
The NBA's top 5 most talented stars in the past 20 years, Warcraft ranks at the bottom of Duncan No. 3

In the past 20 years, the NBA has produced many superstars after the new century, but if they can become superstars, their talents will not be bad. In the NBA, there is no shortage of talent monsters, if you can't cash in on your talent, everything is empty talk, here you can refer to Auden. So who are the most talented stars in the past 20 years, Xiaobian gave his own answer.

The NBA's top 5 most talented stars in the past 20 years, Warcraft ranks at the bottom of Duncan No. 3

5 – Howard

Warcraft can only be at the bottom, you know that this list is a big god. Howard's static and dynamic talents are good, as a center, he can run and jump, has full strength, has a long arm span, and is also a 20+10+2 data at the peak, and it is also an attack and defense. It's just that Howard is a little shorter as the No. 5 position, and his height of 2 meters 08 is still not satisfactory. But if he can be 5cm taller, then the achievement is far more than that, and he will not lose the selection of the 75 top stars.

The NBA's top 5 most talented stars in the past 20 years, Warcraft ranks at the bottom of Duncan No. 3

4 – Durant

Durant's talent is grossly underestimated, Auden's success is accidental, and Durant's success is inevitable. A 2m 08 outside line with dribbling and shooting from defenders. There is also the arm span and height of the inner line, which is a dimensionality reduction blow at the 3rd position. His sense of the ball, his shots, his dribbling, that's really perfect, and now even if he's seriously injured, he's still killing everyone on the offensive end. Without such a super talent, Durant would not be so fierce after the Achilles tendon injury, and he is also the only star in history who can still be so brave after the Achilles tendon injury.

The NBA's top 5 most talented stars in the past 20 years, Warcraft ranks at the bottom of Duncan No. 3

3 – Duncan

Duncan's talent is there for all to see, and as the No. 4 he's really perfect. His height and arm span are just right in the 4th position, the ball quotient is extremely high, the position is strong, and his defense is always in the right place. Before he was seriously injured, he was the same way of flying, and "Wake Forest Flying Devil" was not a casual name. It is with this talent that Duncan can play steadily for 19 years, and he is a heavenly being in the same position.

The NBA's top 5 most talented stars in the past 20 years, Warcraft ranks at the bottom of Duncan No. 3

2 – James

"Chosen Son" is not a waste of time, James is beyond expectation to cash in on his talent. He can play 1 to the number on the field, and the defense is all over the field, which is the embodiment of talent. Whether it's static or dynamic talent, James is top, especially injury resistance, that's really the top in history. Originally, the talent was good and the discipline was particularly self-disciplined, which became the second only existence to Jordan.

The NBA's top 5 most talented stars in the past 20 years, Warcraft ranks at the bottom of Duncan No. 3

1 – O'Neill

At the top of the list is that O'Neill has no suspense, after all, it is "there is Joe to choose Joe, no Joe to choose shark". O'Neal is the perfect presence in the center, you can think of everything, he is at the top level. As an interior lineman, the athleticism of a defender is rare, as well as a body that is almost uninjured. At his peak, he was invincible, and he could become the only 100-point god in 2K games, and you know how insoluble O'Neill is.

The NBA's top 5 most talented stars in the past 20 years, Warcraft ranks at the bottom of Duncan No. 3

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