
The first training of the national football team has resumed as the main focus, and the run-in front combination has become the focus

On the evening of March 18, Beijing time, the Chinese men's football team conducted its first outdoor training after arriving in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. However, due to the fatigue of the boat and the impact of jet lag, the whole team only underwent simple recovery training.

According to the schedule, the national football team will play Saudi Arabia and Oman in the last two matches of the World Preliminary Round of 12 in Asia, respectively, on March 24 and 29. At present, the national football team, which has only 5 points, has determined that it will not qualify for the Qatar World Cup.

Jiang Guangtai returned to the team

The national football team and the national Olympic team arrived in the UAE in the early morning of the 18th, all the personnel of the two teams kept a distance from outsiders after landing, and all the service personnel and staff of the hotel where they stayed carried out a nucleic acid test on the 16th, including the bus driver who picked up and dropped off the team, and also had to check into the hotel in advance for testing, thus forming a closed loop.

The first training of the national football team has resumed as the main focus, and the run-in front combination has become the focus

In addition, according to the requirements of the Chinese delegation, the hotel also divides the floors in the elevator, that is, the four elevators in the hotel, and the team and the football association work team have special elevators, which are all separated from the floors where the bus driver and the hotel service staff live, in order to ensure the safety of the members of the Chinese delegation to the greatest extent.

In order to cooperate with the whole team to implement the closed-loop epidemic prevention regulations, Jiang Guangtai, the only naturalized player of the national football team, has received two nucleic acid tests before the whole team arrives in the UAE and passed the test. By the time the Chinese team arrived at the station hotel, Jiang Guangtai had already arrived early and successfully passed the physical examination of the national football team. On the evening of the 18th, Jiang Guangtai also participated normally.

As for Li Lei, he will participate in the Swiss grasshopper against Basel league on the 20th, and then rush to Sharjah to meet the national football team.

The focus is on running into the front

The personnel are basically in place, and the national football team will continue to run into the formation in the next few days, especially the front line, which is the focus of the team's preparation.

Judging from the 25-man roster of the national football team this time, the biggest problem of the team is the frontcourt. According to the current 343 formation, among the 7 starting places in the defensive line and midfield position, the candidate players are as high as 16, and the choice is larger, while in the 3 starting positions on the attack end, there are only 6 candidate players, they are Dai Weijun, Zhang Xizhe, Jin Jingdao, Liu Binbin, Tan Long and Zhang Yuning. Among them, there are actually only two Zhengyin forwards, namely Zhang Yuning and Tan Long. Of the two, only Zhang Yuning belongs to the main player, and Tan Long was also injured in the warm-up match with the national Olympic team before the expedition.

The first training of the national football team has resumed as the main focus, and the run-in front combination has become the focus

According to the current preparation of the national football team, in the absence of injuries, the team will most likely use the new combination of Zhang Yuning, Dai Weijun and Liu Binbin at the offensive end. But how effective this combination is, need to be marked with a question mark. After all, Dai Weijun played in the midfield position in Shenzhen, and his technical characteristics are good passing awareness and a certain confrontation ability, but the speed and impact are average. Placing Dai Weijun in the front court is, in a sense, more suitable for the tactics of playing defensive counterattacks.

In this regard, Dai Weijun said: "I hope that when there is a ball to attack, I will put pressure on the opponent through my own running position, reception, and passing. Hope to score his first national team goal in the last two games.

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