and the views have nothing to do with the platform! The article is original, the picture source network, if there is infringement, please contact the author to delete. Reproduction without permission is prohibited! Like the player can like the attention, every day there is a new game information and skills, every night around 10 o'clock, unified reply to the player's message and questions! The next few issues of the preview are the Spring Festival version and the detailed explanation of the level 110 dungeon brick moving and upgrading, interested players please pay attention.

DNF: Level 110 "Overhaul", new "Damage Increase" entry, national service feature SS level enhancement

Summary: The terms with the characteristics of the national service were changed to old entries + new entries, and the overall improvement rate was consistent with the current version.

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