
The Chinese men's football team arrived in the United Arab Emirates, and assistant coach Sun Jihai spoke out, hoping that the fans would treat the national football team like relatives

On March 19, Beijing time, not long ago, the players of the Chinese men's football team have officially arrived in the United Arab Emirates, at this time they need to face the last two games of the world preliminary round of the top 12, although the current national football team has no hope of qualifying, but they can at least learn some experience and lessons in these international competitions. And because the recent national football team is under great pressure, many people in the entertainment industry are complaining about the national football team, which also led to the national football team did not get much support for this expedition, seeing this situation, the assistant coach of the national football team Sun Jihai also could not help but stand up and speak out.

The Chinese men's football team arrived in the United Arab Emirates, and assistant coach Sun Jihai spoke out, hoping that the fans would treat the national football team like relatives

Sun Jihai, as a former member of the Chinese men's football team, once represented the Chinese men's football team in the only official World Cup match, and Sun Jihai once played for Manchester City, and his career resume can be described as very rich. Although Sun Jihai has long retired, he still has hopes for the national football team and has become the head coach of the national football team. The recent pressure on the national football team has also made Sun Jihai feel very annoyed, so he also accepted an interview with the media, and in the interview talked about some of his thoughts on the current Chinese men's football team.

The Chinese men's football team arrived in the United Arab Emirates, and assistant coach Sun Jihai spoke out, hoping that the fans would treat the national football team like relatives

Sun Jihai first showed that the current national team is still under a lot of pressure, and hopes that more fans can care about and support Chinese football. He also introduced his work in the national team, in fact, mainly to cooperate with the coaching staff to do some preparatory work, he also insisted that the entire coaching staff is very united. And when Sun Jihai was asked what the current level of national football has declined and the performance is not satisfactory, Sun Jihai is still beginning to maintain the national football team, he believes that the decline in the level of national football is related to the current domestic situation, which is also a no way to do things.

The Chinese men's football team arrived in the United Arab Emirates, and assistant coach Sun Jihai spoke out, hoping that the fans would treat the national football team like relatives

But to be honest, Sun Jihai's interview this time is often used ambiguous answers, when asked what goals for the next two games of the national football team, he only said that the national football team will give everyone a satisfactory answer. Asked if it would give the young players more opportunities, Sun Jihai said that these were only decided by the team together, and it is not easy to say now. These official answers do not contain any gold at all, and can only say that Sun Jihai, as an assistant coach, really does not have much courage and confidence to tell fans some truth.

The Chinese men's football team arrived in the United Arab Emirates, and assistant coach Sun Jihai spoke out, hoping that the fans would treat the national football team like relatives

But in the end, Sun Jihai was still lyrical, he said a sentence that many people could not believe, he felt that Chinese fans should care for and love Chinese football, just like parents treat their children, simply like treating Chinese football like relatives. I believe that no Chinese fan can do this, which is why Sun Jihai's words seem so absurd and ridiculous. If it was possible for Chinese fans to treat Chinese football like their loved ones, there really aren't any fans who can do that now.

The Chinese men's football team arrived in the United Arab Emirates, and assistant coach Sun Jihai spoke out, hoping that the fans would treat the national football team like relatives

Because the Chinese men's football team has really brought too much disappointment and even despair to the fans over the years, all the fans who liked and even loved Chinese football from the beginning were disheartened in the end, and everyone chose not to believe in Chinese football anymore. This is also why more and more people on the Internet have complained about the Chinese men's football team since this time, and these fans also like Chinese football at the beginning, but in the end they only turned against each other because the performance of the Chinese men's football team was too poor. Therefore, if Sun Jihai's wish wants to be realized, if fans really care about Chinese football, first of all, the national football team must come up with good results.

The Chinese men's football team arrived in the United Arab Emirates, and assistant coach Sun Jihai spoke out, hoping that the fans would treat the national football team like relatives

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