
The best in the league to win overtime The Lakers veteran experience has become a valuable asset in the key period

On March 19, Beijing time, the Los Angeles Lakers defeated the Toronto Raptors 128-123 in overtime, stopping their three-game losing streak. After winning this victory, the Lakers consolidated their position in the West and also solidified the team's winning record this season.

The best in the league to win overtime The Lakers veteran experience has become a valuable asset in the key period

According to the data, the Lakers have scored a total of 9 overtime games this season, and their record in the long-term game is 7 wins and 2 losses, which is the team with the most overtime wins in the league.

The best in the league to win overtime The Lakers veteran experience has become a valuable asset in the key period

Of the 29 teams in the league except the Lakers, none have won more than four games in overtime this season.

Combined with the previous data, the Lakers ranked tenth in the league in the final quarter net win score, compared to their performance in the first three quarters, the Lakers' offensive and defensive efficiency in the last quarter was the most outstanding in the whole game.

The best in the league to win overtime The Lakers veteran experience has become a valuable asset in the key period

Although the average age of the Lakers' players this season is the highest in the league, it has even been jokingly called the "Sunset Red" team. But it is undeniable that when they encounter key goals, especially in the critical period of scoring, the experience of the players can prevent them from making fewer mistakes, which is also a valuable asset for the team.

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