
Senior Ukrainian official: If China provides military assistance to Russia, it will trigger three wars, and China's approach will reassure the world

author:Road observation

If China enters the war, it will trigger a world war? The horrific remarks made by senior Ukrainian officials reflect the concerns of the entire West, and China's approach reassures the world.

According to relevant media sources, the current russian-Ukrainian fierce war is in full swing, Ukraine suddenly has a high-ranking official issued a shocking remark, on the 15th, the secretary of the Ukrainian Defense and Security Committee Danilov publicly declared that if China provides military assistance to Russia, the third world war will be inevitable.

Senior Ukrainian official: If China provides military assistance to Russia, it will trigger three wars, and China's approach will reassure the world

In this regard, we can only say that Danilov was really fooled and lame by the West, and now Russia has not made a full effort to Ukraine, especially the main force of the air force has not been taken out, Ukraine can persist until now it is a miracle, if China really provides any military assistance to Russia, I am afraid that at the end of February, the Russian army can confront NATO on the Ubo-Polish border, where is the turn to speak here?

Of course, Danilov said this kind of words we are not surprised, since the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the West because of Russia's influence in the global oil and gas market, has been deeply trapped in the pressure of rising energy prices, but the West itself can not make Russia withdraw troops, had to pin on China, in recent times the United States, Britain, France, Germany and other countries have repeatedly contacted China, coercion and inducement, is to hope that China can try to persuade Russia to withdraw troops, but China considers this Russian-Ukrainian conflict, in essence, Russia was forced out by NATO. To solve the problem, we must start from Russia's demand for national security, plus as of now, the Russian military's actions have not developed to the point of targeting Ukrainian civilians, and the target is still dominated by Ukrainian Nazi forces, which is still within the controllable range, so China has not been shaken by Western coercion and inducement.

Seeing that China was not on the same page, the United States thought of a way, such as national security adviser Sullivan and others, began to frequently release Chinese support for Russia to go to war, and even claimed that Russia requested military assistance from China. At the same time, the US side has frequently made "three wars" warnings, which has intensified the situation again, and now Danilov's remarks are almost the same as those of the US side, and it is obvious that they have been fooled by the United States.

Senior Ukrainian official: If China provides military assistance to Russia, it will trigger three wars, and China's approach will reassure the world

Will China's participation in the war really break out of the "three wars"? In fact, on the contrary, China's participation in the war, the possibility of the outbreak of the "three wars" is extremely small, and the reason why the US side took the lead in releasing such rumors is because they are afraid that China will really participate in the war. If the PLA really enters the war, NATO will only be more afraid to respond to the war, but out of face, the United States must take the lead in imposing sanctions on China - which is tantamount to suicide for the United States.

We just mentioned that because of the sanctions on Russia, the Western oil and gas prices have risen to a mess, in this case, if the West to Russia sanctions package to China also come to a certain extent, China will certainly be affected, but with China's impact on the global manufacturing industry, Western inflation will certainly intensify to an unprecedented height, originally in recent years, the Western economy is generally weak, and then affected by such an impact, the West is bound to collapse soon, the United States depends on the dollar will not be able to buy goods because of money, In the end, it collapsed, and then China and Russia would slowly harvest the West.

Ukrainians don't understand this, but China and the West understand it, so the United States is very worried, in order to prevent China from really participating in the war, so it came up with the threat of "three wars".

Senior Ukrainian official: If China provides military assistance to Russia, it will trigger three wars, and China's approach will reassure the world

But the West has underestimated China too much, and it is true that China has not sanctioned Russia, but that is because China knows Russia's bitterness, and Russia chose to go to war because it was forced to retreat by NATO, which continues to expand eastward. But this does not mean that China believes that war is a good thing, as we all know, China has always demanded peace negotiations, and at a time when NATO is trying to avoid war, the Russian military has more than enough to clean up Ukraine, and there is no need for China's help.

Therefore, at least from the current situation, the possibility of Chinese military aid to Russia is actually not very large, and the shocking remarks of the US side are just alarmist remarks with ulterior motives. However, considering that because of the deception of the United States and represented by Danilov, I am afraid that many people in the West have begun to worry about China's real military aid to Russia. In this regard, in recent phone calls and meetings with representatives of various countries, as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China has made it clear that China's attitude toward the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is consistent, emphasizing peaceful negotiations between all parties and respecting the legitimate concerns of all parties on security issues. That is to say, although China does not participate in the sanctions against Russia, in China's position, peace is always the highest demand, that is, China will not easily intervene in a war. Such an approach, I believe, can also make the world feel at ease.

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