
2-year-old girls have 6 "live worms" in their eyes, and the reason is very common, and children at home should pay attention

author:Companion log

On the day that the second dragon looked up in February, Ms. Sheng cut the hair of her 1-year-old and 11-month-old daughter, and after cutting it, she wanted to check whether there was any hair crumbs in the child's eyes, but she accidentally found that there was something white in her daughter's eyes moving.

Ms. Sheng was shocked and quickly took her daughter to the hospital for treatment, and as a result, the doctor clipped 6 white and thin bugs from her daughter's eyes.

These bugs have been tested to be conjunctival sucking nematodes.

2-year-old girls have 6 "live worms" in their eyes, and the reason is very common, and children at home should pay attention

The doctor told Ms. Sheng that most of this parasite is parasitic in the eyes of cats and dogs, and occasionally parasitizes in the eyes of other animals such as humans or rabbits, relying on the absorption of nutrients and desquamation proteins in tear fluid to grow, if you stay in the child's eyes for too long, repeated friction will cause damage to the child's cornea, and even affect vision.

Ms. Sheng then remembered that when the New Year took her daughter back to the grandmother's house in the countryside for the New Year, the grandmother's family had a puppy, the country dog was more extensive, may not have done the necessary deworming treatment, the daughter often played with the puppy, which caused the infection.

The doctor reminded Ms. Sheng that the child's awareness of protection is relatively poor, and children must be particularly careful when they contact pets in the future.

2-year-old girls have 6 "live worms" in their eyes, and the reason is very common, and children at home should pay attention

This also gives other parents a wake-up call, whether they have a pet at home, or take their children outside to encounter a pet, they should pay special attention to avoid similar unnecessary trouble.

Many people say that children at home do not have pets, in fact, there is no need to be so absolute, there may be some risks in raising pets, but there are also studies that show that pets are good for the growth of children.

1. Promote the development of children's immune system

Researchers in Sweden tracked data from more than 1,300 children and found that children with pets at home were less likely to develop asthma, eczema and seasonal allergies than children who grew up in pet-free households.

In other words, frequent contact with pets can improve the child's immunity to a certain extent.

2-year-old girls have 6 "live worms" in their eyes, and the reason is very common, and children at home should pay attention

2. Cultivate children's sense of responsibility

Let children participate in pet raising, by helping to clean up pet toys, bathing and feeding pets, etc., can cultivate and improve children's sense of responsibility. —Faye de Muyscondt, an American social skills expert

In many families, pets are also a member of the family, parents boldly let go, some of the work of taking care of pets to the child to complete, let the child in this process to pay energy and effort, experience the sense of achievement, but also improve the child's sense of responsibility as a family member.

2-year-old girls have 6 "live worms" in their eyes, and the reason is very common, and children at home should pay attention

3. It is conducive to children developing a sound personality

Research from the University of Belfast in the United Kingdom shows that children with pets are more confident and less likely to develop autism and depression.

Pets are also a kind of companion for children's growth, which can reduce loneliness, enrich children's lives, and let children harvest happiness.

However, there are some risks associated with owning pets.

For example, scratches, bites, inducement or spread of skin ringworm, toxoplasmosis, parrot fever or other parasites caused by diseases, so there are pets at home, parents must do the following work.

1. Do a good job in deworming and vaccination of pets

Do not take chances, especially if you have children at home, you must do a good job in deworming and vaccination work to eliminate hidden dangers.

Usually pay attention to the cleanliness and health of pets, if the pet has uncomfortable places, take the pet to the doctor in time to avoid transmitting the disease to the child.

2-year-old girls have 6 "live worms" in their eyes, and the reason is very common, and children at home should pay attention

2. Try to keep docile pets and teach children to get along with pets

If you have children at home, try to choose a docile pet.

Pets are more or less aggressive, we should tell children which behaviors may anger pets, avoid doing these behaviors, so as not to be attacked by pets, and teach children to distinguish the signs of pet anger and the correct countermeasures.

2-year-old girls have 6 "live worms" in their eyes, and the reason is very common, and children at home should pay attention

3. Pay special attention to the child's hygiene

After the child and the pet come into contact, do a good job of basic cleaning, especially the hands, to avoid unnecessary infection caused by bacteria and viruses carried by the pet.

If you are taking a child to see a pet outside, try not to let the child get close, on the one hand, unfamiliar pets will be more aggressive to people, on the other hand, the health status and epidemic prevention status of dogs we do not understand, especially some stray dogs, the probability of infection with parasites is greater.

Although pets are cute, protection should be in place, whether it is their own pets or pets seen outside, as parents, they must carefully take care of their children and cannot have a fluke mentality.